BIG BROTHER – 9/9/11

September 9th, 2011 | 7 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Well, tonight is when we will find out who the Final 3 are and see portions of Part 1 of the Final HOH, which is going to be an endurance competition in which I’m sure Rachel will win. But, we have to wait and see and sit through 45 minutes of nothingness to get to that point.

The episode starts off with Adam explaining that he didn’t use the Veto to finally show that he was choosing sides and that he was rolling with Rachel and Jordan to Final 3. He’ll later go back on this, but what else were we expecting from the lackluster half of the duo “Pretty Boy & Jew.”

And, then we get Jordan explaining that she voted for Kalia to stay as a strategic move for herself so that she could tell Kalia that she never went back on her word and hopefully get her Jury Vote if she ends up making the Final 2. Rachel didn’t seem too pleased about it, but from everything I’ve heard Rachel already knew Jordan was going to do that, so the unnecessary drama on the show wasn’t warranted. It was just acting, which most of the show has become. Seriously, how bad do the houseguests sound in their confessionals? It is so evidently apparent that they are reading off of a script the same way they do when they give the pre-speech before Veto ceremonies and Nomination ceremonies. Big Brother really thinks they’re Big Brother.

Next, we get genius Porsche explaining why she didn’t perform well in the HOH competition. Ohhhh, it was because you weren’t a good “Reading Comprehension” student. I remember those classes. Oh wait, you kind of had to read something to comprehend what you were reading. The HOH competition had to do with things you heard, not read. I think we all knew you weren’t a good “Reading Comprehension” student, but now we also know you were just an overall poor student. Hey, nothing wrong with that, you’re living the life right now, and I’ve always been a big proponent of how school doesn’t really matter anymore these days with people making a living do the most inane things you’ve never needed school for, anyways, so don’t fret. I wish I was stupid and rich. I’d take that over intelligent and pissed off that nobody can see that I’m smart enough to be better than what I am now.

Porsche and Adam have a discussion about how it would be great to have two newbies in the finals, so that the Jury has to vote on this season’s performance and not on past ‘celebrity’ status that the veterans have in the eyes of some of the newbies. I have to say that I agree with her point, but hope that it does not happen that way. I don’t feel as if either of them should win this season, but I guess I’ll have to live with the fact that one of them may come in second.

Next, Jordan talks to Adam and ends up pissed off because she can completely tell that he’s trying to get her out because he wants to take Porsche to the final 2. She gives him the speech about how she doesn’t deserve to be in the final 2, but I’ve already gone over how she is the last person who should be making this argument about someone else in the house who has actually won more than she has, even if it has been later in the season. You still have to win the competition, so even if there are only 3 people competing against you, you still have to actually win, so you can’t discredit someone in that sense. But, the way Adam is acting, it would seem likely that he does want Jordan out of the house so he can stare at Porsche’s boobs for a few more days.

Uh oh, looks like I have a new favorite in the house. Had Adam busted out the Duke shirt earlier this season, I may have liked him more, but all we ever saw was his Bacon shirt. I’m a Duke guy, myself, so we have to stick together with our mutual respect for the sports teams. I just hope he wears it to support the basketball team and not the Rowing team or 90210 Fan Club on campus. Go Duke!

Speaking of clothing, did Porsche only bring that purple velvet jumpsuit to wear this summer? Someone did tell her that she may be in the house for 70+ days, right? I swear every time we see her she’s either wearing the pants portion of that outfit, the sweater portion, or the entire suit. She’s like George Costanza wanting to drape herself in velvet like it was socially acceptable.

In a shocking move (to me, at least), Adam nominates Jordan and Porsche. I really did think it would be Rachel and Porsche, even if he did seem like he was targeting Jordan. The nominations mean nothing this week, so I figured he would throw Jordan a bone, knowing she wasn’t going to win the Veto, then he would “throw” the Veto and hope that one of those two won it so he could get rid of Jordan. But, at the very least, I don’t think he even cared who went out, but was just hoping it may end up being Jordo. But, he gave some lame speech about how he wants them to fight to earn their spot by taking themselves off the block and have the best night of sleep in the house like he did the night he took himself off the block with the Veto. Whatever, Adam.

7 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 9/9/11

  1. I think Porsche’s reasoning to get rid of Jordan were also stupid. She also said she voted her out because she’s already won the game before. And your point is? If anything, that’s a reason to keep her because why would people vote for her to win AGAIN? Jordan was not going to win the final HOH, and now since Rachel probably is, good luck Porsche! Rachel better take Adam with her if she wins!!

    I read Adam’s HOH Blog, and would also like to comment on the fact that people always says it’s so much harder to play the game then you think when at home. I don’t understand that at all. It kinda goes back to Porsche’s HOH blog, she said her and Rachel weren’t as close anymore because “she didn’t like being around someone who talked game 24/7.” WHAT? That is what you are there!! That’s why I can’t stand that these people slept all summer long, I think I would barely sleep because I would want to hear everything going on!

    Jeff is never going to forgive Shelly. I also thought it was weird how Shelly said in her eviction interview she was going to go to the jury house and apologize, but she never did….I think she assumed Jeff would kinda get over it, but he’s never going to. Jeff knows he’s good at this game and it sucks knowing you got evicted because of a backstabber, stupid double eviction, and clown shoe.

    I have also grown to respect Adam more in the last couple weeks, which leads me to wonder how many of those earlier comps. he threw. I know he’s kinda dopey and may not be a lot, but I really believe he threw some of them in the past.

    All in all, I hope Porsche doesn’t win. Even though she’s won comps. as of late, she never could think for herself and when she actually did (voting out Jordan), I didn’t like her choices.

    Rachel for BB13 winner!!! She’s got B/J/J votes!! Who knows how S/D/K will vote though and whoever is not in final 2. These people are bitter and ridiculous and will probably vote personal.

  2. I totally agree with you, Scott, and you, JacklynT! You have awesome observations and opinions 🙂 At the beginning of this season, I hated Rachel with a passion. However, she has proven herself time and time again on this season of Big Brother that she is an outstanding player. Sure, I hate when she’s weepy and whiny, (and that laugh, ugh!) But as a player, she’s the only one who could have given Jeff and Daniele any true competition. Those three would have been an awesome final three!! Of the final three there now, Rachel IS the only one who deserves to be there. She HAS fought tooth and nail to be where she is…..and um “you’ve got to respect her” for that. 😉 LOL that was for you Scott.

    Rachel Reilly for Big Brother 13 winner!!

  3. So after that Kalia toilet crying scene–Anyone else think it very creepy that we suddenly know they have a camera focused directly down on the toilet? Almost like there’s a weirdo in production that likes to look at that camera more often than he should.

    Anyway, Scott I had the same thought as you – why have these people been yakking on and on about this person or that person won’t take me to the Final 2? I just don’t get that logic either….try to ensure easier people to beat along the way stay in the house, win the final HOH YOURSELF and then YOU choose who goes to Final 2. Honestly, I don’t even know why people think they can predict who anyone will or will not take. We’ve been surprised many times so far. Just goes to show how different thinking can be – I figured Jordan would be taken to the end…she is easy to beat in pretty much any competition and I just can’t see ANYONE but Jeff (and maybe B/R) awarding her another $500k. I know I would have a hard time doing it. But everyone else seemed to think she was a lock to win because she’s so nice….you just never know.

  4. Still not a Rachel “fan”. She is so annoying and self involved (and countless other things that I loathe in a human being). That being said, she has really proven herself as a competetor in this game. And, she is the only one left that deserves to win. It pains me to admit that. My dream would be for Jeff to win. I am very happily married but, have a massive crush on Jeff (probably slightly less massive than the one you have on Cassi) 😉

    On a funny side note; My daughter is often next to me when I check out the spoiler sites. In the corner is a Brady Bunch type square with all the contestents pictures. She always points to Cassi (even though her pic has always been black and white while others like Porshe and Jordon were in color) and say, “she’s pretty, mama”. She has good taste 😉

  5. please stop begging people to follow you on twitter, it is really pathetic. if ppl wanted to follow you, they would without you having to grovel all the time. have some self respect. if it makes you feel better about yourself to have more followers on twitter, you need to sort out some serious issues.

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