Big Brother Recap – 7/6/15

July 6th, 2015 | 6 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

Also, Becky, there’s no got dang elephant in the house, ok? There’s an elephant in the room, but that’s only when there’s a situation happening that nobody is addressing. Clearly, if you’re addressing it with every single person who walks into any room, it’s no longer an elephant. Shut up about the damn elephant, all right? In the game of Big Brother, there’s never an elephant in the room. Every person talks about every other person in that house, in all ways, shapes, and forms. There’s no secrets in the house ever. Especially not secrets concerning one person that EVERYBODY wants out of the house.

After the girls have their moment, we find out that Clay may actually have a somewhat game-worthy mind. Here’s everyone worrying about getting Audrey out, when he’s thinking forward, thinking he might be able to use her later in the game and have her be loyal to him for saving him and to get out someone who is gunning for him and his alliance member/wannabe showmance, Shelli. Good thinking, Claymate. Of course it’s the smartest move to get someone out that could be detrimental to YOUR game while you’re HoH, rather than just getting out who the house wants gone. And besides, it’s not even like the house truly wants Audrey gone anyway. She’s an easy target moving forward (as long as she keeps up the crazy…which she will), so she could be easy to get out another week when someone else is in power and wants to get the easy eviction blood on their hands. Striking at Da’Vonne right now wouldn’t even hurt Shelli all that much with the rest of the house, because it’s not like she’s a favorite in the house and has many people on her side. By all means, getting Da’Vonne out is the best move for Shelli and her boytoy, Clay.

Of course when Clay tells Shelli about this, her mind changes quicker than McCrae’s did whenever Amanda showed him her boobies to get her way. Shelli, who doesn’t come off completely ditsy, and hopefully doesn’t become the female version of McCrae this season, does decide to move forward with Clay’s plan to get Da’Vonne out and go against the plan she created with Becky for this week. This could cause a rift between her and Becky but hopefully she knows to hash it out with Becky before she throws the plan out the window. Otherwise, Shelli will learn what playing someone else’s game will do to yours as McCrae learned last season.

So, with the new plan in place, Shelli and Clay want to find someone to put up alongside Da’Vonne who will throw the Battle of the Block competition so that Da’Vonne remains on the block. Of course, she’ll still have the Veto to win her way off the Block, but if that happens, Shelli could always just put up Audrey and make it seem like she was going along with the original plan the entire time. So, in essence, it’s a win-win scenario for Shelli, but only as long as it doesn’t piss off Becky and her backers. Shelli and Clay approach John about throwing the competition, and John reluctantly agrees to it, and I’m sure that had much to do with Clay’s award-winning speech about how he’d sacrifice his own game to keep John safe even if the plan didn’t work out and he was up for eviction on Thursday. Sure, Clay. There’s always some idiot who gives that speech every year, but knows damn well they won’t back it up when it comes down to it.

Oh my, the train story…so Becky brought it up to some of the houseguests. She tells it as she was walking along, minding her business, and came to an intersection where a train crossing was, and there was a van parked at the tracks. She was wearing a hood, and stuck her head out beyond where the truck was parked to see if a train was coming and WHAM! Now, for me, if I see a car parked at the train tracks, I’m going to go ahead and assume there’s a f*cking train coming, but you know, I use common sense in life and not everybody else does. After hearing her tell the story, I couldn’t believe she’s not dead, but then I looked it up online and as it turns out, it makes a little more sense. It happened in Germany, and it wasn’t a freight train or commuter train, but one of those street trams like they have in San Francisco. Of course, that’s still a legit force to get hit in the face with, but now I can understand a little more why she survived. God bless her for going through that and I’m glad to see she’s ok now, but goodness. Let’s be a little more careful with yourself, ok sweetheart?!? Maybe that’s why she’s seeing so many elephants in the house.

At the nomination ceremony, we get John and Da’Vonne as Shelli’s nominees and Jason and Steve as Becky’s. I actually appreciated Shelli’s speech to Da’Vonne since it was open and honest, compared to everyone else who just wishes them good luck and “knows” they’ll win and get themselves off the block. Before the nomination ceremony even started, I liked Da’Vonne’s way of thinking in hoping she was nominated so that she would get the most opportunities to win herself off the block. However, you still never do want to be nominated. But let’s get that girl some cookies.

After the ceremony was over, James, Jason, and Da’Vonne all discuss why Audrey wasn’t nominated as if it’s some major conspiracy to get either Jason or Da’Vonne out of the house. Look Jason, no thanks. You’re looking like you’re going to be an also-ran this season, so give up those hopes that you’re one of the power players in the house that everyone is secretly gunning for. At least Da’Vonne actually has a reason to believe she’s being targeted, but you need to have your cigarettes checked to make sure they’re only nicotine in them bad boys because you be trippin. And James, you were just HoH and DIDN’T NOMINATE WHO YOU WERE TARGETING. Why are you saying anything about why Audrey wasn’t nominated. You wanted Jace out and didn’t nominate him, so why can’t you trust that is what the plan is this week? And see, this is just another one of those reasons why I can’t be on Big Brother. It’s as if common sense dies as soon as those doors are sealed shut and it’s never allowed back inside. What people do one week is seen as heroic, but the next hour, it’s the worst move that’s ever happened. I make fun of these people for being paranoid and insane, but I’m 1,000% certain they’d be stretchering me out in a straight jacket, tied to a board, and with a wood stick in between my teeth to make sure I don’t gnaw my own gums off.

6 thoughts on “Big Brother Recap – 7/6/15

  1. I’m so glad you’re back writing for this site! I LOVE reading your recaps! I am definitely a fan!

  2. Thanks, @auntsam! Let’s also be clear to everyone else that this isn’t MY Aunt Sam. Someone actually does like me! 🙂

    I’m glad I’m back too. It’s been fun writing this blog again. Thanks for reading and for the comment!

  3. Great recap Scott! You are so right about common sense dying as soon as people set foot in the house (or maybe they just don’t put many people with common sense on the show?) The paranoia must be eating at their brains.

    My husband and I are so irritated with this season already, though I think it’s a cumulative effect. It’s just like you’ve said before: let’s stop messing with the formula. All these stupid twists are getting irritating. Just show us the basic game. Let that be the “unexpected.” I like that we aren’t wasting time with those freaking food comps anymore, but having Battle of the Block, Twin Twist, House Takeover stuff all in there together is like throwing way too much sh*t at the wall and hoping it makes for good TV. And this eliminating some votes thing is starting to feel like strategy and good gameplay is out the window and luck is taking over.

    Anyone else wondering how Audrey is not the target all of a sudden after that absolute atom bomb exploded back on her? I swear, this smells like Production interference to me….would not be surprised if they want to keep her in the house longer and are influencing the houseguests in the DR. I smell a rat….like Production suggested to Shelli that Da’Vonne was gunning for her, making her want to take her out first. I know prior houseguests have revealed that this happens and they only realize it once the watch the show back later and realize that the person was never after them.

  4. If you watch the live feeds or read the live updates, you’ll see that the houseguests openly talk about questions production asks them in the DR and can see how they’d lead them to believe certain things were happening. Of course production plays a big role in this game, however I do think they stop short of forcing people to do things. I think they just make suggestions and let it run through their mind after that…

  5. I think it would be great if Jeff had flings with more than one woman in the house as that would amp up the drama in a different way than we have ever seen on the show. Wondering if a showmance is in the cards for Audrey if she survives the week and if that would cause CBS to freak out.

  6. I don’t see Audrey having a showmance in the house. The chick is barely trying to look cute and is NEVER not talking game, so I don’t see it happening.

    In all honesty, it appears that Meg and Jeff have the best shot at having a showmance, even more so than Clay and Shelli. Shelli just doesn’t seem interested in taking it to the next level. She’s holding out better than I thought she would…

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