BIG BROTHER – 8/5/11

August 5th, 2011 | 5,380 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Ok everyone, I want to apologize for an error that occurred. Apparently, when I sent Reality Steve my blog for yesterday, my computer only decided to send half. I have no clue how this happens, but then again I have no clue as to how anything with computers happens. I can’t stand computers and wish they didn’t exist so that I wouldn’t have to learn how to use them. But, here is my recap for Thursday night’s live eviction show.

The show starts off with an image. An image I find somewhat awkward and that is Brendon wearing a wedding ring on his ring finger. Now, I know this is common practice for some engaged men to wear a wedding ring as if they are already married, but it just doesn’t jive with me. I think it has more to do with the fact that it’s Brendon and that’s why it bothers me more than it should. It just comes off as desperate to me. It screams “I want attention.” Or, at least it does that for when Brendon wears it.

Oh sh*t, Rachel is crying again. She’s tearing up about the idea of playing this game without Brendon. The quote that stuck out was “we work so well together.” Uh, since when? I don’t know about you, but I don’t consider fighting every other hour and then consequently making up within then minutes “working well together.” I would like to know how Rachel grew up and what her parents were like, because they must have been hellish towards each other, because if she thinks that her and Brendon work well together than she needs a reality check. Well, I guess we already knew she needed one, anyways, but this comment was a tad overboard. Even for Rachel.

For gameplay, I actually think Rachel will be better off without Brendon. It will allow her to socialize with other players rather than just staying locked up in a bedroom with Brendon tickling his testicles with her tongue. I actually believe that she will have a bit of the newly-single-syndrome and go buckwild the rest of the time she’s in the house. If I were her and Brendon left, I would play it off as if he were controlling (shouldn’t be much of a stretch), start drinking and laughing and having a good time with everyone, telling them that Brendon kept her from doing this earlier. She should tell Brendon she’s going to act this way and say those things so that he doesn’t cry to himself at home and end up committing suicide, but I think that strategy is the best bet she has of staying in the house now that everyone will still want her gone. She needs to come off as if Brendon was the one holding her back from playing with the other houseguests. I still think it’s unlikely she’ll win the game, but you never do know.

That coincides with Jeff talking to Shelly about how crazy she’s going to be if Brendon leaves. That’s true and that is what everyone is assuming, so that’s why she needs to do the complete opposite. If she does that and surprises everyone, they will automatically see her in a new light and may be willing to change their mind about voting her out. It’s the only strategy worth a shot for her, because she has no alliance, really (I’m not counting Porsche as a person) and everyone is afraid to even talk to her because of how she handles situations.

Next up, we get Rachel and Brendon trying to convince Adam, Shelly, and Porsche to vote to evict Jordan. They already know Porsche will vote her out, but they need to get Adam and Shelly on board. If they do, Jordan goes home. But, I think we all know this is falling on deaf ears. They offer to keep them safe the rest of the summer, but Adam and Shelly both know that’s not the truth. They have to try and offer it, so I can respect that, but there really isn’t anything they can say at this point. It should be 100% certain that Brendon will be walking out that door in a few minutes.

Daniele tries to do damage control with Adam, asking if Brenchel has cut any deals since they seem to be happier around the house now. Adam only tells her that they’re trying and that’s it. I’m sure Adam said more to her that we didn’t get to hear, but I really think Adam is playing a poor game right now. I think he’s doing his best to lay low, which is fine, but he’s really not sticking with anybody and going at it alone in the Big Brother game is not going to get it done. At best, you might make it to final four or so, but then you’d have to start winning events and I don’t think Adam is built physically or mentally to win any HOH or Veto competitions.

5,380 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 8/5/11

  1. agreed – only wednesday’s recap is up.
    ps. i’d bring Dom back to join up with Daniele, should be good!

  2. I so badly want to see Cassie back. I really dislike, ok hate, Rachel and knowing she got Cassie out of the house for no other reason then looks… (oh right I meant saying sbc he did not like Porsche) . I would love to see the look on Rachel’s face when Cassie comes back! Plus I love how Cassie put Brachel in their places before she left.

  3. I love your commentary on BB, Scott!
    I LOVED cassi but sorry man, I am definitely voting Dom back in over Cassi because of the following reasons: 1) The houseguest with the most votes has to battle the evicted houseguest in a comp and the winner gets to go back in the house. From what we’ve seen, Dom is the better competitor so you would be wasting your votes in Cassi because she isn’t going to win 🙂 2) Obviously the house is divided with JJ/Rachel against Dani/Kalia and the rest are useless floaters. Putting Dom back in means more drama because he would definitely align with Dani and it would make the game more interesting. If you put Cassi back in, she will run to Shelly (who is aligned with the vets, she would be another number and the vets would take out Dani and Kalia and the season would be boring. 3) Personally I am sick and tired of the vets running in the house. Even though Dani fucked up big time last week, I’m still rooting for her and out of all the evicted houseguests, Dom would be her biggest ally. 4) Umm he’s hot?? 🙂

    Sorry to ramble, but honestly it depends on who you’re rooting for: If you’re a JJ fan, vote Cassi because she will most likely team up with them. If you’re rooting for Dani, vote Dom.

  4. When Julie (who I cannot stand!) was talking to the house guests before the vote, she said that the only other time the veto holder was on the block and did not use it on themselves was in Season 8 when Dick used it on Danielle. But back in Season 3 (my favorite season), Marcellas used the veto on Amy when they were both on the block. I don’t know if that was Julie or some writer, but do about 5 seconds of research next time.

  5. I totally caught the whole thing with showing Brendon as a possible returning houseguest before he was even voted out yet! now i know if you watch the live feeds or read the spoilers it was pretty obvious that he was going to get evicted but seriously, we’ve been surprised before. I had the same thought–a little scripting going on. Would not be surprised if you see a return of Brendon (regardless of who America actually votes for) just for the dramatic aspect of him returning…I think if I see that I’ll know that there’s some scripting to this show. You already get a sense reading jokersupdates that the DR people totally manipulate the people and plant ideas in their heads to create more drama….

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