BIG BROTHER – 9/14/12

September 14th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

At the nomination ceremony, Danielle does what Dan just got done telling her to do, and nominates Dan and Ian. Danielle thought it was her best strategic move to nominate Dan and keep Shane safe, so that Shane doesn’t know her and Dan are still working together. I don’t know, but is America supposed to be retarded? ALL FOUR OF YOU ARE IN AN ALLIANCE!!!!! Each of the four KNOWS you are “working” with the other three in some regard!! Shane knows that you are still working with Dan sweetheart! But, hey, at least you saying this answers your “troubling” issue of who to choose if it came down to Dan or Shane. You are all but saying here that you are just stringing Shane along, and will keep Dan if it came to it. Right? No. I don’t know, maybe I’m just tired. And, yes, I completely forgot to be drunk for these shows. How messed up is my life that I am forgetting to drink!! I will make up for it tonight. We are having some people over and I plan on getting F*CKED UP!! Just a fair warning for you, my dear wife!

At the Jury House, Ashley is blowing bubbles. I’m quite certain they edited out the scene where she queefing to blow the bubbles!! Google it if you didn’t know. Frank and Britney argue about whether or not Dan is playing a great game and how Frank is the only person who stayed loyal in the house. Blah blah blah, like I said, the show just gets boring from here on. I think, from here on out, when players get evicted, they should just stay in the house as consultants/viewers. It will add to the entertainment value. Can you imagine how little people would get away with? How many secrets would be called out? How many fights? How much funny sh*t people would say to other people, knowing it wouldn’t put their game life at risk? Add that as #2 on my list of changes this show needs to make. Of course, #1 is to let the outgoing HOH play in the next HOH competition. You don’t want to know #3. Really, you don’t. I’m guessing most of you would be able to guess it, but still, you don’t want to know.

At the POV Competition, props to Danielle for having the best strategy this time around. Personally, I don’t think it was her strategy to take her time and solve the puzzle slowly, but still you have to give her props for not rushing her way through it, knowing each question had several solutions, and thinking her way into the right answers. The guys were just trying to move as fast as they could, and were hitting their buttons every other minute just to check if they were right or not, and then just blindly changing answers around once they found out they were wrong. I must say that Danielle earned that win. Big time. My first thought here is that the nominations are staying the same and how upset I was that Shane was, most likely, voting Ian out because he wanted to keep up his Final 3 alliance. But, simple-minded me wasn’t thinking about how much air time CBS gave to Shane and Danielle talking about this Final 3 deal. They wouldn’t want it to be so obvious what was going to happen, so of course they were throwing us off. It was all a set up.

A set up to make Dan look all the more brilliant when he talked Danielle into using the Veto on him, putting Shane on the block, and then Dan would vote Shane out. Personally, I don’t get why Danielle would go along with this. I think I need this explained a little more to me how this would benefit her at all, already knowing that Shane was going to vote out Ian? It was going to be them three in the finals, so what was the difference? Just keep them the same and laugh about it after Ian left. I don’t even get why she would consider this when it is a pointless move. Of course, I know it’s not pointless, because Dan wants Shane out, but for Danielle, it’s pointless to do it, since the outcome is the same no matter what. Is everyone following me? If not, I can see why not, because none of this makes any damn sense to me. I won’t say it’s production getting involved, but I just don’t get it. I don’t think production really cared because they knew Dan wasn’t going home, but maybe they just wanted more drama???? I don’t know. It just seems like a weird thing to do at this juncture of the game is all.

The best part of it all was the exchange her and Dan had where Dan asked her what she wants to do, she says “What do you want me to do?” He smiles and says “Make your own decision.” Then, she smiles back and says “Shut up, Dan.” Why “Shut up, Dan?” Why not say something like, “Well, I will make my own decision, because at this point, there is only one decision to make. I’m keeping nominations the same, because we are assured Final 3.” Yes, I know that Dan made the whole plea about how he doesn’t trust Shane and all that, and Danielle really just wanted to make sure Dan was safe, but what about Shane? If she wanted Shane to remain safe, as well, why not just trust that Shane was going to stick to his word, rather than the scumball known as Dan keeping the word that he hasn’t kept this entire season yet! I get where Dan was coming from, because you never feel safe when you’re nominated, but for Danielle, it should have been an easy decision to do nothing, not to just let Dan make the decision for you. What do you think he would want you to do, dummy? No, no, keep me nominated, I don’t mind the risk that I’ll go home.

Of course, she brings it up to Shane and he just says go ahead and do it. Just another reason why Dan is going to win. Who would just lie there and be like, “Yeah, it’s fine he doesn’t trust me, I won’t take that as a sign that I shouldn’t trust him either, take him off, put me up, and I’ll just hope and pray he doesn’t vote me off.” And then I’ll just make out with that second head you have on your forehead. It was at this point where I started rooting for Shane to go home, even over Daniel.

At the Veto Competition, I ALMOST came to the decision that I would someday read one of these three books Dan has “written” and published. But, then my hatred for him overtook me and I laughed that off. Danielle follows through with Dan’s plan, takes him off, and then replaces him with Shane. Even Ian can’t believe what just happened, and what just happened saved his life in the game!

Dan votes out Shane, who rushes out the door, almost fulfilling my lifelong dream of seeing someone on Big Brother punch someone in the face, after being evicted. It HAS to happen at some point, right? Who cares at that point, you already lost the money, and it’s the perfect way of getting out of having to vote for one of the losers left in the house to win the money. I never understood why Julie always acts like it should be such a pleasure to be a part of determining the winner of the show. I’m sorry, but once I lose, I stop caring. I don’t want anybody to win, whether I vote for them or not. If I were Shane, I would have punched Dan straight in his f*cking face and then spit on his face as he was falling to the ground. And, let’s be honest, if he gets punched in the face, he IS falling to the ground! We see that Dan takes Danielle aside to feed her some bullsh*t about how he did that for her to win the game. He told her that she wouldn’t be able to beat Shane in the Final 2, but somehow wants her to believe that she’ll beat Ian or Dan. No chance, sweetheart. None at all. I guess, MAYBE, if you win the final HOH, you would have a good story to tell, but I still don’t think you stand a chance. If she wins, she HAS to take Ian. For one, she needs to just shove it Dan’s face and make him feel what he did to so many others in the house. And, two, that gives her the best chance at winning. She gets Dan and Shane’s vote. Ashley might vote for her because Ian stabbed her in the back and got her evicted. And, Frank may do the same because Ian is the reason he’s out, as well. Holy sh*tballs, I guess I just realized that Danielle could win this game, too. YES!!!! I am Team Danielle All Day Now!!!!!!! I am hoping and praying she wins that final HOH and then finally does something intelligent and takes Ian to the Final 2 with her. If she takes Dan, I think she’ll lose 4-3 (Frank, Shane, Ashley). I still think Joe votes for Dan, no matter what. He is the wild card vote, but I think he’ll get talked into Dan winning it all.

Anyway, I think I’d love to talk with Chelsea and find out what she thinks about Dan swearing on his relationship with her and breaking that bond so easily. I know it’s just a game and all, but doing things like that are pretty sacred. It’s like if someone asked me to swear on my daughter’s life. No matter what I’m doing, I’m not even going to swear on that because just doing that sounds so wrong. But, if I did, I most definitely am not going back on it. I know they’re just words, but words mean something to the person you are and the person you will become in life. Dan is just showing he wants to be a piece of trash the rest of his life. Sure, he’ll be a rich piece of trash, but at least the rest of us can go around and say we aren’t swearing on the Bible, our marriage, and anything else he’s kept sacred and then easily backing right out of those bonds like God and our wives meant nothing to us. Congratulations, Chelsea, you should be proud of your husband.

Even the crowd knows what a dirtball he is, with them giving applause to Shane’s “Dan’s a dirty player” comment. Yes, the game needs dirty players to keep relevant and to gain viewership, but still. Ok, I’ll let it go. I told myself at the beginning of this blog I wouldn’t get carried away with the Dan stuff, but here we go again. I can’t even blame this on the alcohol.

Only two more episodes left and two more blogs to boot. Let’s go Team Danielle!

Have a great weekend,
Written by:
Scott Ottersen

2 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 9/14/12

  1. I agree with you, Scott – the fewer contestants in the house, the more boring it gets. I, too, am ready for the damn game to end.
    Unlike you, I am horrified at the thought that Danielle might win!
    All she has done the whole season is demonstrate her narcissism, constantly harping about her physical appearance and what everyone and anyone thinks of her face and body and butt and figure and weight and … OMFG, shut up!
    She has no “game.” None. She has simply succumbed to Dan’s manipulations; then she cries, then cries some more, then cries some more; then “comes around” to Dan’s “logic” (Brittany calls it Dan’s “mist”); and, finally, she pops her pimples, washes her face and goes to bed (to cry some more).
    Best case scenario: Dan & Ian go to final two and Ian wins.
    2nd best case scenario: Danielle & Ian go to final two and Ian wins.
    3rd best case scenario: Danielle & Dan go to final two and Dan wins.
    Worst case scenario: ANY combination of the final two where Danielle wins.
    I admit it. I’d rather Dan win over Danielle. To me, that would be as awesome as Bachelor Pad 3’s Nick choosing KEEP and winning the entire $250K, leaving everyone else in his dust.
    Can’t wait for the finale!
    Cheers to my fellow BB fans.

  2. I swear on the bible, my kids, and husband that I will be so unhappy if Dan wins. That would be unbearable for me to handle!!!

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