Big Brother Recap – 7/31/15

July 31st, 2015 | 2 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

He heads on downstairs to rally the Clelli troops, rudely kicks Steve out of a room, and begins to pour out his soul to the two about how he’s fallen in love and he promises he won’t ever make the mistake again, blah blah blah. It seems just entirely too easy to change these people’s minds this season, but I’m sure that’s the same with any season, I’m just not remembering it as freshly.

We get the requisite scene with Vanessa and Clelli going back and forth about what to do, and it would seem that if it’s not going to be Austin, it’s going to be Jason this week. The drama is riveting. All we need now is to get to the Veto meeting…

…which we do, and shockingly Clay decides to use the Veto on himself, and Vanessa then puts up Jason, who is as shocked as everyone else in the house seeing as how the plan all along was to backdoor Austin. Meg and Jackie give us their best shocked faces and speeches about how they can’t believe what’s going on. Now the game begins. Some real betrayal has now happened, and Vanessa is at the head of it, so she’s finally got blood on her hands now that matters. She went against her word to the “other side of the house,” who she was supposed to be working with. The only thing that may save her is the fact that Julia will be coming into the house this next week, so whoever wins HoH may want to get one of them out more than Vanessa, but it would seem that Vanessa may be the target if any of them do win HoH. Should be fun to watch.

And fun it wasn’t. And I only say that because I hate endurance competitions where I have to routinely check websites to find out who wins. Dammit, CBS, you own the network, just cancel the news and whatever other stupid shows are on late at night to show us who wins the HoH. I don’t care about reading who won on some website and pretending like I care when you show me 20 minutes worth of comp footage on Sunday night…

I’ll do my best to get back to the episode. I had a bit of a bad day today and am drinking that badness away right now, so hopefully by some point midway through the blog, I can be funny!

“I don’t understand what it’s about.” – Jason. Um, you’re the target now, Jason. That’s what it’s about. Did you not see Austin going upstairs with Vanessa right after the ceremony was over? You know what it’s about. You have Meg over in the corner crying, just go comfort her before she starts serial killing everyone in the house. I feel like those glasses took a few weeks off, or maybe we just didn’t see Meg as much, but those glasses mad a comeback this past week, so there may be a few live TV deaths coming sometime this summer.

One of the things that bothers me most is when people start talking about how the show, and winning, mean more to them than anyone else in the house. There’s no possible way to measure that, but if there were, I’m pretty sure Jason would still lose out on that measurement. For the most part, this entire season, he’s spent his time outside smoking. He’s done some game talk here and there, but with the losing side of the house, failed to see OBVIOUS alliances running around the house, and has found himself on the verge of going home before jury. Yes, I understand my argument has nothing to do with him WANTING it more, but at the same time, he was put on the block this week and then slept in most days and barely cared about trying to find a way to stay in the house. I’m sure the ONE conversation they showed of him strategizing on how to stay in the house was the ONLY conversation he had all week about how he could stay. He talks about how he wasn’t going to lay down and die, but that’s pretty much what he did. And granted, there are times when you’re playing Big Brother you just know you’re the one going home, but there’s still a little effort you can give to stay…

On the flip side of that statement is Austin’s “one more for the good guy’s” comment he made to Liz after the Veto ceremony. If you need to say that you’re one of the “good guy’s,” Austin, chances are you’re probably not one of the good guy’s. You’re like a CEO of a company thinking that you’re a good guy laying off 1,000 employees to save your company a million dollars, being all in power, yet screwing over the little guy every week. Granted, I somewhat like the Sixth Sense alliance, but still calling yourself the good guy in this game is a bit out of left field. Plus, the fact that you have a girlfriend and are on live television making out with another girl most definitely does not make you a good guy. At least not in the eyes of the female population, which definitely dominates the viewership field of this show…at least I hope it does!!

Maybe it’s the drinks talking here, but Clay and Meg’s conversation just cracked me up! Do people not see how big of an idiot that Clay is in the house? I sure hope that Meg understood that he was lying to her to her face. I mean, if you start talking to him about the alliance THAT HE’S IN and his response is “which one,” you should at that point have ALL the information you need from him. If he doesn’t even know what alliance you’re talking about that HE’S INVOLVED IN, you need to make sure that the last thing you do on this earth is make sure he doesn’t win any money on this show!!! Add his dead body to the group of dead folks you have stored in the freezer at your parents house already…

After Meg talks to Clay and gains no knowledge from that conversation, she runs upstairs to talk to Vanessa, to get a good cry out. And the only thing we really get out of that conversation is Vanessa throwing Clelli under the bus, because she doesn’t want to be the only person being seen as the one who put Jason up. She tells Meg that everyone in the “house” was in on putting Jason up instead of Austin, because like every other p*ssy on this show, she would never make a decision on her own and wanted to make sure that everyone else in the house was ok with it first!!

The best part of the episode was Jackie calling out Shelli in front of Vanessa about her lying about being a part of the plan to NOT backdoor Austin and to get Jason out. Shelli was all flustered and probably cried from her vagina since no visible tears ran down her face-cheeks after that conversation. It’s safe to say that Shelli handled that conversation quite well. I’m sure that both Jackie and Vanessa believed her with all she was selling. Even if she said what she said to Clay, while naked, it still wouldn’t have been believable…you may as well have come clean at that point, Shelli. You got caught, oh well, it’s just Jackie bringing it up, what is she going to do at this point?!?

2 thoughts on “Big Brother Recap – 7/31/15

  1. I enjoyed the extra scenes of Bobcat in the house during the look at him segment. He went for the kiss (put his hand over her mouth so it wasn’t really one) with Becky and I thought it showed more of his goofy fun side in the house. I like my dentist because he is not an a-hole who kills lions – but I digress. I was surprised Steve voted for Jason after he made that hostile comment about Becky going home in the prior episode. If it had not been for that, I could see a Steve/Bobcat/Becky alliance working secretly and waiting for the other sides to blow each other up – maybe pull in Jackie as a vote as I don’t know she is closely affiliated with anybody based on the aired show. I guess the “Takeover” twist is quietly gone. Maybe they could only find 3 celebrities and then had to kill it.

  2. I love reading the recaps but I’m really, really struggling to come up with intelligent comments to make about this season. It’s like half the cast is scheming against the other half that has no idea what the hell is going on. The fact that there is ONE alliance in the house at this point in the game makes no sense to me. Has there ever been a lack of gameplay and strategizing in previous seasons?

    Well sorry for my lack of cleverness and insight to this post but I think you’ve captured all of my thoughts in your recap! Here’s hoping to a better week next week!


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