BIG BROTHER – 8/26/11

August 26th, 2011 | 19 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Written by:
Scott Ottersen

I’ve been hearing a lot of rumblings about things Production are saying and doing this week. All I know is that things better not go haywire in this house the way some sites are saying they are going to (Rachel, please don’t), otherwise my recap of tomorrow night’s episode will be MUCH different. I’ll let it go for right now and keep my mind on the straight and narrow and just cover what happened tonight (Wednesday show)

We start off with the consummate brainchild, Porsche, talking about how she’s the biggest threat on the block. Not so sure she’s been a part of the same season we are currently watching, but you kinda haven’t done anything here, Porsche. You’ve taken a bunch of naps, ate some food, dressed up in a bikini a few times, and came in second “four times” (by your own account, of course – someone should tell her that just because someone else wins and everyone else loses, that’s not considered second place). Not that Kalia has done much of anything, either, but she did win HOH once, so she can technically say she’s done something and won something in the house, even though everyone gives her no credit whatsoever for doing so.

Jeff explains to us just how wrong Porsche is by saying that Kalia is his target if the nominations stay the same and he wants her gone. This is clearly still all about retribution for her putting him on the block a few weeks back when she was the HOH. I can understand him being upset and wanting to get her back, but I still think it’s pointless to evict her. She does nothing and only lucked into her HOH victory, so it would be the better decision to keep her around and evict a stronger competitor like Daniele. I know he is talking about winning the Veto and then backdooring her, but that’s never a guarantee to happen.

Adam, thinking like myself, tells Jeff that he really thought Daniele would be up. I know that Jeff did it just in case Daniele won the Veto and took herself off, but the ONLY smart move for Jeff this week is to get rid of Daniele, and you may as well just play strong and put her up from the very start to have the chance to get her out, just in case you don’t win Veto and have the opportunity to backdoor her. I know this point is moot now, but I’m just saying that he was playing it too safely with his nominations, because I can guarantee you that if Daniele would win HOH next, she’d be putting Jeff up as a nominee, or at least have a plan to backdoor him if her nominations had to change.

I will say that I enjoyed Rachel antagonizing Daniele, but also feel as if this may have just been something she did for a few minutes and then quit, just as a way to make sure she got some airtime on the episode. You can just see it all over the faces Rachel makes when nobody is around and when people leave rooms that she does the things she’s doing to get her face shown in the episode. And, honey, that “evil” smile thing you do is U-G-L-Y on you! You look better with a scowl on your face. But, hey, I guess I should just be happy she’s not crying. I’ll take whatever you give me as long as you’re not crying, Rachel. Also, that men’s hat you wear in the diary room is not so attractive on you. Just a heads up.

For all you who were wondering, Jeff is right. Not Jordan. It’s spelled mischievous. There is no “I” after the “v” like many people assume. Buck up, Jeff, don’t admit you are wrong when you know you aren’t! This public service announcement has been brought to you by the letter I. Rubber Ducky, you ARE the one!!

Oh God, the stupid Zingbot is back. I like to believe the houseguests were laughing only because they were so damn bored and it was just refreshing to hear someone else talk for a little while. The only thing funny I actually understood from the high-pitched mumblings of the Zingbot was when he/she called Shelly a dude! Now, THAT is a zinger! And partly true. I did enjoy the zing on Kalia’s sex expertise since we all know that woman is no expert on sex. The only thing she may be an expert of in the field related to sex is the guy asking to keep the lights off. Zing!

I actually got a great laugh out of Daniele’s zing at Rachel thinking she’s a scientist, but serving up mai tai’s only makes her a waitress. Now, THAT is a zing, Zingbot, not “Every……other…..word…..out….of your……mouth….is….the….f word……….fiance.” Lame. If your joke is lame, just spit it out, don’t take 3 minutes to get to the punch line. I take offense to the person who wrote these jokes actually being paid to do so. It would take me 30 seconds to zing the sh*t out of these losers and I’d do it for free:

Adam: Good idea on shaving your beard and showing your facial piercing, maybe next you should shave your pubes and see if a penis shows up. Ziiiing.

Rachel: Brendon just called, he wanted to let you know that he found zit cream on his testicles this morning and asked that you don’t go down on him when you have it on your chin anymore. He also said that it worked and the redness has gone away. Zing-Zing.

Daniele: Chin up. Zing.

Those are just a few, I could keeping, but I feel like I’d just get more rude as I went along. My Zingbot wouldn’t have been aired on the episode shown on CBS, but it would make for one hell of a show on After Dark. I’d be fired from CBS within the hour, I’m sure.

Anyways, back to the Veto competition. Both Adam and Shelly talked about how they didn’t want to win the Veto. Why? I’m not understanding why they both feel so safe. What do they think would happen if Daniele won and took Kalia or Porsche off the block? Do they not know they’d be the two he’d be choosing from to nominate? He’s not going to put up Jordan, and I’m fairly certain he’d rather keep Rachel since she’s a big target in the house and still a member of his original alliance. And, Adam has been around when Shelly has been questioned about making final 3 deals with Jeff and Jordan, so if anything Adam should feel at risk if Daniele, or even Kalia or Porsche won the Veto. I can see Shelly, but not Adam. But, hey, his intelligence quotient (that’s I.Q. for all those who didn’t know – geez, with mischievous and IQ lessons being thrown around, I feel like I’m teaching High School English here) hasn’t been anything to write home about, so what else should I expect? For Christ’s sake, CBS, do a better job screening people for the show. Let’s get a season where ALL houseguests are actually capable of winning this game.

19 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 8/26/11

  1. I do not want to watch this stupid show anymore.

    One) Shelley is an idiot. Okay, so would she have won in Final 3 with J/J? No. But would she have won against Dani? No. So, you’re an idiot. I realy hope J/J don’t forget this and stop being her friend. Yeah, it’s just a game, but this girl is RUDE and backstabbing. Jordan, don’t forget you gave up a phone call for her and this is how she repays you.

    2) I can’t believe who won HOH this time. *SPOILER ALERT* Porsche?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What the hell Jordan, Rachel, or even loser Adam??? Great, you’re right…Congrats Kalia on winning BB while never making your own decisions. I swear to God, I hate these people.

    3) And if production is having a say, next time, keep Jeff because now America is pissed. 🙂 That is all.

  2. Oh, and another thing, you know this season sucks when I was actually rooting for Rachel (obviously, Jordan too) more than any of these losers.

    And on a sidenote, my favorite part of the past two days other than Dani going home was whe Jeff did a “Zing” on her and said something about how she always says “AWK WARD” and for the life of me, can’t remember the other word. Help me out!

  3. I hate CBS!! When Jeff got voted off last night I went into a serious depression. The thing that I laid awake about was that Jordan is so nice that she will probably forgive Shelly by next week.

    What I would like to see is Jordan making her suffer and cry evey day until she leaves.


    Shelly goes to the end and then J/J give her a speach about showing her daughter that money is more important than integrity. But, Im sure nothing will happen. Kalia will win and somehow or another Danielle will be so proud of herself.

    Oh, I hate that I am addicted to reality tv. It is so frustrating

  4. Mischievous can be pronounced both ways,I think pronoucing it the way Jordan does is a southern thing.
    Im glad Big Jeff is gone, because anyone that talks in 3rd person should not be allowed to win 500,000 dollars, at least if Kalia wins she can fix her saggy boobs.

  5. I’m seriously PISSED at Shelly, I didnt mind her much, until LAst night!!!!! WTF!!!! I cant even deal with this damn show anymore, All i wanted was for Jeff to wipe the house out and win with Jordan…. I mean yeah she has already won in the past, But Out of ALLL the people in the house, JEff n Jordon were just my faves,,, Now I feel like there is just no chance at all….

    If I had to write a Blog I would have said EXACTLY everything you have said here. I think most of us who watch BB are mostly on the same boat right now~ GODDD!!!!! Fix this messs CBS ,,,,

    I seriously Do not like Kalia, she is just annoying and tries Wayyyyyyy to hard to get people to like her (Danielle) and the crying i mean seriously??? SOME SEX would help you release some of those emotions and maybe even help you make better decisions….
    Porche: I dont care for , she is just like a no one to me

    Shelly: Seriously dissapointed
    Rachel: you’re so annoying is all, & I dont want you to win, ( I don’t think anyone does_)
    Jordan : I Love you, you are so sweet, n hey u already won on BB so its not that bad if you dont win financially,,Ill be dissapointed if you dont win just because I dont like any one else in the house besides adam n you now
    Adam: If Jordan gets kicked out , you NEED to win this game cuz up against shelly, porch,e and Kalia, yOu are the next person I want winning,,,

    GO Jordan Or ADAM!!!

  6. Scott,
    Yes, I’m a somber mood too. 🙁 This is my first season watching Big Brother, and I enjoyed watching this show sooo much, up until yesterday. Of course i’ll still watch though. As you also mentioned, and same goes for me, the one person that I liked/loved, and wanted to win, is the one that got voted out by the wraths of Kalia & Shelly. That is Jeff. Jeff was the only smart one that had all the strategic thoughts, played well, and only made the decision to backdoor Dani to protect himself and Jordan. Porsche hasn’t done anything until last night. Even with Dani gone, she’s still her puppet. “This is what Dani would’ve wanted” took the cake! This is your game now Porsche!! You should’ve went with what’s right for YOU, not Dani. Kalia just bothers me. Adam is a decent player because he hasn’t lied, betrayed, changed alliances, never said anything bad about anyone. Maybe that is his game play! Scott, it’s okay if you’re not funny in your upcoming blogs. How can you be with these boring losers left that includes Shelly, Kalia, and Porsche? Sadly, with the way things are going (I’m hearing spoilers), it doesn’t look like the BB gods are on our side.
    Anyway, in response to the comments above, Jordan did argue with Shelly about her vote. Rightly so. It’s aired on youtube, because apparently abc didn’t want to air it with Shelly’s daughter watching. Here’s the clip: (if the link doesn’t work, just search Shelly & Jordan fight).

  7. I’ve really enjoyed your blog, but unlike you, it’s not my job to keep watching, so I won’t be now that there is absolutely nothing interesting left about the show. I may check back in with your blogs just to see how boring the show becomes, though.

  8. Now I know how you felt when Cassi left. My heart is broken. Bye Big Jeff. 🙁
    And I LOVED that video of Jordan yelling at Shelley. Good for her. She needs to stay fired up. Is it bad for me to want Rachel to win now? It has nothing to with liking her, but she has remained loyal to J/J (even if she had other ideas sometimes). I dislike Kalia so very much. She thinks she is amazing and she sucks. And since Adam really CANT win ANY competition, I would be pissed to see him win. And Jeff giving him the veto does not count.

    I can’t wait until next year…

  9. Anybody out there knows the play by play on the blow up between Shelly and Jeff that Julie Chen made a brief mention of last nite? (Or did I miss in Scott’s blog post?)

    I’m glad that Jeff is out of the house. He was too domineering for this league of players. They ought to bring back the big gamers from all seasons and let them battle it out. The house was too imbalanced with the well-experienced veterans vs. newbies. It should have been all newbies or all veterans. Whoever at CBS came up with this lame experiment ought to be FIRED!

  10. G K
    Thanks so much for the you tube link 🙂 I am embarrassed at how obsessed with this show I have been! I cannot stand Rachel but the way she seemed to try to protect Jordan from backstabbing Biotch Shelley made me respect her just a touch. I really hope they (Jordan, Rachel or Adam) win!! I just won’t be happy if the others win!! 🙁

  11. Saizd,
    You’re welcome!
    Also, I never thought I’d like this show. 1 hour before this season premiere, I decided that i’ll watch Big Brother for the first time. NOW, I can agree with you that I’m also embarrassed at how obsessed I am with this show! You’re not alone! haha!
    I gained respect for Rachel when I started watching BB After Dark here and there. From what I always see, she’s a good person, and always seems to be in a good/playful mood.
    Team Jordan, Rachel, and Adam!! (although Adam might switch alliances now, I don’t know).

  12. Julie Chen reminded me of my high school teacher: Sit down!…Silence please!!… I need an answer now!!…haha

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