Hey, Kalia makes an appearance. Apparently she has a hair phobia. If hair is not attached to your head, she does not like it. I feel like I know you now. You’re 30ish. You blog about dating. You fake injuries. And, you hate hair. This is good. I think this season has been almost a classified ad for your future dating life and all the reasons why men won’t want to date you!
Jordan spelled “Little” (uh, ok), Dom spelled “Standings” (even though he was trying to throw it), Rachel spelled a new word known as “Mouisturizing” (good one, chemistry student), Adam spelled “Fractions,” Jeff spelled a correct word this time around in “Expresses,” and Brendon spelled “Understanding,” which gave him the victory. I hate to admit it, but with the lack of competition they have in this house I think Brenchel can easily win the HOH and Veto every single week. It’s not hard when past winners of the game are spelling “Little” in a competition where you are trying to spell the longest word possible!!
The most important issue of the Veto competition is who was telling Porsche whether or not the words were spelled correctly. We all know she didn’t know any of those words and if they were spelled correctly or not. I’m fairly certain 8 is the highest number she can count to, so when most of the words went past that limit, someone had to be there to help her. But, hey, she still looks good in that bikini and doesn’t need to worry about adding up too much, considering most of her counting comes in singles. Get it?
Daniele once again is pimping Dom to Rachel. Slow your roll, girl. Honestly, I know they are editing it to seem like all this is going on within one week (which it could be), but even so, all you are doing in the game is talking to people, so people remember conversations and all you seem to be doing is talking about not getting rid of Dom. You did it last week when he was nominated and are doing it again this week. Why are you coming off so desperate? It would be one thing if you went to Brendon and Rachel and talked about POSSIBLY making a big move and putting up Jeff and Jordan since Jeff is the biggest threat to win the game, but don’t go to them and say that you WANT them to do it because you want to save Dom. That is just plain stupid. You are sealing your fate in this game by doing exactly what you said you weren’t going to do. You were going to relax and just work on your social game while you had the Golden Key, but here you are coming way too strong, way too early.
Ok, I need to go off on one of my diatribes here. This is why I need to be in the Big Brother house at some point in my life. I think I understand this game and how to win it better than anyone else could. I know that people can say they understand how to win this game, but they don’t live it once they’re in the house. It’s not about alliances, it’s not about winning HOH and Veto, it’s not about laying low and staying under the radar, it’s all about patience. Daniele truly was setting herself up to win this game, but she ran out of patience and thought that her game was going to walk out of the door if Dom left. All she had to do was wait until the votes came out and then go on from there. The game changes every single hour inside the Big Brother house, so losing one ally means absolutely nothing in this game. I just need to be on this show to see if the boredom of being in that house is what makes your intelligence disappear. Are you bored to the point where you can no longer be patient and your strategy comes out earlier than you want it to? These are the questions I need answered in life.
Back to the episode, I guess. Dom goes to Shelly and tells her about his plan to get out Jeff and Jordan and to work with Daniele, and hopefully her. I think this is another form of patience running out. There is no reason for Dom to go to Shelly with this information at this point. I know that he thinks there is a chance he could come off the block and that Jeff and Jordan could be backdoored, but why not wait until that moment comes to go to Shelly with this offer. Why tell her all of your plans at this moment in time when, really, your alliance with Daniele should be somewhat of a secret still? Best part of this conversation was when they were talking about getting out Brendon because Rachel would be “worthless without him. She’d go crazy.” What, she already isn’t? If you think she’s sane, then YOU are the crazy one. I actually think she’d be less crazy without Brendon. Sure, she would self-destruct and end up out of the house the next week, probably, but she wouldn’t be any crazier than she already is. That is fact.
But, he did it, and what did Shelly do? She went and told her all-time favorite houseguest what he said. Jordan then goes to talk to Rachel about what Dom told Shelly about Daniele working with him to pit those two couples against each other. And, like earlier, Brendon counted to 15 and walked in the room wearing some eye patch made of gauze. After being questioned about it, he just said that he wanted to see how bad his vision was with just one eye. What? First the bloody knees, then the crying, and now an eye patch to distort your vision? I don’t even know what to say. All I do know is that I’d love for him to get out of the house, dump Rachel, and then become the new Bachelor. That would be great television. I’d put my life savings on the line (of course, that isn’t much) that Rachel somehow got on that show as a contestant. She’d dye her hair blonde, get a boob reduction, use Clearasil, and wear suit pants and dress shirts to throw him off. And then beat up half the b*tches in the house for trying to “get in between her and her man.” Who wouldn’t watch that?
Basically, what transpires here is that Brendon says he wants to be friends with Daniele outside of the house. He said the same thing about Jeff earlier in the show, which just makes it strange behavior. Why is he so worried about being friends outside of the house with people and voicing that to other people. That just comes off as weird and stalker-ish. I think I’m starting to hope he doesn’t read this blog, because things may get awkward then. I think he’d harass me over email for a few months and start up dummy facebook accounts to become my friend and learn more about me so he could take me down in some evil plot he has on his quest to become some sort of fake doctor.