BIG BROTHER – 7/29/11

July 29th, 2011 | 5,504 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Anyways, they all decide that getting out Daniele as early as possible is the best play. With that, they decide that Dom needs to go so that her game is ruined and then to get her out before she can join forces with the other side of the house to bring them down. I think getting her out as early as possible is the smartest play. You have to figure that once the couples are split up, you’re going to probably lose her vote anyways, and you’ve already gained numbers by acquiring the services of Shelly, Porsche and Adam/Dom, so why bother keeping around a cancer who is actually playing the game?

The episode ends with Brendon not using the Veto. Then, we get Daniele talking about how Rachel screwed her over, even though Brendon is the one who won the Veto and didn’t use it. But, now, Daniele says she is done serving Brendon and Rachel. We’ll see what she can do about it. If she doesn’t win HOH this week, and one of the vets do win it, I’d look for her to be nominated. Probably alongside Kalia/Lawon to assure she’d go home since nobody cares about either of them. One of those two will be around to the final 3. Mark my words on that. Hell, if I were Jeff, Rachel, or Brendon (obviously one of these three will be in the final 3 as well), I’d plan on keeping BOTH of them around until the end to go up against them for the $500,000 because nobody in their right mind would vote for them to win this game.

So, who is going home? Let’s find out…oh, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this new twist be that Cassi is coming back! Please CBS, do me this one solid.

The live show starts off with the lame crowd and even lamer Chenbot telling us that “Double Trouble” is done. Great, thanks.

Daniele makes an interesting comment about Brendon and Rachel “taking crazy pills overnight.” Uh, when were they not crazy, Daniele? If anything, they took “smartening, relaxing, calming pills” that helped them think clearly and see the “snake” (Rachel’s favorite word to misuse…God, I miss you Cassi) that you are in trying to position yourself to win this game at their expense. In all honesty, I like the way Daniele was thinking, but just think that she needed to not voice those opinions to anyone in the house and just lie dormant and hope that everything she wanted to have happen actually would. And, if it didn’t, hey guess what, you are still in the major alliance in the house, have great standing with some of the newbies and are still a threat to win the game once you can start competing for HOH again. Why couldn’t she just realize she was in the best possible place in the house? Instead, she focused too much on not having a duo member and thinking she needed to replace her dad.

In an even worse move, she goes up to the HOH room and threatens Brendon and Rachel that if Dom goes home she’s going to be so pissed off. Then, she digs herself a deeper hole by saying that it’s an obvious move for her to make to leave their alliance because she doesn’t have her partner there with her anymore. She gets pissed at Brendon (who can blame her) and even tells him that she’s getting pissed at him and to shut his mouth. This is where patience comes into play again. Yes, I know it’s human nature to get frustrated with other people, but when you’re playing Big Brother, you need to suck it up and hold things inside. You can’t go mouthing off to people, because something that small in a game like this, where you have no other distractions, people are going to take things you say on a different level than when out in the “real world.” If she doesn’t win HOH this week and get out one of the 4 vets, I think her fate is sealed. Although, I really do believe her fate is sealed, anyways. She will no longer be winning Big Brother.

Jeff confronts Dom and wants him to tell the truth about who started the backdoor plan. Jeff knows it was Daniele and wants to hear Dom tell him those very words, but Dom won’t. So, Jeff doesn’t want to talk to him. I can understand where Jeff is coming from, but still think he should have stayed and talked to Dom and heard him out and let Dom tell him at his own pace. It would have come out eventually. In the Big Brother house, it’s all about having conversations with your enemies and Jeff should have taken advantage of that. Dom was on the block and about to go home, so what would it have hurt Jeff to hear him out and maybe learn a few more things about others and where they stand.

Dom eventually comes clean to Brendon, Rachel, and Jeff in the HOH room, but doesn’t ever mention Daniele’s name (or at least from what they showed on TV). Dom tries to plead his case that he is more trustworthy than Adam, and that Adam is always going to go with who is in power. Rachel calls Adam a floater and makes comments about how they would want to work with Dom, but those are easily comments made just to appease Dom in this conversation. No way they are going to keep Dom and let Dani “win.” They aren’t even that stupid.

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