It’s my birthday week. I turn 31 on Wednesday, which means two things. First, I’d like nothing other than Dan being sent home as a birthday present. And, second, chances are more likely I may be drunk when I write my Wednesday night blog. And Thursday nights. So, look for Friday to be a pretty exciting and illiterate day.
But, that’s neither here nor there, I feel like this episode had a sh*tload of happenings, so we might as well get right to it because my unemployed @ss needs to get to sleep as soon as possible, because I have to be up early tomorrow morning for an interview.
During the recap of last weeks eviction, we learn that Ian had the utmost respect for Mike Boogie, didn’t want him to see things that he didn’t like, but then tells him to “get to steppin'” as he’s walking out the door. Very respectful. I won’t say it, even though you all know I want to. Then, he follows all that up by trying to throw the HOH, which kind of seems like it would be extremely easy to throw, so I’m not so sure I believe that one bit. He could have just given a Jenn-like 15,000 answer and easily had Danielle be the closest, or just answered one of the other questions he knew incorrectly, so he would have been ousted earlier. If I haven’t said it before to all of you, there are two kinds of people I hate in life and that’s hypocrites and liars. Ian was telling a bold-faced lie in that diary room session about trying to throw that HOH. He wanted to win, he just truly wants to come off as this nice, poor ol’ little Ian to all of us at home. He’s probably the most sinister motherf*cker on earth, which I think we sort of caught a glimpse of with all those arcade room conversations he had with people and telling them they better not screw his @ss over or he’ll go gut their dog through its @sshole. Britney and Dan are telling him to put up Frank, but he is telling us he didn’t want to do that because he thought the best way to get Frank out would be through the backdoor, but yet again he listens to what Britney and Dan say and he puts up Frank. And, we all know what happened at the Veto, with Frank wining and they end up getting out the most lethal player ever to play in Ashley. I loved his line, “As a Big Brother expert, I saw this coming.” I got one for you, genius, if you knew it was going to happen, and you’re so smart, how about you do what you want, don’t put Frank up, someone else wins the Veto, uses it, then you put Frank up, and vote his @ss out. It’s always easy to play genius after the fact.
Oh, and Britney, stop crying for Ian because Frank is yelling at him. Frank has every right to be upset about what just happened. Whereas, I don’t believe Frank should be telling Ian he is a terrible human being (you guys are just playing a game, you know), I still think he has the right to vent. Let the men hash out their issues. If Ian isn’t man enough to handle it, he can just keep trying to avoid the situation. I remember you giving some people a hard time on your first season of Big Brother, so you’re not one to really get in the middle of these things and tell someone they need not be letting their emotions out. Everyone needs therapy after playing the game of Big Brother, maybe Ian’s was starting tonight, with Frank as his psychiatrist.
Best comment of the night went to Frank, when he was tearing up Joe, saying “he just wants to be a celebrity chef.” This is probably true. And, for all we know, it may even happen for ol’ Juggles.
Birthday week???? I go for the birthday month! Go big or go home is what I think…..Next year take the whole month! I mean there are the TWELVE days of Christmas….There should be a whole month of birthday!
So Happy Birthday Month!
Anyways…..I do think Ian is still innocent and what not but i think he has NEVER EVER been in any kind of position of power in his life and doesnt know how to handle it.
Hey Scott! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I was away on vacation for a bit but I’m back! 🙂 And I’ve got plenty to say.
Ok, so I have a confession…I like Ian. And Britney. Call me crazy, but I really think Ian’s strategy was to seem weak and pathetic, and it worked beautifully. Remember at the beginning of the season? The fact that you can set up such a reputation for yourself that when YOU get someone voted out, their allies assume OTHER PLAYERS are to blame for influencing you, you’ve done something right. I dunno, in general, I give way more credit for people who play the social/strategic aspects of the game, especially if they’re like Britney, who knows she’s got no chance in hell of winning competitions and so plays on her strengths. Players like Ian and Britney instead focus on setting themselves up to go far by aligning with the right people. If that involves using players like Shane as a propeller (because let’s face it, the guy’s an idiot), then good on’em. I disagree with you in that I think a game with a bunch of buff guys in competition would be DULL (although hot, I must admit), because I enjoy the social aspect better. If I just wanted to watch physical competitors, I’d change the channel to sports.
Thank you for not wasting your time talking about Jenn’s stupidity in your last blog. I really want her gone so I don’t have to think about how SHE went farther than BOOGIE > 🙁 it’s just wrong.
I don’t get why Frank didn’t put up Ian. I really don’t. Because a) the fact that Ian was upset about it just shows he has no loyalty to Frank at all. It’s not like Ian’s at any risk of going home and it would do nothing to hurt him at all, unless he’s working for Dan and b) Now that Dan is up, you know with 100% certainty he’s playing the Veto. Am I missing something?? Why would you NOT put up Ian???
Sorry, I have to disagree with your opinion that if you use the Veto you should still risk getting voted out. If you haven’t noticed, I’m a HUGE Survivor fan, but I will tell anyone that the one thing Big Brother has over Survivor is that extra Veto twist, that extra step in the elimination process that can completely change the course of the game each week. If using the Veto on someone else put you at risk, NO ONE would use it. Because that makes the HOH and everyone he/she’s aligned with angry. And given the HOH’s power, that’s usually a majority, at least for that week.
Anywho, thanks for another great post! I’m sorry if I’ve turned into the reader who reads your post and challenges everything you say :/ I promise I do agree with you sometimes… I do hate Dan! 😀
I really could care less for Frank. In the beginning he was so full of himself when he was in charge with Boogie. He was so cut throat to all of them, I feel no sympathy for him now. He didn’t do crap but what Boogie said to do, so I am glad he has to play the game on his own now. Maybe he will ‘play’ now! And Danielle is just pathetic! Own this week and realize that its Dan that Frank wants out and stay in the game another week!! Really, why was she crying hysterically and saying she couldn’t lobby against him…… why are you playing the game then!
@stina2bina, as long as you hate Dan, you are fine to disagree with me in any other way. But, I will say that the whole thing about the “social” aspect of the game that I don’t like is that everyone gets such great credit for being in the “right” alliance. Like they did anything special to “choose” the right alliance. They just got lucky that their alliance won a few more times than the other alliances, they talked people into voting with them, etc. I just don’t agree people should be weighed as heavily on their social game, unless they are outwardly pulling great moves in the house, that everyone knows was them and not someone else in the alliance. There is no “i” in team, so why should people get credit (and win Big Brother) for being on a great team? It’s a singles game, one person wins, so I like to see people be able to save themselves and not have to rely on the fact that they have 4 “friends” in the house who are just going to save them whenever they get nominated. There is no suspense in that, no action, no drama, nothing. And, if you think there wouldn’t be any drama between 12 “buff dudes,” you are mistaken, because there would probably be fistfights just about every night and who doesn’t like a good fight in the backyard, ending with one person being drowned in the pool?!?
As for the comment about Frank, perhaps he will become the male version of Rachel. She was such a vile person to watch whenever Brendon was in the house with her, but whenever she was playing alone, I actually liked her and respected her game play. So, perhaps that will be what we see from Frank, now that Boogie is gone.
And thank you for the birthday wishes!! I wish my birthday could be YEAR round, not just MONTH long! 🙂
I disagree with the veto comment, but I agree that everyone should be allowed to play for HOH each week. I also feel like the social aspect is just as much a part of the game, but not being on a good team, but by being able to manipulate people, make alliances, and get yourself to the end. I feel like Dan and Britney are masters at this, which is why make it far (well, Britney was sorta being manipulated into her 4th place her season, but shes doing a great job this season of manipulating Shane and Danielle).
With that being said, even though Dan was my 2nd favorite his season, he is by far my least favorite this year. He doesn’t do anything, he acts like such a big shot because he won BB10, he never wins anything (btw he won 2 vetos, and 3 HOHS, but his last 2 HOHs were the 2nd to last and the last ones, so they don’t count), and he just sorta sits there with his team, and LETS HIMSELF TAKE THE BLAME FOR IAN! He’s really annoying me, so I’m hoping he leaves next week (sorry, I really hate Danielle because of the whole Janelle thing. She’s my favorite player ever, you understand).
My hope for this season is that it is Shane, Frank and Britney in the Final 3, with Shane winning, bringing Britney, and winning the game. Happy Birthday Scott, keep posting. Love your recaps.
How can anyone actually like Ian, Britney, and Shane? I won’t even mention Joe, Jenn, and Danielle. Whatever your reason, they all are nothing in this game. Frank is the one that plays hard, wins, and is determined to prove himself. Frank deserves to win. He may not win in the end, but at least he is the only one that deserves it.
Oops! I honestly forgot about Dan. I wouldn’t mind seeing him go this week – wish he can take Shane, Britney, and Ian with him so they can stop masterminding against the great man of steel (Frank). Team Frank!!
Fellow commenters correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that in the early seasons the veto was just how Scott wishes it was now. I think they changed it so it would get used more often, which seems to have worked. Scott, I highly recommend you watching the season that Dr. Will won, because he played the way you think you would if you got chosen. It was a masterpiece. Watch the early seasons before CBS got the “brilliant” idea to bring back has beens. That being said, I’m loving Brittney this season. She’s cute as hell & funny to boot.
@cfolliot in BB3, if you won the veto, you still couldn’t be nominated if you used it, but if you were nominated and won the veto, you couldn’t use it on yourself, but you could use it on the person you were nominated against. The veto was only used once that season (Gerry used it on Marcelles), and then the last veto of the season was a “twist”, making it the normal veto they have know (however, Marcelles who won it didn’t save himself, and was evicted). After that, they changed it to the normal way its used. Btw, love Brittney as well haha.
Is anyone else getting sick of reality-show participants claiming that they’ve “given up my life” to be a contestant on a reality show?
Note to reality-show contestants: No, you do not “give up” your life by participating in a stupid [un]reality show. Do you really know what it means to “give up your life,” idiot? Here’s a clue: soldiers; firefighters; police officers; doctors-without-borders; UN workers; volunteers who work in third-world or war-torn countries. THOSE are people who “give up” their lives. And they don’t do it for a whack of money that they’ve done nothing USEFUL to earn!
Sorry – had to get that off my chest after last night’s BB After Dark, where Britney tells Danielle that she’s “given up your life” to be on the show.
And Danielle agrees, crying “I had to leave Med School! I mean Nursing School! [Which is it, Danielle – c’mon! Get your lies straight!] Do you realize that if I didn’t give it all up to come here, I would have had my degree by now?! [Ummm, Danielle, I thought you were already a nurse. And not “just” a nurse, but a Supervising Nurse, over-seeing “50 other nurses” … you know, where you “tell people older than my mother what to do”].
She said, “NOW I have to start back to school in May … I mean, June … and I won’t have my degree until next September!!” Uhhhh, can someone explain that strange little academic calendar to me?
I actually used to like Danielle (before she opened her mouth). Now I think she’s just a spoiled little princess who wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped her in the face, and who has spent 95% of her time on BB either crying or complaining about all her physical ailments caused by her horrible emotional upset.
Phew! … breathe … breathe … breathe …
I hope Frank (who I used to hate until Boogie was turfed) makes it to the final two. If he does, he’ll win. There is no one in that house who would deserve to win over him.
P.S. to Scott. Happy Birthday!
Britney is going home !!!!!
The main reason for the current HOH not competing for next HOH is two-fold: 1) Forces you to have to work with at least one other person in this house at times 2) Adds a layer of strategy by being aware of the social dynamics (eg. is it smart for me to have the power this week?) and, towards the end giving you more control on advancing to the final 3 (eg. maybe you’d rather not win HOH final 5, so you can win final 4 HOH and be in final).
Also Frank has been playing very well, and has made good choices for his game all considering.