Then, Big Brother reminds us that they can be sweet for a moment as we listen to Shelly gush about her husband being a stay-at-home dad for the first five years of their child’s life and how he’s the greatest man ever to live, and how their love is just like Jeff and Jordan’s. Let’s hope Shelly isn’t paying her husband back by farting under the covers and wafting it into his face. Although, I can see Shelly doing something like that. But, nonetheless, props to Shelly’s husband. After having a daughter, myself, I have newfound respect for ANY stay-at-home parent. Plus, he’s an ex-marine and I don’t like to talk bad about people who willingly fight in wars. Mucho props, my friend.
Is it me or does Rachel get uglier with each diary session she does? I think Brendon will watch these episodes when they get home and start agreeing with her getting botox and lip injections. And, maybe Proactive. If it worked for Jessica Simpson and Katy Perry, it can work for you, Rachel.
Then, we get Rachel discussing her thoughts on whether or not she’s going to put up Keith and Porsche or Adam and Dom. She says the decision is between getting out a threat or playing it safe, and I can’t guess which pair she thinks is the threat. All I heard from that montage was Adam muttering, “He’s not a nice Dick.” The gay overtones with Adam are becoming more and more evident. Again, there is nothing wrong with that, but I find it kind of funny coming from the heavy metal, bacon-eating machine Adam.
Rachel thinks the first nominations will set the tone for the entire season and she couldn’t be more wrong. This game changes by the second. No nomination ever sets the tone. It’s all about the social interactions. Who hates who and why. But, she comes out with “I can’t make then same mistake I did last season and be an emotional nominator. It must be gameplay.” I agree with her, but still feel as if every decision she makes will be an emotional one. I admire Rachel’s competitive streak, but her decision-making skills aren’t top notch. This nomination may be easy, but if she wins HOH once the game REALLY starts going, those will be emotional and she’ll put up Cassi once she realizes she didn’t get a nose job and is just naturally that attractive.
The nomination ceremony closes out the episode. Dick and Daniele’s keys are pulled out first. Then, Jeff and Jordan. Next, the least threatening team, Lawon and Kalia, followed by Shelly and Cassi, and Adam and Dom. So, we’re left with Keith and Porsche, which everyone who reads this blog already knew about. Porsche didn’t expect to go up first after making a deal with Dick and Keith fully expects his Regulators to mount up in the clear black night and save him from eviction.
Rachel says she wants Keith gone and Porsche to have the Golden Key. I’m guessing she wants her to have it since she has agreed to work with them, but who knows. Maybe she’s just sticking to the VIP Cocktail Waitress code of ethics. I was waiting for them to boob-touch to celebrate the fact they do the same “work” for their “occupation” but maybe that will come out later, since Porsche hasn’t come out and said what she actually does for a “living.” Let me know if you see this moment happen on the live feeds. Thanks.
The Big Brother Voice ends the show talking about the POV and if it will save Keith and Porsche, but more importantly he mentions one houseguest leaving the show and that it could possibly change the game. Of course, we (SPOILER ALERT….don’t read if you don’t want to know who goes home) all know that Dick is the houseguest who leaves due to “personal reasons,” so we’ll have to wait until Wednesday to find out what happens with that. My guess is that CBS didn’t address this situation because they still haven’t figured out what to do about it. My guess is that they bring back that Nick guy that liked Daniele during their season. If he won’t, they’ll probably just get somebody else from that season to compete with her. Whatever happens, I don’t really care, I’m just sad to see Dick go. He was the only one playing the game as of right now, so without him it’s just going to be a bunch of thumb twiddling and stupid play, which happens every year. I’ll bang some pots in your memory, Dick.
As I mentioned before, if you are going to leave results from the POV or any other type of information in the comments, please post “Spoiler Alert” before you do so. Not everyone reads about the show and likes to see things fresh. I appreciate that, thank you.
And, of course, feel free to comment as much as you want or email me (email at end of first blog). And, I thank everyone that has requested to be my friend on facebook. I accept everyone and will enjoy adding to my friend total, so that I don’t appear to be that much of a facebook loser.
So, what’s everyone’s guesses for POV and evictions come Wednesday/Thursday?
Until then,