BIG BROTHER – 9/7/12

September 7th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

Oh God, poor Frank still thinks he has the votes to stay. How cute is that? He actually believes that Dan and Danielle are in an alliance with him and that they’ve just cut off Shane, who was on a team with Britney, who was best friends in the house with Ian. Geez, Frank, in one sentence, I formed all of that in my brain and realized you had no chance. You’ve been in that house for 62 days and STILL can’t see what is right in front of your face. You are going home, sir. That simple. But, look on the bright side, you get to spend some quality time with Ashley in the jury house, where you can take advantage of her being all drugged up, feel her up a little more, and maybe get your @ss spanked a time or two by the Dominatrix Queen, herself. Not hating, just saying.

Frank even has a conversation with Dan, who mistakenly brings up Joe’s name and what Joe would do if he won HOH! But, wait, if Joe won HOH, that would mean I would have to be voted out, and he would stay in the house? Why are you worried about who Joe would nominate, Dan, if you are planning on keeping me? Geez, Frank, is it really not that obvious? People don’t have slip-ups like that, come on now. Couldn’t you even tell from how the man wouldn’t even look at you while you were talking to him after that?

CBS then gives us the obligatory fake-drama-building scenes where Dan talks about how he worries most about who Joe would nominate, more than anyone else left in the house. Yeah, as if we believe he is going to vote Joe out before Frank!! As if he even believes ol’ Juggles would win an HOH competition. He talks to Joe, just for the sake of it, and Joe tells him that he’s going to nominate Shane and The Foreheaded Pimple Cream Monster. They must really hate Danielle to have shown her in that state more than a few times this season. We all know how scummy the camera crew are (if you watch the live feeds), seeing how they scan the women’s bodies from head-to-toe whenever they come out of the shower, or are in a bathing suit, yet on the show edits, they seem to not show Danielle in the best light! Just another of my conspiracy theories to throw out there…you know how I love a good conspiracy theory.

I definitely got a good laugh out of the scene when Joe started talking to Dan, only he thought it was Shane! Come on, Juggles, at least ask if it’s Shane before you start talking to him. It was pitch dark, you know! And, if that was Shane’s bed, then that is weird that Dan just jumped in it and started sleeping in it!! But, what a dumb move by Joey Skillet. I would have thought Dan would have tried to play along for a few more sentences! I know I would have, just for sh*ts and giggles.

At the live vote, Frank was evicted, and I applaud Frank for going out the way more people should go out – not shaking anyone’s hand and just bolting straight for the door!! I know it’s just a game and all, but it’s ok for people to take things hard and not want to congratulate the people who just stabbed them in the back! It’s like when people got all over LeBron James a few years back when he walked off the floor without congratulating the Orlando Magic after they just beat his Cleveland Cavaliers to make it into the NBA Finals. Um, that’s kind of a crappy moment, I think it’s ok if someone just wants some peace and quiet, and not to spend the first moments of failure congratulating the people who beat him! I think we need to rid our society of the term “poor sport” because it’s subjective and doesn’t hold any merit. It would be like me saying that the people who do stop and congratulate the people who beat him are less passionate about winning than I am. I know that’s not necessarily true, they just handle losing differently than I do. It’s ok for me to take things hard, so leave me alone about it. Let me kick the ball return machine after I get a 7 on my first ball in bowling. And, if I want to put a hole in the wall after not making the spare, so be it, that’s just how I compose myself. I don’t have anger issues, I just hate not doing my best. Anyway, I congratulate Frank for going out the way he wanted to.

And, I appreciate him bringing up the fact that Dan swore on the Bible just the week before about keeping Frank safe and going to the final two with him. And, also got a good laugh out of “Absolutely, hard feelings.” Julie really is the worst at this interviewing stuff. “How do you feel?” Be more original, Julie.

Also, to my wife, just knowing that you like Dan pisses me off. Just seeing the way he talks and the things he says, he just comes off as a lying a-hole, and the fact that you like someone like that disgusts me! No, just kidding. That’s a bit harsh, but I really don’t like that you like him. But, at the same time, it’s like how I always say I LOVE watching CT on the Real World/Road Rules “Challenge” shows, but absolutely know in my heart that I would hate him in real life. I understand, but I think that you like him because you think he’s attractive, more than just because you like him for the game he plays. I know you and how you work, don’t deny this. I went on another tirade that I had to delete, so you are welcome once again.

At the HOH Competition, we realize that both Joe and Shane might as well not even play this game anymore. Geez, are they even paying attention at all while in the house? I don’t even pay attention to these shows and I got more than one right! Good Lord. Exactly what I said about Frank being escorted out of the house by production, right after this competition was over, they should have shown Joe and Shane the front door, kicked them in the @sses while the door was open, and told them don’t bother ringing the doorbell, because it wasn’t real.

Great, Dan wins. I am, officially, checking out.

He nominates Joe and Ian. P*ssy nominations. “You gotta feel it.” P*ssy comment.

At the Veto competition, I disagreed with Julie telling Juggles that he needed to complete the entire maze. Yes, Joe, you are supposed to stop halfway at the Veto circle, bypass the rest of the board that you see in front of you and try and dislodge your fin from the board and carry it back with you to the buzzer! Jesus Crudmuffin, can it get any worse than him on this show? He brings shame on to every past houseguest on this show that he is even in the Big Brother Fraternity/Sorority!

Ian ends up winning. This competition was his to lose, basically. The only one who may have given him competition was Dan. Juggles thought he only had to do half of it, Shane probably thought this was the second half of the HOH competition and there were still two other halves to go, and Danielle was too busy picking Shane’s pubic hairs out of her teeth. Ian just got luckier than Dan did this time around, picked the right lines to take, and earned himself that Veto.

He, obviously, takes himself off of the block, and Dan nominates Danielle for eviction. My guess is that he did this because he felt he could better talk his way out of the situation, with Danielle, than he could with Jenn. Things with Jenn are new, so if he nominated her, she would have seen right through what he was doing (and hell, she possibly could have gone home, too, and he knew that and would have lost an ally). But, with Danielle, he will just smile at her, say a few words, crack a joke, tell her she’s pretty and that her butt looks nice in her yoga pants, and all is well again. It’s just that easy to do when you’re playing the game with morons. Kudos to Dan for lasting this long, managing to get through all of the “lets-get-a-major-threat-out-of-the-house” votes, and sit in the final 5 with a girl who hasn’t done anything other than save Dan, another girl who hasn’t done anything but wear pimple cream, a guy who did a lot early on but ended up just being an idiot, and another guy who started off super weak but has come on strong at the end and is his only REAL competition. At this point, I am still saying Dan wins this game, but if I’m Ian, I nominated Dan for eviction if I win HOH. Or, I talk anyone else into doing it once they win. If all is right, and Ian is as smart as he says (and believes) he is, Dan should be walking out of that door next Thursday, barring him winning the Veto, which is very much a possibility seeing the competition he’s up against.

Oh, shocker, Joe gets voted out. Anybody care? No, let’s just move on with the season then, ok?

In case everyone didn’t know, only 5 more episodes left. The finale is the 19th, which is the premiere of Survivor, so busy night ahead that night, for me! I’m hoping the Survivor premiere can take my mind off of me just having watched (which I will NEVER visit in my entire lifetime) win Big Brother 14! Ugh.

Until next time,
Written by:
Scott Ottersen

2 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 9/7/12

  1. Hey, Scott. Are you sure you weren’t drunk when writing this blog (insert winky face here)? You sound so pissed off. Anyway …
    I’m still not completely convinced that Dan will win – seems to me he’s burned waaaaaay too many bridges with the people currently in the Jury House. On the other hand, I think it’ll also depend on who is up against him if he does get to the final two.
    If it’s Ian, I’m betting on Ian winning. If it’s Jenn or Danielle, Dan would (and should) win. If it’s Shane …. hmmmmm, I’m not sure; it depends on how much anti-Dan anger has been fermenting in the Jury house and how much BB Production interference there has been with the jury members.
    Y’know who I feel sorry for? Frank. Not because he was voted off (he was the architect of his own demise by trusting Dan), but because he gets zero break from Juggles, since “the Chef” was voted out the same night. At least the current Jury members have had at least a week’s break from him; and the remaining players will have at least a week’s break from him; but poor Frank … no break from Juggles.
    I’m really sick of “Do-you-think-I’m-skinny/pretty” Danielle. I really am. On one of the BB After Dark evenings this past week, she was asking people to tell her which celebrity she reminded them of “with my face, and then with my body.” Oh, please girl, just change your name to Narcissus now.
    I truly hope BB Production has therapists lined up to treat Danielle once she views tapes of the program and sees how “fat” she looks, how “big” her ass is, how whiny she sounds, and how desperate she seems in her pursuit of an obviously-reluctant Shane (who, in one of his DR sessions, admitted to being more attracted to both Kara and JoJo than to Danielle). And if she cruises the internet to see what other people have written about her, well, BB Production may as well book a bed for her in the psych ward right now.
    Continuing to wish you good luck in the job hunt, Scott, but would suggest you may want to stop talking about how you used to write this blog while on-the-clock at your previous workplace. In this day and age of Big Brother (not the TV show), Google may not be your friend.
    Cheers to my fellow BB fans!

  2. I think what he means to say is he was writing the blog while on his mandated breaks and lunch hours – well deserved breaks from the extra hard work he was doing for his employer, going above and beyond, even working past his scheduled hours just to make sure he finished his work and also his blog to keep all of his loyal followers happy on a daily basis – followers who definitely do not read the blog during work hours, but only during well-deserved breaks from the extra hard work….ok, i’ll stop now 🙂

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