Written by:
Scott Ottersen
Email: ScottOttersen@yahoo.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/ScottOttersen
First off, I wanted to address an email I received from a reader. Over the weekend, I was sent information regarding Dom and his “best friend,” Dana. On the live show on Thursday, she presented herself as only a friend, but from everything I’ve seen and heard they have been dating for about/over a year now. I was sent a picture of them kissing and another of them together, looking a little bit more than friends. I know this is the day and age of guys and girls not dating and hooking up, but I was told that this person has personal knowledge that those two are together. She even told me that on the Showtime shows, Dom has gone around talking to the houseguests that he “has someone at home.” So, I’m not sure why things were misrepresented the way they were, but this reader stated that perhaps Dana thought it would be best for Dom’s chances at the “Favorite Houseguest” vote if he were single, to help receive the female votes. That could be the case, but I don’t really think that matters. Personally, I don’t think they’re going to have that vote this year since they brought back past houseguests and it would be an unfair vote, since we all know Jeff would win it. But, they did it for Survivor even after bringing back Rob and Russell, so what do I know?
But, with that said, I appreciated getting that email, along with the pictures. Keep them coming. If any of you happen to know any of the houseguests, feel free to send along some information. I am not going to misuse it in any way, shape or form. As you can see, the pictures I have been sent did not end up on some gossip site or something. I’m not out trying to make a quick buck by selling pictures of Big Brother houseguests. I’m not going to make any money off of that, anyways, so don’t worry about privacy. I just like to have ALL the information I can have in order to make my judgments and opinions as good as they can get. So, thank you, again to the person who sent me that email.
On to the episode, where we catch a quick glimpse of Cassi leaving the house again. You will be missed, my dear. Jordan talks about how she didn’t want to get rid of her, but she did anyways, which is always a sound plan. Rachel then talks about how Cassi can watch from her home as she wins the show. Actually, Rachel, rumor has it that the houseguests evicted are in sequester right now because CBS is talking about bringing a houseguest back. Back when Dick first left, I had conversations about how that has to screw up CBS’ scheduling of the show. The show would have to end one week earlier now since they still voted someone out that Thursday. Their only other option was to get rid of the dreaded double elimination week, but I can’t see them doing that since that is always a fun wrinkle to throw at the houseguests. So, now the only thing that seems likely is that they bring back an evicted houseguest. Make it America’s Choice and I will flood the inbox with votes for Cassi. Not a chance she isn’t the one getting back in the house.
Anyways, I digress. Dom says something about how The Regulators are the worst alliance in the history of Big Brother. Well, with the likes of Keith and Lawon as members, I’d have to agree.
Stupidest comment of the night: Brendon, “Rachel is the brains of the operation.” You HAVE to be kidding me, right? This is the guy who freely admits that she goes too much on emotion and makes dumb mistakes in the game all the time. And, yet, you’re on camera, on national television, proclaiming her the brains of your operation. I think even God laughed at that one, Brendon.
Another quick question I have is why the hell was Adam using a lint roller on his $5 t-shirt?!? That was one of the oddest things I might have ever seen. I think you ruled out the fact that you were trying to look good when you threw on that t-shirt, yet you are thinking you need to get all the hairs and bacon bits off of it to talk to Shelli (I’m trying this new phase where I spell Shelly with an ‘i’ now, just because I miss Cassi so much and want to feel like she’s somehow still on the show, let me know if it doesn’t work)? Seriously though Adam, you don’t use a lint roller on a t-shirt when you’re on Big Brother. No, in fact, you don’t use a lint roller on a t-shirt ever…
Adam, freshly lint-rolled, goes and talks to Brendon and Rachel about hopefully still being in good graces with them. He tries to swing them in the direction of nominating Lawon and Kalia. Rachel, ever pleased when she can use the term floater, calls the duo ‘superfloaters.’ I’ll give it to her this time, though, because she’s right. These two seem to not be doing anything in the house. They aren’t even doing anything stupid to get put in one of the funny montages during the episode (i.e. Jordan farting, Brendon & Dom dressed up like pansies, etc). I think CBS realized that they had no “talent” this season and decided to stop casting once they ended up on these 8 and decided they needed to bring back some fan favorites and Brendon and Rachel to spice up the season. The vets are doing their best, but I feel like these newbies are lame to the point where this is probably going to go down as one of the worst seasons of Big Brother. Just sayin’.
Holy crap, Lawon talks!! And not just in a diary session. Seriously, I think that the only talking he has done all throughout the season so far has been in the diary room. But, this time, he went up to talk to Brendon and Rachel and we now found out why he hasn’t been doing any talking. Apparently, he never learned how to talk! Did anybody understand what he was saying? I don’t think we could after focusing in on his orange shorts, green argyle socks, and orange crocs. They still sell crocs?
Since everyone in the house sucks at the game of Big Brother, they have to kill more time in this episode showing us Dom snoring. Daniele described it as sounding like “a small dinosaur.” Then, we saw Jeff actually throwing things at his face while he was sleeping to get him to shut up. These are the small details people don’t think about when they think how easy it would be to live in this house. I’m somewhat like Jeff. I’m not a light sleeper, but I am a light falling-asleep-er!! If I’m not asleep yet and there is even a slightly annoying noise in the room, I might as well just get up and start my day, because I won’t be able to sleep. Snoring is culprit number one. Every night that I go to sleep after my wife, I know it’s going to take me at least an hour to fall asleep. She doesn’t snore that badly, but like I said, even the slightest annoyance will keep me up. And, not just her, but we have two dogs in the room and one of them is a snorer, as well. I can’t tell you how many times I almost choked this bastard to death just because he doesn’t ever shut up. I will kick him with my feet to shut up, he’ll walk up closer to my face, lay down again, and not a minute later he’s back to snoring. I know the son of a b*tch isn’t asleep yet, so you best believe he moved up closer just to be a jackwagon. Seriously, if anyone likes 4-9 year old dachshund dogs, he’s yours. Yes, he has an age range because even the “vets” at the shelter we got him from couldn’t tell. I’m sure they were just laughing at us for actually considering buying him and decided to lie about his age, hoping we’d still buy him. We did. And, my life has sucked since.
I can’t believe you didn’t mention the best moment of last night’s episode!!! Jeff’s face and comment after Rachel talked about her sister’s engagement was PRICELESS.
Also, I wouldn’t be so sure on Dani. SPOILER ALERT: Brendan, Rachel, Jeff, and Jordan have caught onto her scheming in the past few days and have completely turned against her. As of the last night, they are still sending Dom home and hoping to get Dani out as soon as possible. Obviously, they aren’t telling Dani that right now.
Apparently I am the only person who thinks that Jordan should have back-doored Brendon/Rachel last week. Why on earth would you keep a very strong person/duo in the house, knowing the very next week they could come after you for no other reason than Rachel is just bat-sh*t crazy and capable of anything? It was a very stupid move, at least in my mind.
I really expected Rachel to put Jeff / Jordan up, but she didn’t. However, it’s still a possibility given who won the POV.
Speaking of Jeff / Jordan, I don’t think they’re even a real couple. They’ve been together for what, 3 years? And they haven’t spoken about living in the same state? Do they think the viewers are that ignorant?
I think Jeff / Jordan only exist as a couple in the eyes of CBS. They (CBS) know that a lot of the viewers like them, and that is why they’re now on their 3rd reality show together (as a fake couple). Personally I’m tired of seeing them. Hopefully this is the last we see of them… and Brendon and Rachel too. Just seeing Rachel on the TV screen makes me feel the need for a penicillin injection.
@Nobody- My mom asked me if Jeff and Jordan are in a relationship because we never see them hugging or kissing (although during the screening last episode, she was stroking his leg while he laid on her). Also, when they showed the whole farting thing between Jeff and Jordan, my mom said they act more like brother and sister.
Scott, I thought it was interesting when Dana said she was Dom’s “best friend.” In my opinion, straight guys and girls cannot just be “best friends” after the age of 12. Although, since Dom is a virgin, I guess their relationship is more plausible.
I agree. These “newbies” suck (and so does the word “newbies”). I enjoy Lawson’s diary room comments but we don’t get to see him at all outside of that. Then there is Kalia, who brings absolutely NOTHING to the game. I think she has a skewed perception of herself. I do like Shelly. Although, am I the only one that thought she was a lesbian when they first introduced her? Dom, for being looking, is a complete dork. He got SOO excited when they first formed their alliance. At least now he acknowledges that it is (was?) the worst alliance ever! However, the “newbies” don’t get much of a chance because of all the strong returning people (and I guess I’m the only one that LIKES Rachel and Brendan? I am really competitive and emotional like Rachel).
Nobody Says….Jeff and Jordan are indeed a couple…if you watched Around The World For Free last year on CBS.com then you would have seen how many times he called her and called her “Love”…Jeff lives in Illinois and Jordan is still going to school in North Carolina…I sincerely hope one of them wins and do believe that one day they will marry.
Hey Scott ~ enjoying your column! I’m glad you’re part of the RS family!
I did forget about Jeff’s comment regarding Rachel’s engagement, but I think its just because I’m so tired of writing about Rachel.
Also, I noted in my blog how I thought Jordan was stupid for not putting up Brendon and Rachel. I’m with you, ‘nobody.’
I love Jeff and Jordan and without them why would anyone be watching this show still?? Really??
Yes, Jordan should have back-doored Brendon or Rachel (if we could be so lucky maybe if one leaves the other will leave) I just hope that doesn’t come back to bite her in the end!
Most everything that you wrote in your recap is everything I have already thought of. I really wish that they would have another competition where someone would have to wear a ridiculous costume and it would be Rachel. It could improve the sight of her possibly?? Then again probably not!! Big Brother could do us all a favor and just get her a huge pacifier, isn’t that what they normally do to stop babies from crying, or whining. Seriously Brendon, this is all you can get?? I hope and pray that J&J get HOH or Shelly….that’s the only way to stop this madness!!
First chance I have had to read this blog – had me laughing out loud – of course I do hope you are kidding about your puppy dog 🙂
I keep forgetting Porsche is there – this golden key thing is the stupidest thing BB has ever done IMO.
‘Anyway, welcome aboard – look forward to reading more posts.
Does anyone think that Evil Dick left the show on purpose to give Danielle the golden key? So she can lay the foundation to fly under the radar and win the whole show? Anyone have spoiler on the veto competition?
Can I also add that do they ever look into the bag from which the names are drawn for participating in the veto competition? First when Rachel is HOH, Jeff/Jordan are picked. Then Jordan is HOH and Rachel/Brendon are picked. Now, Rachel is HOH, and Jeff/Jordan are picked. Wonder if the bag even has anyone else’s name in it? Lawon/Kalia should have been forced to do it since they do NOTHING else! And the golden key people should also have been in the bag so they could at least participate in some way rather than sit on their asses all the time…