Ian gets gangsta on Frank, confronts him in the HOH as if he hasn’t done anything wrong and Frank is an a-hole for going against him, ends up cussing out Frank, Frank then asks him to leave and Ian obliges. At the same time, Britney confronts Dan, and Dan is his usual @ss-self, says it’s nothing personal, and completely disregards Britney trying to have an emotional conversation with him. I do understand that this is the gameplan for Dan, to be unattached, to not have any emotions towards houseguests, but to dangle his “friends” emotions on a string the night before at his “funeral,” and then to act all cold towards the one you screwed over to save yourself is a dick move. No matter how you look at it, yes it’s a game and all, but you’re still a dick. This is the thing about men that makes it nice to be a man. We can be a dick like that and still, somehow, have women saying they love us! I know women can say the same thing that they get to act like b!tches and then we still love you, but that’s all about p*ssy. As men, we get to be the biggest a-holes in the world and somehow sputter out a few “I’m sorry’s,” “I didn’t mean it,” “I promise I will change,” and the like, and we’re back in it! I am 100% certain that if I was on Big Brother, and my wife saw me act the way Dan was, she’d be pissed at me for doing so, but since it’s not me and it’s Dan, she loves him. You gotta love women, right?
Britney talks to Frank and Jenn (odd couple alert) about what just happened, Jenn makes the comment about how she wanted to keep a bigger target in the house for her own personal game (give it up, Jenn, you have no game in this house) and Britney just, basically, says anything she can to try and save herself. No dice, sweet t!ts, you’re done. Cooked like Juggles does every night. Frank tells her that he’s really just trying to split people up and that she was partnered up with more than just one person and he wanted those people to be left more alone than they were right now. I guess, seeing it from that point of view, it makes a little more sense, but I still have to say that getting Dan out was their best move this week. No matter how they spin it, this was a sh*tty game move. And, they’re both going to realize that when Dan throws the next competition so that Ian or someone else can win, nominate Frank, and Dan can vote him out with the rest of the house…
The blow up between Frank and Ian was quite entertaining. I loved how Frank called out Ian, saying that he was showing everyone the true Ian, and that he first believed they were playing him because of him being such a young kid, but now everyone can see just how sneaky he is. He made some great points, but I’m sure everyone already knew how sneaky Ian was, considering the entire alliance he’s in knows he’s a two-timer, going against his original alliance to feed them information. But, the swearing and other bravado act may be new to some. Although, he showed that off after winning that second veto earlier this week. And, the week before, when he won HOH, and also a week or so before that when him and Frank also got into a war of words in the house. Ian really is trying to become a villain so that he can get cast on his idea, a Good vs. Evil All-Stars season of Big Brother that we all KNOW CBS can’t wait to put on television next summer. Mark my words, that season will be Big Brother 15 (maybe 16). And, I actually LOVE the idea. Perhaps, I’ll spend some time this weekend figuring out the “teams” and maybe even the “rules” or “twists” for the season. Maybe. I have some things to take care of this weekend and since it’s a holiday weekend, won’t be home all that much, but we’ll see. I’m intrigued by this almost as much as Ian is, so I don’t mind taking some time. It’s too bad I still don’t have my old job, because I would have spent ALL DAY tomorrow (Friday) hashing this out…
What is the one thing we all saw during this scene – Dan, in the arcade room, by himself, laughing. If any of you watched The Glass House, I would say that Kevin must have studied Dan and played his style of game. He just added some humor to his act and did a little better in some competitions, but they both did their absolute best to stay out of the drama, kept their cool (although Kevin did get into it a time or two early on) and just coasted to victories.
CBS gave us the obligatory conversation that made it seem like Britney had a chance at staying, when they showed us Shane and Joe talking, and Shane telling us that it’s a tough decision between his coach and his best friend in the house. But, really, it’s not a tough decision at all, Shane. It’s just like what Britney said later in the episode, Shane is not too bright and is just going to follow his way along in the house until he can’t follow anyone else and ends up getting voted out for it.
As for Julie’s question to Jenn, excuse me City, it was the ONLY decision you’ve made in the house. And, Dan should give you a check for $250,000 once this season is over, because it was you that won him this game, by taking him off the block.
The whole Brigade scene was kind of funny, but not really. I’m sure CBS just threw a few dollars at the group of them, flew them all to L.A. for a few days, and they agreed to shoot those scenes since none of them probably have anything else going on. The only thing I got from that scene was the memory of how much I liked Enzo on the show and how much I disliked Matt. I think I remember despising him more than I do Dan. In Big Brother terms. I don’t have anything against either of these guys personally, just on Big Brother. I don’t want everyone to start thinking I hate Dan as a person and whatever, and want to fly to Michigan to kick his @ss or something. It’s not like that. I just don’t like when people “earn” credit for things when I don’t feel they deserve it. But, yes, it is saying something when I say I dislike you more than Dan, in the Big Brother house, Matt, aka “The Brains.”
Britney gets voted out, but not before she pays homage to the old motorboating son of a b*tch, Jerry, with her “You will always be Judas to me” line to Dan. Jerry knew it best back then, and Britney knows it now. Dan’s a douche. As an old douche, Jerry knows a douche when he sees one. And, then we see Matt’s tweet about how Britney shouldn’t be ashamed to falling to the greatest of all time, King Dan, just proved to me why I remembered hating his guts on the show!!
Anyway, the only thing I got out of Britney’s goodbye interview with Julie was that her speaking about her allegiance to Ian being her downfall in the game. It was like what I said when they voted Boogie out, that they were stupid to hide this kid and what he had done. Had they just given him up back then, Boogie still would have been gone, Frank wouldn’t have been gunning for either of them until final 5, at least, and Ian and Frank would have battled it out for who is going home first, with both of them going home before Dan or Britney did. But, these people aren’t the brightest, like I always say, and it’s also very easy to call the game from outside the house, in my point of view, so whatever, she did what she thought she had to do to win and ended up losing.
The HOH competition is another endurance competition. Oh well, guess I will have to wait until Monday’s blog to talk about who won (yes I already know). As always, if you don’t know the blogs to look up, feel free to email me and I will tell you who won HOH and we can talk about all the craziness that will go on because of it. I got a BIG laugh out of CBS coming back from the short commercial break and Joe already being out of the competition. Geez. I’m just glad America chose punishment, because if he had been given a reward for sucking at life and lasting all of 1 minute in the competition, I would have been pissed. Let the punishment just be sending him home. No reason for him to still be in the house.
And, another double eviction next week. I love it. Although, with that, and Frank not being able to compete in the HOH, I’m sure we’ll be seeing him walk out those doors, and possibly talking to Julie Chen for a quick minute or two. My guess (and I’m writing this before I know who wins HOH) is that Ian wins this endurance competition (this would have been Britney’s competition to win, had she stayed), Frank goes home, then Danielle wins the second HOH competition, and Ian goes home. If I’m right, I’ll celebrate by streaking in my backyard while my dogs run behind my bare @ss, barking the entire time!
At the very end, I’m not sure if many of you caught it, but the tweet that read “Is Ashley inside of the sun applying the spray tan?” was the perfect way to end the show. Even though I know Dan isn’t going home, I still got some good laughs from this episode and have to say that I’m turning my mood on this season. I think it has actually been a good season. Not great by any means, but WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than last season!!
Until Monday, I hope all of you have a great Labor Day weekend,
Written by:
Scott Ottersen
Email: ScottOttersen@yahoo.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/ScottOttersen
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/ChokeOnMyBlog
Another great recap, Scott.
I, too, think BB production is far too involved in the game. Wish they’d just butt out and let the houseguests play it out.
When Dan was in Frank’s HOH room outing Ian as the double-agent and orchestrating his own post-funeral resurrection, I swear I could hear Boogie screaming, “DON’T DO IT FRANK!! DON’T DO IT!”
The best/funniest part of the show for me was when Dan was explaining his actions to Danielle in the arcade room: Danielle’s look of total gobsmackedness (ok, I made up that word), with her forehead deeply wrinkled, actually made her look like a Klingon! I couldn’t stop laughing.
I disagree with you, Scott. I don’t think Dan will win (well, MAYBE if he’s up against Joe or Jenn). The jury isn’t going to reward someone who not only manipulated every single one of them, but also has won in the past – not if they can muster any sympathy for whoever sits with Dan at final two (if Dan even gets there).
I’ve actually enjoyed the last couple of BB episodes – it’s finally getting down and dirty. Now, if Production can keep their hands off the game, we might be in for a treat when alliances will have to be broken for good and it’s every houseguest for him/herself.
Another great recap:0)
Totally off-topic, but have you taken a look at the new cast for Survivor: Philippines? Any thoughts? I’m looking forward to the new season.
Maybe I’m weird, but I still think that some people would vote for the person who played the best game once they got to the final 2, no matter if they won before or not. I will say this, even though I hate him, if Dan makes it to the final 2, he deserves to win this game. Hands down. And, the people in the jury house, who have nothing else to do except think about that fact, will probably agree with me, and he will win. Trust me on that. If he doesn’t, it’s because he’s sitting next to Frank. And, there is exactly NOOOOOO chance Frank makes it to the end. He put all his eggs in the Dan basket, which was the stupidest mistake he could have made.
As for the Survivor question, I have seen the cast and cast picture and am thinking this is the best looking cast of females the show has ever had! 🙂 As for Jeff Kent and the girl from whatever show it was, I don’t like it. They don’t need to be on the show. As for the three returning players, I remember that Jonathan Penner guy being annoying, other than that I don’t think they needed to bring back these three players…
I have realized that I am not a fan of putting someone up when they had no chance to fight for themselves. I mean, Britney COULD have won veto, but she wasn’t nominated at that point, and I just don’t like it. I know it’s part of the game, but I think these people change their minds TOO FREAKING MUCH!
I am so against Dan. I never liked him, but really dislike him now. The way she acted toward Britney after she was nomiated was so rude and selfish. It’s not like he had to out the alliance he just made, but saying sorry would be nice. Yeah it’s a game where you win tons of money and are out for yourself, but I just feel like I would at least be respectful enough to be like “Sorry you got in the way of the end goal,” or something. I am also really disappointed in Shane’s vote. Shane, Joe, and Ian should have stuck together with Britney and been the Fab Four (Juggles is not “fab,” but eh).
I still hope Ian wins. I was cracking up when he was fighting with Frank and Frank goes “Can you please just go?” And Ian goes “Thanks, I will” or something along those lines. He cracks me up. Plus, can Frank realize Ian needed to split away from him and Boogie…he was always going to be third in that alliance, and that’s not getting you anywhere.
Also, Jenn may be smart to align with Frank, but stupid to take Dan off the block. She is not going to win this game (unless MAYBE F2 with Joe), so just give it up already!