BIG BROTHER – 7/29/11

July 29th, 2011 | 5,504 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Kalia got some face time. She had a conversation with Brendon that didn’t exactly go well. Brendon is such a jackass and Kalia is having none of it. He makes some idiotic comment about studying rocket science and how this game is easy to him compared to that. He needs to get over himself. The most annoying people in this world, to me, are people who have these trumped up feelings about their status in the world when they aren’t anything more important than you or I. He also calls her an “ultimate floater” and basically berates her. Whereas I’m proud of Kalia for “standing up” to him and walking away (yet still yelling at him a little), she still could have saved her breath and went and talked to Jeff, who would probably have been more likely to at least listen to two words she said. The best comment was Brendon telling her to “start doing her own dishes.” Perfect a-hole comment. Funny, yes, but only if it came in a different context. He was just trying to be a dick here and he succeeded. You got yourself a winner, Rachel.

Kalia is right about everything she is saying about Brendon, but she’s so upset over what amounts to just about nothing. She probably split her ties with the powerful alliance in the house over being upset about not being told about certain things that are happening, even though she probably is. Come on, we know how women are. She’s just insecure about her standing in the house and took it out on Brendon once he egged her on with his moronic and childish comments.

But what the hell was her crazy ass doing in the bedroom? I can understand the pacing and talking to Brendon without him actually being there (I do this ALL the time and have conversations with people that aren’t’s actually good therapy), but what was up with that maniacal thing with the water bottle? She just kept pushing the top back and forth so her craziness could hear the clicking noise over and over again. Maybe that is soothing to her, but in reality, that’s crazy. Maybe Jeff (and Einstein) said that crazy is doing the same things over and over again but expecting different results, but I’m calling crazy swatting the water bottle top over and over again. She topped off the crazy when they showed her walking through the house still doing it. I was expecting her to start punching walls and banging her head against doors. I think I’m going to stop talking badly about Kalia, because she may kill me and flick my eyelids open and shut for an hour afterwards.

They have a house meeting and Jeff and Brendon jump down Kalia’s throat for going along with a plan and taking the fall for it by putting her trust in a houseguest that she shouldn’t have (Daniele). I loved how they were having this conversation, so evidently calling out Dani, with her sitting right there. It’s almost as if everyone is allergic to saying her name. They kept talking to Dom and Kalia and saying they were taking the hit for this, yet they all knew Dani was the ringmaster, but wouldn’t call her out. Like most people in arguments, they wanted the other person to make the first statement so that they could then have a reason to fight back and get rowdy and not feel like they were the aggressor.

When Daniele does speak, she tells Jeff that it was nothing personal, but she saw him as her biggest threat in the game. Jeff explained to her that she was stupid for making this move this early in the game and that nobody was going to want to work with her after this because they’re seeing how she’s playing the game with backstabbing, lies, and deceit. I understand where Jeff is coming from, but this is Big Brother. You do have to do those things to win the game. It’s not like how Survivor is these days where the nicest and most social person wins the game just because the other people in the game are too upset with the “evil mastermind” and how they played. That’s a whole different issue I have. Don’t get me started on Survivor and some of these past few seasons’ winners. If Rob hadn’t have won this past season, I would have never watched Survivor again.

Before the vote, Julie asks the houseguests if there are any hard feelings in the house. They all lie and say that they know it’s just a game and they’re all adults and whatnot. Please, if that were true, there would never be any arguments in the house. You would know that everyone has to sneak around the house to whisper through conversations behind your back, about getting you out. It’s part of the game to backdoor people and to backstab members of your own alliance. If hard feelings and emotions weren’t a part of life, Big Brother wouldn’t exist. It would be a boring show where 13 people show up, tell some jokes, play Big Booty, maybe hook up here and there, and just meet up every Thursday to vote one person out of the game based on trivia answers or paper, rock, scissors.

Dom’s speech hit the nail on the head pretty much. He congratulated the vets for getting this far by not playing against anyone and ended with telling everyone that they all sucked at playing this game. He wrapped up what will be my entire blog about season 13 in 2 sentences. These people do suck at playing the game and whoever does win this season will win because they were the only one playing the game. It’s becoming harder and harder to make these blogs entertaining just based on how lame these houseguests are. Bring back Cassi, already, so at least I have something to stare at and comments to make about not seeing her in her bikini enough. Come on, CBS, do me this solid. I plan on asking every week until you give me what I want.

Dom gets voted out 7-1. Can you guess who the one vote was from?

Again, Julie asks him why he would throw the veto competition. Great question. Seriously, even with how good he thought he was playing the game (he wasn’t), no good player would throw a veto competition to prove his worth to an alliance he is NOT a member of. If you won the veto, you could have just told them that, “Look, I want to work with you guys, I really do, but you have to understand that in this game the pawn always goes home and I just couldn’t take that chance. To show how serious I am about working with you, I will allow you to tell me who to vote out and I promise I will do that.” It’s that easy.

I will say this; Lawon’s speech about being a pimple on his pretty face was HILARIOUS!! If Lawon could just be a diary room houseguest, he’d be ok. But, the fact of the matter is that he’s worthless in the Big Brother house.

Julie surprises the houseguests for some big news. The Golden Key’s are done and the duos are over. Thanks Julie. For wasting our time by pointing out two things we already knew. Seriously, a 3 year old could host this show and have the show not miss a beat.

The HOH is an endurance competition. I hate these. This just means I’m going to have to stay up late to find out who wins on the live feeds blogger sites. Doesn’t CBS know people have to work the day after live evictions?

Here we are, it’s 11:10…and Daniele wins HOH (I wrote the time and name of the winner before the competition was over), so it’s actually 10:25 and Daniele still won!! Don’t you feel that sometimes Big Brother still “fixes” some of these competitions at times? Big fights going on with Daniele all week, oh let’s have Daniele win an HOH and add more drama to the mix. I wouldn’t put it past them. Still, who will she put up? My guess is Jeff and Brendon, then Jeff wins the Veto, and she puts Rachel up in his place and Rachel is voted out. Let’s find out if I’m right…please God let me be (at least about the Rachel part).


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