Big Brother Recap – 7/3/15

July 3rd, 2015 | 2 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

It’s Veto & live eviction time. But before we get to that, I’ll remind you that if you haven’t read the Derrick interview I did earlier this week, go check it out. It’s the blog right underneath this one. Go check it out – he gives some good insight into his thinking last season as he was riding the house to his easy victory and also some quick tidbits on the houseguests’ this season. And stay tuned next week as I’ll be bringing you two more interviews from some fan favorite houseguests from last season, as well. You definitely won’t want to miss any of this action.

I did get one reader recap for tonight’s episode, so thanks for that! You’ll find the quick blurb down a few paragraphs. One is a good start…let’s hope we get a few more tacked on for each episode once you see sending me an email won’t bite you.

Also, I’m not ashamed of myself for begging, so please, please, please go follow me on Twitter (@BigBrotherRecap). Just do it. I’d like my kids to be proud of me when they grow up, and with the way the world is going, people only gain respect from teenagers if they’re cool on social media. So, go follow me as I’d love to show them I once wrote a blog that had 50k followers on Twitter! I know for a fact that A LOT more than 205 people read this blog, so let’s just go ahead and click that little “Follow” tab on Twitter. It’s easy, most of you can do it right on your phone in under 5 seconds.

Now that we’ve established, I have no shame, let’s get to me recapping 16 other people who have no shame…

2 thoughts on “Big Brother Recap – 7/3/15

  1. I don’t think the ‘power of the last laugh’ is going to have any impact. I can’t recall in the recent history of this show, when the last time there wasn’t a unanimous (or close to) vote this early in the season. if this was later in the season, halfway, okay then, this would be a great power. And it might have impact this week only if they know before the voting that someone or who will have this power, but I’m guessing no one would know until eviction night. Even then, I still think the ‘vote with the house’ thing will still make it powerless. I guess we’ll see how this plays out…

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