Big Brother Recap – 7/10/15

July 10th, 2015 | 7 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

We get to the live vote and Julie reveals the three houseguests who aren’t going to be a part of the vote, and those three were Becky, Jeff, and Jackie. Kind of an odd threesome (one Jeff probably wouldn’t mind having), but I guess Da’Vonne didn’t want to be too obvious that she won by choosing Clay. Also, I’m sure she may have already known she was being voted out so she didn’t think it mattered what three she chose. But, I did get a good laugh that the three houseguests had to go to the dining room…a whole SIX FEET away, so that they couldn’t take part in the voting process that takes place in the diary room, which is actually further away from where they’re sitting! Good stuff, Julie. Why couldn’t they just sit on the couch as everyone voted like the HoH and nominees do? I’d love to get their thoughts on that one.

And just like that, Da’Vonne is gone with a vote of 7-2. She got Jason and Audrey’s vote to stay. It’s almost as if Big Brother knew the votes ahead of time to make it a 2-2 vote before they went to commercial to build up the tension. I always find this funny that shows do this, because if we’re 35 minutes into an hour-long show, it’s likely we’re going to stick around for the end. Even if it was a 3-1 vote, I’d still have watched the rest of the show. I mean, hell, we don’t need to watch the show at all anymore these days with the way Twitter, Facebook, and even apps like Periscope can keep us up to date with live events. So, cool it with the suspense and also cool it with the planned “live” shows.

Just like that, the puffy shirted pirate Julie Chen asked Da’Vonne my question about whether or not she thought she should have kept it a secret that she knew about the twin twist. Honestly, I don’t think it would have mattered if she did or didn’t. I don’t think Jiz would have cared and would have still voted her out. She seems clueless to the game, so she would have just voted her out for personal reasons anyway and not considered the benefits/ramifications of keeping Da’Vonne.

One last thing about Da’Vonne is that she’s completely wrong about the reason why Audrey’s not being nominated/evicted. She was so sure to think that people were scared to nominate her because of her being a transgender, but wasn’t the plan for the entire house this week to backdoor her?!? You, Jason, James, Jeff, Meg, Becky, and everyone other than Clay and Shelli wanted Audrey out and would have voted her out, so your reasoning is wrong. You are to blame for going home. You got on Shelli and Clay’s nerves by calling them out while you were so obviously (and admittedly) snooping around the house for trying to figure out what you were doing…THAT is why you’re being voted out. Not because Audrey used to be a man. I know it’s tough for people to admit they’re at fault and it’s easier to blame others, but she knows deep down she’s at fault here. But, like Kermit the Frog says, that’s none of my business.

Oh God, I have to deal with Rob Gronkowski this week. Ugh. I’m a Boston sports HATER, so this week might be tough. But at least it’s not Tom Brady. I would have turned the show off and deleted the recording without even watching the end if it was Tom Brady. Hate that jackass. Well, he seems like a good guy, but I hate him as the Patriots QB. But, Gronk wants to “party all week,” so I’m sure that has some meaning to it. I’m sure his Takeover probably won’t even have anything to do with the game and he’ll just host a party and give them some extra bottles of wines to drink. And I’d imagine he’ll probably take his shirt off at some point and tell Liz or Meg that he’s willing to throw them a bone-r if they so choose.

At the HoH competition, we get a completely-by-luck duo of Austin and Vanessa as this week’s Heads of Household. I actually like this pairing as I believe both of them will make smart, strategic decisions that will benefit both them and the viewers. I can’t even guess at who they’re going to put up at this point, to tell the truth. I would imagine one of them will put up James as a main target. I don’t think Audrey will be targeted, but could be put up as a “pawn” that they wouldn’t mind if they went home anyway. If not James as the target, they may just waste this week and get out a bum like Jackie or Liz since they’re easy blood to get on their hands and really only in this game to get a nice tan and show off their bodies to the scummy guys who watch the live feeds and host online forums where they post pictures and videos of the girls in their bathing suits, hoping to God they catch a glimpse of a nip slip or a pubic hair hanging out of the side of their bathing suit bottoms.

Also, best part of the HoH competition was the OG Gangsta, puffy shirt Asian pirate Julie Chen with her “Quickly please, we’re on a live show.” Bad @ss, Julie. Way to get these kids in line. Keep staying married to Les over there.

Anyway, we’re done for the week. Have a great weekend and I’ll catch you all on Monday with the recap of Sunday’s show where we’ll find out who they nominate and who wins/loses the Battle of the Block.

Until then…

Twitter: @BigBrotherRecap

7 thoughts on “Big Brother Recap – 7/10/15

  1. THANK YOU for calling out Da’Vonne on her BS reason for why they voted her out instead of Audrey! I don’t see really anyone else doing this. Does Da’Vonne not remember when she turned her back on the original all girl alliance with the fast-forward twist by picking Liz??? That’s what pissed Shelli off to begin with and Da’Vonne’s drama that continued on after that just made her more of a target.

  2. Are you sure we aren’t related? 🙂 I’m a Boston sports HATER, too and feel I had such an “ewwwwwwwwww” moment when I heard “Super Bowl Winner”, but then was able to sigh a tiny bit when “Rob Gronk—-” followed. I don’t care for Gronk, but I really don’t care for the other guy. As Bachelorette guys “Alf” said to “Peter Brady”, “I don’t even want to say his name”. Thanks for the recap. Nicely done.

  3. Wondering if John has a hearing problem and talks loudly as a result. Jason – get rid of the collar jewelry. Austin’s green twisting tattoos make him look like he is turning into Swamp Thing. Audrey reminds me of young party girls I have seen over the years at work. Dressed up and made up half the time and then showing up without makeup or showering and looking like they were out drinking half the night and woke up in a strange place, grabbed clothes they found around them, and came in. Clay sometimes look like the son of Vanilla Ice and Zach from Saved by the Bell. I knew Davonne was going home when I saw her outfit vs Meg’s. Not sure why she didn’t take away Clay’s vote. Wow, this is purely a superficial post so I will end it by saying that Jackie’s sky high heels and tight short skirt made her my mvp for the night.

  4. I hear that about True Detective season 2. I just cannot take Vince Vaughn seriously. I think it’s because his style of humour is to have that serious face and somewhat serious words, and then saying funny one-liners. So while he’s saying all kinds of serious stuff, I keep waiting for the punch-line. It’s like all he’s been doing is setting up jokes but never delivering punch-lines. It’s killing me, I can’t get over it. Colin Farrell is decent. But overall, just not living up to season 1 with Woody and Matthew’s performances. I’ve been trying to forget and judge this one separately, but it is difficult to forget.

  5. You’re welcome, jmwilt77. Da’Vonne seemed like a nice enough person, but just one of those strong-mouthed people that never can hold it in when they really need to. I can’t hate on her for that, because I think I’d struggle with the same thing in the house. However, I’d also know if I ever did get voted out, it would be because of my own doing, not because someone is a transgender.

    @auntsam, as much as I want to call that Shawn/Sean guy a baby for how he’s acting, I think I can relate to him. It would be extremely difficult for me to be dating a girl while knowing she was sleeping with another guy that I HAAAAAAAAATE. I’d probably not want to say his name, either. 🙂

    @jman123, Jackie’s body can be my MVP, too. Her face, not so much. Same with Liz – she’s pretty and all, but it’s her body that sells it. I think that’s the story for all the girls in the house for me. I’m not attracted to any of their faces, but they do have nice bodies. So I can understand where Jeff is coming from, HOWEVER, he’s taking it a bit too far…

    @Cndgirl, I’m not ready to say that I dislike season 2 just yet, but I AM ready to say it won’t even come close to being as good as the first one. And that’s saying something because the first one ended so terribly and also had an episode or two in the middle that were kinda slow and boring. So, there’s still hope for this season, but I agree that Vince Vaughn, along with the story, are the major issues in the show for me. It’s just eh right now.

  6. Ha, I just read the story about Jeff’s “alleged masturbation” on Julia. “Important” update at the end of the article says that the stain was on her before.

  7. Vanessa seems to be stealing Derrick’s winning grunge look from last season.

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