BIG BROTHER – 8/24/12

August 24th, 2012 | 4 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

So, here we are, at the start of one of my favorite episodes of every season. I still always feel bad for the HOH of this week since they never really get to BE HOH, broker deals, talk strategy on who to truly vote out, etc, but it’s still a jam-packed evening of competition, and that’s all I really like to see in the house. The drama is always nice, but I prefer to hash it out on the playing field, and then give no time for these dimwits to talk “strategy” and screw over my favorite players! I think the nominations and veto ceremonies should always take place right after the competition is over. The only thing they should give these housguests time to discuss is who to vote out each Thursday. So, in my version of Big Brother, we have the live HOH every Thursday, nominations made 3 minutes after the competition on Thursday night. Veto competition on Friday morning, as soon as they wake up, ceremony 3 minutes after the competition ends, then the entire week after that to talk about who is going home and why. I’m sure it would end up being just about the same show, but I kind of like the person with the power to be pressured into making a decision on their own, rather than having a day or so to be talked out of doing what they wanted. This would also make the houseguests think long-term more often, rather than go day-by-day and such.

But, I digress. As usual.

I will say one thing. Julie Chen should always go with the “side-pony” and black and white dress. I actually think Julie Chen looked good tonight. Kudos Mrs. Chenbot, I might actually persuade my penis into stiffening up a bit for you. Ok, ok, TMI, I know. But, it had to be said since I rarely ever find her all that attractive. Not that it matters how attractive she is or whatnot, but just saying.

If I could have said one thing to Mike Boogie before tonight, it would have been to NOT have given Frank any of his Chill Town shirts. Frank needs not to be wearing that shirt! Dr. Will would have NEVER allowed this to have happened, so Frank does not deserve to wear that shirt tonight. I felt as if that shirt was just going to burst into flames, Children of the Corn style, just because of how much of an abomination Frank brings to the Chill Town name. Yes, you do quite well for yourself in Veto’s and HOH’s, but the social aspect of your game was terrible.

“You’re just Dan’s b*tch right now.” I couldn’t have said it better myself, although I have to believe he made this comment after it was already apparent he was going home. Otherwise, I’d have to re-rate Boogie’s social game as a clear F-minus at this point. I will say, though, that I don’t think Shane is Dan’s b*tch, he’s Britney’s b*tch. MAYBE Britney is Dan’s b*tch, but Shane is not sired to Dan, he’s on Britney’s vagina wall, head hung up like a dead deer next to a curly pubic hair Britney missed during her last shave.

Boogie tried to provoke Dan while Dan just sat back and “read” his book. I will say that Dan does a great job of holding himself back. I know it has to be tough in that house, with nothing to do, people egging you on, and all of your natural instincts telling you to fight back, but you still want to just keep cool. He has a cool head, no doubt about that, but does that make him a great player? Maybe it does, I don’t know. I just think it’s dumb luck that he’s so “good” at this game. He’s like a friend that I have, who always seems to win at fantasy football. Him and I always have the argument about how fantasy sports are (or in his mind, aren’t) all about luck. I know, initially, who need some skill and strategy when you go into your fantasy draft, on who is the big players of the year, who may break out this year, who is injured, who is coming off of injury, which player got traded to a better team this year, so on and so forth. But, after that, it’s all luck. Nobody has ANY idea that Player A is going to have a big week this week and score 3 TDs. And, nobody knows that Player B is going to get injured in the first game and be out for the entire season. Nobody on earth can know that, so that is why the game of fantasy sports is all about luck and nobody will ever be able to argue otherwise to me. Do I think it’s coincidence that my friend’s name is Dan? No, I don’t. He’s dumb lucky in fantasy sports just like Dan is at Big Brother. Case closed, my conspiracy theoretical mind just figured out the universe.

Does anybody care about Jenn going ape sh*t in the house? No. Great, I didn’t think so.

4 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 8/24/12

  1. That’s gotta be the funniest goodbye video we’ve ever seen. Hilarious! Good job Britney entertaining us at home. And even Ian’s message and confession, just to be able to see boogies reaction. I will miss Boogie to because he made things entertaining.

    I think the reason why Dan doesn’t seem like a floater is because his intent isn’t to play as a floater. I think the definition of a floater is to never really do anything – no strategic game, no significant social game, no comps. No substance. Thing is that Dan is choosing and strategizing the whole time – constantly thinking about who to talk to, how to talk to them, when to pull, when to push, and if you remember towards the end to his game he won lots of competitions. And I guess the audience is behind him because he tells us everything in the diary room of what he’s doing, and then he does it, and comes across as truthful in the diary room – like a real diary session. So while externally he may look like a floater, he really doesn’t seem like one – b/c real floaters only have a reaction or try to strategize when it’s way too late, like Ashely, Jenn etc.

    I’m not sure of Ian either – I kept saying “he IS kaiser soze” a few times too! He’s doing just enough so he doesn’t seem as if he’s floating, but maybe not enough to believe he’s a mastermind yet, but he seems to have potential, and believes he is one – when others say it, it just seems ridiculous, but for some reason when he says it, it feels like it could be true. Maybe it’s because he’s a little nutty. How is what he said to Brit about boogie wanting to vote them out any different than the serendipitous conversation boogie had with Danielle et. al. about getting Janelle out? I guess we’ll have to see what he does when if Frank gets any power he will go after Ian, what he’ll do then.

  2. I was surprised that they voted off Ashley before Joe. That just seems kinda dumb, but I guess it’s fine because Juggles isn’t gonna win this game anyway.

    Since I am Team Janelle, I am not a fan of Boogie/Frank, so I was glad to see him walk out the front door. Although I would prefer Frank, since this guy seriously never leaves and has 9 lives.

    My stomach kinda turned seeing that POV comp. Jeff is one of my favorites to never win this game and I hated that that clown shoe did that to him! 🙂 I think they need to have a season where Jeff and Janelle are on together; plus bring back some Howie, Kaysar, and throw in some Britney just because she is funny. Plus Rachel because she cracks me up. I don’t care what anyone says, when she fell running…that was so great 🙂

    Anyway, I really don’t think Dan has a chance to win this game. I get to spend a lot of time talking BB with you since we’re related and all, and usually agree with you, but he will not win. I just don’t think if he makes it to the final 2 anyone will vote for him. I DO agree with you in the fact that he does NOTHING. Like you said, he gets “lucky” (aligning with the right people, etc.) I don’t hate Dan the way you do, but I just want to see him make a big move one of these days, but that will never happen because he “throws” comps (or so he says-he really just can’t win them).

    I think Shane, Britney, and Ian have a good chance at winning this game. Only time will tell.

  3. I have to admit that I was NOT sad to see Boogie go. The vile things he said on Big Brother After Dark (about other contestants and about what he was “going to say” on his way out the door) really ticked me off.
    Boogie said that although he will watch the “last couple of weeks” of this BB season (just prior to his eviction), he wasn’t going to watch the whole show, nor was he going to go on the internet, because the stuff people post about him is just nasty. Well, duh, a**hole!
    Let’s see – what kind of venom did he spew during his last week on the show? Oh yeah, …
    * Joe is a terrible cook (Boogie said he’d actually say this to Chenbot in his “exit interview” on live TV – I’m thinking BB Production put the kibosh on that);
    * Danielle has a big ass, and as soon as she hits her 30’s she’s going to balloon up to Michelin-man size;
    * Ashley and Jenn are also going to become obese, but probably not Britney because she’s so tiny and barely eats;
    * Ashley and Britney are so stupid that it pains Boogie;
    * Dan is an a**hole and is running the whole house – and everyone else is too stupid to realize it;
    * Shane is Dan’s bitch and barely has a brain cell;
    * Ian may be book-smart, but otherwise he’s as dumb as a bag of hammers.
    Boogie said that when he got evicted, he’d tell the house guests to just keep their seats EXCEPT for Frank, Ashley and Ian, who were the only people he would “accept” walking him to the door, and that he’d instruct everyone to NOT stand in front of his picture and watch it go grey. (I’m guessing BB Production had some words for him about that, too.)
    As for the “Shamrock” HOH competition, I am cynical enough to believe that Big Brother probably placed 15 or 20 of the damn things in Frank’s pit-of-balls to guarantee another HOH win for Frank.
    Look … they let Boogie & Frank get away with cheating in the POV draw and they gave Frank a free pass when it was certain he’d be out-the-door by invoking the “America says they want the coaches in the game” conceit.
    I swear, if they find a way to bring Boogie back into the game, I will stop watching this season and will boycott the franchise from now on.
    Am I pi**ed? Well, perhaps just a little.

  4. Hi Scott,
    Let’s just say that if I were cast as a Big Brother houseguest with you, you and I would totally be aligned. I’m telling you this because I 100% agree with EVERYTHING you said about Boogie, Frank, Shane, Ian, and not caring about Jenn being on the block. But one question, which none of us really has the answer –> What was she so angry about?! Ha!
    With Boogie being gone, I felt like a piece of myself left from that house. He didn’t win much this season, but his personality, player mentality, and social game had it all going on. I didn’t watch his season, but to me – this season, he was THE man and will truly be missed. Who else would make me laugh by breaking a water basketball hoop??
    Frank is my golden boy in this whole thing – he amazes me with all his wins. Has he broken a Big Brother record, yet? He deserves to be there in the end, and if not, he deserves viewers favorite houseguest award.
    Let’s not discuss Ian – he pisses me off, and continues to do so with everything that comes out of his mouth.
    Shane is glued to Britney’s hoo-ha, and it’s not cute. He’s the real puppet in this game. Oh yeah…..Britney? Are you really starting to like her? I want her out – we might disagree on that little tidbit. I just see her as all talk in this whole thing. She doesn’t do anything, but get in Shane and Ian’s ear. As I’m writing, I’m realizing since she doesn’t do anything, then maybe that is her strategy. Still, she needs to go – as she might be the actual masterminder that Ian says he is. Hmmm.
    And last but not least, this veto competition made me CRINGE too because of JEFF! When I seen it, I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach, because all I could think about was when my favorite player last season, Jeff, had lost here. Then I thought the same would happen to my favorite player this season, which is my golden boy….Frank.
    Thanks for a great re-cap/blog and all your input that I couldn’t agree with more! Can’t wait for the next one!
    Good luck with the job search!

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