BIG BROTHER – 7/15/11

July 23rd, 2011 | 3,479 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Next up, we have the Veto Competition, which for all you who watch the live feeds, or read up on other blogs about house updates, you already know who won, but we sat through it and watched anyways.

It was some sort of superhero themed event, with all the houseguests dressed up in spandex outfits and wearing capes. And, yes, I’m doing my best to contain myself that Cassi was not involved in this somehow. The objective was for one player to run back and forth with puzzle pieces, handing them to their partner, who would go up and down on a rope pulley, and then would try and complete a puzzle while suspended in mid-air. Exciting, huh?

Rachel and Brendon win. Keith and Porsche both were throwing it and Jeff and Jordan might as well not even have tried. Not a great idea by Jeff to have Jordan do the puzzle portion of the Veto. But, I don’t think he cared much, once he saw that Rachel and Brendon were the only ones that had a shot at winning.

Daniele is doing a Diary Room session about how she feels about the Golden Key and this is when I realized that blonde or brunette, I just can’t find her attractive. She’s not ugly, but she’s just not my type. Sorry Daniele, but you should probably throw that green men’s winter hat away as soon as you get out of the house. At first, she cried about having the Golden Key, because she felt like she shouldn’t even be in the house if she couldn’t compete, but then she slowly realized that being safe for a month was a great thing in the game. Go figure. She said she was just going to use the time to relax and work on personal relationships in the house and that it was a great thing because everyone would concentrate on everyone else and forget about her since she did not matter in competitions.

Oh, speaking of Dumbledore, how about Adam’s costume get-up for the Veto Competition? He honestly looked like a gay stripper going to a bachelor party. Of course, he’d be a specialty stripper act. One for groups who wanted the unattractive, out-of-shape, probably small-in-the-pants show! Hey, we all have our wants and desires. Not knocking him, just sayin’ is all…

Another great comment from the Veto Competition was Porsche’s “A 5th grader could solve this.” Funny because it was true, but also funny because she probably couldn’t solve the puzzle if she tried. And don’t laugh, Keith, you probably couldn’t solve it, either.

After the veto has been won, Brendon decides to meet with all the newbies and give them all the same “deal.” Kalia tries to make a Godfather comparison/joke. I get the comparison, but you weren’t funny. Thanks for trying, though. I’m sure your relationship blog is a hoot. I’ll make sure to catch one of them someday. But, she was right about how dumb Brendon came off with this “deal.” He asked that each of the newbies keep him, Rachel, Jeff, and Jordan safe from nominations AND not backdoor them with the veto. And, he would agree not to change the nominations and keep them safe for this week. Everyone saw right through him and knew they weren’t going to change the nominations, anyways. The only newbie who spoke up about their concern was Cassie, who by the way, CBS took up until now to even show in this episode. You couldn’t fit a sunbathing clip in somewhere, somehow? She talked about how she was concerned with how those four were always going to have each other’s back and how that was scary for her. She later mentioned that she spoke up because she “wanted to let them know she’s no dummy.” Good idea, but you should probably wait until they aren’t HOH and the Veto winners. Rachel already dislikes you because you are prettier than she is; don’t make her dislike you because you are smarter than her too.

Sidebar again, Dear Rachel and Brendon, do you guys really need to hold hands while you walk from the picture wall to the back door to let everyone know it’s time for the Veto Meeting? Get over yourselves. Now my wife is going to think I should hold her hand from the stove to the kitchen table before we eat dinner (of course that would warrant us eating dinner at the kitchen table, which has happened about 6 times total in our 8 years together).

Porsche gives some dumb speech about how she “wants to compete” and “I, we, want to stay.” The veto was not used. Keith and Porsche celebrate that the nominations stayed the same. Still stupid.
Who will be voted out? Let’s find out.

The live show started off with the Chenbot quote “…and 1 legend prematurely leaves the house…” Uh, maybe someone should explain to Julie what the world legend means. Evel Dick is NOT a legend in any sense of the word. Yeah great, the guy won Big Brother once before, but that doesn’t make him a legend. Maybe it’s just me and I’m taking this for more than what it’s worth.

Next up…a 4 minute long rehash of what’s happened so far this season. Thanks.

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