Written by:
Scott Ottersen
Email: ScottOttersen@yahoo.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/ScottOttersen
I will start off by saying that this is the first time this season that I was watching an episode without knowing what happened before I watched. That’s right, I didn’t sneak any peeks as to who won the Veto or if the nominations stayed the same or even if there were any fights going on in the house. I think it made the episode a little more interesting. I may have to look into whether or not I want to try this out for the rest of the season and stay away from spoilers. We’ll see. Although, I definitely don’t mind receiving emails and facebook messages from you all about what is going on in the house, so don’t shy away from doing so.
The episode starts off with both Dom and Adam (I can never quite get the grasp if it sounds better as Dom and Adam or Adam and Dom. I’ve always been a proponent of using the lesser syllable word first in a tandem, especially for street intersections, but this one is weird to me for some reason. I digress. And apologize) both talking about how they believe they are the pawns this week and how their deals with Rachel are going to keep them safe. All you can do is go on people’s word in this game. But, when that person is Rachel, I’d be a tad leery. Just a tad.
Dom and Adam were having a conversation about being on the block together and Dom says “they’re threatened by us,” to which Adam responds by pointing at his head and saying “mental,” then pointing at Dom and saying “physical.” Listen, Adam, just because you’ve watched every season of the show does NOT mean you have the mental capacity to win the game. That’s like me saying I’ve watched enough of ER, Grey’s Anatomy, and House to have the mental capacity to perform open heart surgery on myself if I needed. Or, like saying I watched enough of Flavor of Love to have the mental capacity to wear a big clock around my neck and still think I can bang hot chicks.
Rachel breaks up their conversation to tell them that “this is not a nomination week. It’s a veto week.” Uh, actually, it’s both. Every week has nominations and a veto. I truly believe she was confused about this. Anyways, Rachel tells them both that if they want to make deals with her, she’ll listen. Dom snaps back (in a diary session) with “You want to make a deal? How about the deal we JUST made!” Good one. It should have been obvious to them both right then and there that they were both the targets for the week and that it didn’t matter to her which one went home, just as long as another newbie was out of the house.
Next up, we get the first of about 613 conversations between Dani and Rachel regarding putting up Jeff and Jordan if the Veto is won. More on this later. All I’ll say now is that Daniele needed to abide by her own plan she came up with the first week of laying low, but instead she’s inserting her foot in her own mouth and the other in her own ass, pushing herself out the Big Brother front door.
I think I threw up a little in my mouth during the bathtub scene with Brendon and Rachel. I’m willing to bet that as some point or another during that conversation, Brendon started sucking on her toes and that just weirds me out.
I find it hilarious how Brendon never seems to leave Rachel alone for long enough to have a conversation with someone. She was talking to Dom, and I can guarantee that Brendon saw him walk into the room, counted to 20 as he stood outside the door and then walked in. It’s these little things that you girls should look for when you are seeing a guy that SCREAMS possessive. There are other people you can hang out with, Brendon, go do it. The reason you and Rachel fight all the damn time is because you two never leave each other’s side. The most unhealthy thing you can do in a relationship is spend every waking second with each other. Human beings need space. Give Rachel some. In fact, give her the rest of her life without you by her side. Both of you will be better off. And, in 15 years when you realize how much better your lives are without each other, you can come find me and thank me. You. Are. Welcome.
The most important revelation of the episode came when Jeff started talking about how he realized how close Dom and Daniele are. He noted that she was hanging out with him a lot, even though she knew he (a member of her alliance) wanted him out. This is where it should be common sense in realizing exactly where your allies side. If a member of your alliance is hanging out A LOT with someone you have made it known you want out, chances are they are working against you in the game. Big Brother is nothing but a social life game. You hang out with the people you are working with. It’s that simple. The only person who perfected the opposite strategy was Evel Dick. That’s also why I miss him in this game. Man, I really wish he would have stayed in the house to see how he absolutely destroyed these newbies and Brendon and Rachel.
Before the Veto competition, we see Daniele talking to Brendon and Rachel about putting up Jeff and Jordan. After Daniele leaves, Brendon talks to Jeff about how he is seeing right through Daniele and how her motives are becoming clear. He sees that she is pitting the two couples against each other in order to set herself up perfectly after they are broken up. I’m glad to see this side of Brendon. As much as I may knock him, I don’t doubt that he’s a somewhat intelligent person. The way he speaks makes it clear that he knows something or the other, but his decision making (dating Rachel) is still questionable. But, I was glad to see that his decision making here with finally not trusting Daniele was clear and correct.
The comment of the night tonight goes to Daniele. Only because of how stupid it was. She goes “Talking to Brendon and Rachel, I might as well be talking to the mirror!” Haha, are you serious?!? Listen to that back, Daniele, and then tell me who you are talking to when you are talking to the mirror! Yourself, dummy. So, you are then saying that talking to Brendon and Rachel is like talking to yourself! Not exactly what you were meaning, huh? Or was it? Too funny. Interchange mirror with wall next time. That’s the correct phrase. Although, in the Big Brother house, most walls are mirrors, so I guess she has somewhat of a point while in the house. Still, though, hilarious!
Next up is the Veto competition, with Porsche as the host. CBS smarted up and put Porsche in a bikini. Next time, though, nix the robe! Come on, CBS, this should be child’s play on how to produce this. I’m glad you are realizing all she’s good for, but show us the full show, not just a preview.
TECHNOTRONICS!! The game is reminiscent of the infamous “technotronics” Veto competition from Jeff’s season of Big Brother. That is still one of the funniest moments in Big Brother history for me. Let’s hope not for a replay of that this time around, ok Jeff!?!