BIG BROTHER – 7/22/11

July 23rd, 2011 | 4,233 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Back to the game, I guess (I can’t even think straight after picturing her in those overalls and men’s work boots). Adam admits to Jeff and Jordan that he voted for Porsche, but he now realizes that his newbie alliance is dead (no sh*t, Sherlock) and wants to work with them (nice try). Even with Jeff and Jordan not being the brightest, most intelligent players, they can still see through this as an attempt to save his own ass, but we’ll see what they do with this.

Dani offers to do her best to save Dom if he can promise to do something for her later in the game. See, it’s always the secondary alliances you need to be leery of. Even if she says she’s only doing it to shore up votes for the vets, you know that she’s also doing it to use at a later date to help herself get further. Come on, guys, this is still Big Brother we’re playing. There can only be one winner and Dani is setting herself up to make it as far as she can with the vets alliance and then hopefully have earned the trust of enough of the newbies to win the whole show if she happens to make it to the final two. Smart on her part, but should be obvious to the other vets that they need to just get rid of Dom now.

The Have/Have Not Competition revealed that the Golden Key’s also gave the houseguests free reign over food in the house. I don’t think the Golden Key should give you a slop pass, as well. You shouldn’t be awarded all of this comfort in the house just because you were nominated and not evicted. But, I’m not paid to make the rules, so it is what it is and I’m just b*tching about it on a blog a few people happen to read.

Anyways, the competition had each duo zipped together in one outfit. Two arm holes, two leg holes, four arms, and four legs. All I kept thinking was how it would have been nice to trade places with Shelly, being locked up in that ant costume with Cassi. I would have prayed for the Have Not consequences to be that we were to stay trapped in that outfit for 24 hours. You bet your ass I would have thrown that competition. I’d eat slop and take cold showers for that experience.

Brendon and Rachel won the competition and chose Dom/Adam and Shelly/Cassi to be the Have Not’s for the week. But, the real drama came with Kalia crying and screaming in pain enough to have the medic come out and take a look at her. They had to cut Lawon out of the suit so as not to move Kalia, who ended up having a sore shoulder and the world’s tiniest ice pack to help ease her pain. Tough chick. She tried to play it off like her tears were more “for fear,” but I don’t buy it. Fear of what? A bruise on your shoulder? Or perhaps it was fear that Lawon planted some of his “future grandchildren” inside of you during that competition.

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