BIG BROTHER – 8/29/11

August 29th, 2011 | 14 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Written by:
Scott Ottersen

First, I’m going to start this off by telling you that as you are reading this blog, I am in the midst of turning 30. Yes, today is my birthday. So, take a shot or two for me and let’s get this sh*t over with already. Also, as a birthday present, I joined Twitter. I figured it’s the way of the world now and that’s a good way to get my words and crazy thoughts that nobody needs to know about out to the world, so why not. You win, Ashton Kutcher, you win. Now, ChokeOnMyBlog (that’s my Twitter name). #icantbelieveijustdidthat

If that already wasn’t enough for you (and it should be dammit), we still have a whole episode to run through. For any of us who read the Big Brother blogs, this episode was a complete waste because we all already knew everything they showed us. But, nothing CBS has done this season has made ANY sense, so why stop now and start doing things right?

So, we start off the night before the eviction with Rachel confronting Jeff about him throwing the “cornhole” (seriously, are we in Indiana or something…who calls it cornhole) veto competition that got Brendon sent home. Jeff denies it and asks who she heard this from. She tells him that she heard it from some lady not worth mentioning, who heard it from Daniele. And, I don’t know if the rest of you have noticed this season, but it seems like Jeff has a bit of an edge to him. He seems to snap at people in a short manner of time. He is getting fairly aggravated with these people, but honestly who could blame him after having to put up with Rachel, Kalia, and Porsche for 55 days.

Then, with no resolution, really, and great transitioning we move right to two hours before the eviction with Jeff and that same lady not worth mentioning getting a tad testy with each other. Jeff says something about him being sick of the back and forth, but he walked away without going into much more detail.

More great transitions, and we move forward 30 minutes with that old hag telling Jeff that she’s not voting to keep Daniele and that Adam is the one who has been scheming the whole time to have her stay. Now, I’m sure she makes a healthy point when she keeps saying that everyone talks about their options with everyone in the house and in doing so they go over keeping either nominee, but the way she’s talking in circles and avoiding questions and getting upset for no real reason just screams that she’s lying to Jeff’s face and even he knows it. Hence why Adam just sits in the corner chuckling his bald chin off. Seriously, this woman needs to get her face off my TV screen because I can’t stand looking at her anymore. I used to be indifferent and didn’t care if she was on the show or not, but now I just never want to even hear her name again. I know you “did it for your family,” but hell even you knew you were doing the wrong thing and that’s why you only gave a one gun salute in your voting scene when you normally give two. You ain’t winning this game, anyways, so whatever excuse you want to tell yourself to make you feel better is fine with me. Just know you’re worthless to me. And to this game.

Seriously, that scene after Kalia won when her, Porsche, and you-know-who were huddling together pissed me off. I hate people like her. Jeff said it best when he was walking out that you now want to be best friends with someone you talked sh*t about the entire game. I hate that garbage. I hate that Jeff had to go out like that. I think that is what is irking me the most about this. I’m more mad about that than when Cassi was voted out. God, that girl looked good in a bikini. I hope you chokeonmyblog.

Then, having to relive Porsche winning the veto in jeans she could barely keep her asscrack from showing in all because Jeff went wild and threw his shoe out of his “ballpit.” Jeff tried to sway Porsche’s decision by telling her that he used his veto to save her last week and the favor should be returned. Valiant effort, Jeff, but I will hand it to Porsche for making the right decision there and not using it. It would not benefit her in the slightest to keep you in the game. Honestly, Porsche doesn’t even need an alliance, she can make it to the final 2 based on the fact that everyone else is worthless and she’s not viewed as a threat, whatsoever. I think people are more threatened by those swanky dance moves you showed off in the pantry room. That was like a white hula girl on her 21st birthday after having 2 shots of Pucker and being wasted, and then taking a hit from a bong from some dude she just met in the men’s bathroom while she was hooking up with another guy she met while she was walking back to go puke from the 2 shots of Pucker. I think I just summed up every decision she’s ever made.

When the votes came back tied, Jeff thought Adam was the one who didn’t vote for him. Uh, Jeff, were you not paying attention to the way rhinestone ass was talking to you? You had to know she was voting you out and you thought Adam did it? Anyways, Jeff leaves, Jordan’s pissed, Kalia’s ecstatic and thinks she just pulled off the greatest move in the history of mankind and “fried body” (we all remember what she looked like that one episode in her bikini all burnt to a crisp) is crying because she feels bad about what she did. Listen, this bullsh*t pisses me off even more. If you’re going to do something like that, own it, be a b*tch and proud of it. If you’re really doing it for your family and to earn yourself a better future, f*ck what everyone else thinks, buck up, vote his ass out and live with it. Don’t go cry and then yell at his girlfriend because she’s upset about losing her man because you betrayed them. How else did you expect her to feel and react? And, you barge in on a private conversation (for like the 8th time in this episode alone) as if you were invited and start yelling at her? I think this is a good time to point out that I have reconsidered wanting to be on Big Brother. I think the idea of it is cool and all, but I happen to think I might pull a Wayne Brady and have to choke a b*tch out (Dave Chappelle reference). I don’t think I have it in me anymore. And, that’s for the simple reason that I KNOW I would end up on a season with dipsh*ts like these people and it would be frustrating to no end that someone like Porsche or Kalia is going to end up winning just because nobody is playing the game. Rant over.

14 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 8/29/11

  1. ****** SPOILER ALERT ******

    I’m kind of surprised you didn’t touch on what appears to be more blatant producer manipulation with the veto reults. Seems to me they have gone out of their way to keep either Rachel, Jeff or Jordan in the house as long as possible, and this duo thing reinforces the theory. Of course, it all hinged on porn star Porsche opening her box, err, I mean opening Pandora’s box.

    This is why this season has sucked so bad. The manipulation has been so obvious it has taken away from the show.

    Happy b-day.

  2. **SPOILER**

    Want more proof production is rigging it for Jordan and Rachel to stay in the house a little bit longer? Nominations happened BEFORE Pandora’s Box was opened. Before PB was opened, no matter who won the veto, either Jordan or Rachel would have been leaving. And suprise! Rachel wins veto, thus being able to take both her and Jordan off the block, AND they control who goes home this week.

    And don’t even get me started on the veto comp. It was geared for Rachel. You will laugh when you see it.

  3. I lied, sorry. Noms were in fact after PB was opened, but it really doesn’t matter. Seriously, veto comp. Hysterical. My bad for posting inaccurate things. Noms were about an hour or so after PB opened. I just got really excited.

  4. Happy Birthday my Love.

    Now on to Big Brother…I liked yesterday’s episode for one reason. I got to see Jeff again. But then it made me even more mad when I saw Shelley and just her whole demeanor. I really dislike her now. A whole bunch.

    And I will be the first to admit that I think production did not want J/R to leave the house and that was why Pandora’s Box happened…BUT I love it. And I am glad.
    Now I can’t wait for either Wed/Thurs when they show Jeff and Dani arrive at the jury house…

    Great blog and way to jump on the Twitter bandwagon. It is not all it is cracked up to be.

  5. Happy birthday!!

    I hate Shelley so much. Did you hear her family is getting death threats? I believe Jeff’s brother posted it on his twitter to stop being ridiculous…which of course death threats are insane! But I still dislike her…because like you said, she was never going to win this game. So, she should have just stuck to her alliance and looked like a good person instead of coming off the way she is now..

    I am also sick of Adam. Pick a side dude. Just do something…I realize he doesn’t need to win comps because he just makes it through week after week, but it’s so annoying.

    The fight between Shelley and Jordan was the best thing I saw this season (after Dani being voted out).

    I can’t wait to see Jeff in the jury house!!!

  6. ****** SPOILER ALERT ******

    Rachel used the VETO. Now Shelly and Adam are on the block (of course).

    My secret wish: They vote out Shelly on Thursday.

  7. Omg. LOve the spoiler news!!! Wanted to slit my wrists when Porshe won!!!!! Yeahhhhhhhh!!!! I don’t care if production did this on purpose!! It’s their fault for the whole thing anyway.

  8. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Scott, Happy Birthday to you!! Enjoy your day!!

    I am unhappy with this summer of BB! My husband almost went “crazy” when Jeff was voted off. I explained that Jeff/Jordan needed to be seperated in order for anyone else to win, but he couldn’t figure out why I would want anyone else to win. Good Point! (Of course, I wouldn’t admit that to him)

    I am glad they will both be in the house again. And can Adam please go already!!!

  9. Super Birthday wishes to you!!! I wish you a very nice 30th!

    On to other matters….I am addicted to this blog of yours. You actually say most of the same things I am thinking. Wow. I totally hate Shelley and her making excuses for her behavior. She keeps saying over and over how she HAD to do it for her family. But what about pretending to be friendly with Jeff, Jordan and Adam and flat-out lying to her faces??? “I didn’t stab anyone in the back, that was just game play.” When Jeff confronted her she said Adam was with her (totally trying to throw him under the bus)….an absolute lie! He told her he was unsure what to do and he thought their best bet was staying with Jeff and Jordan. What kind of game play is that?? I don’t think she’s watched BB before. Terrible player and I hope she leaves this week! Did I mention how much I HATE her??

  10. Anyone else think the HOH comp was pretty much geared for the worst person to win? By the time Porsche had to go against Jordan she had practiced like four times and probably knew the best way to use the thing. It really didn’t make sense to me how that was supposed to be a good competition.

  11. i totally agree, they wanted to keep the vets in. i’m not surprised because on a couple of the big brother fan sites people were going crazy saying they weren’t going to watch anymore once the vets all leave—after jeff got screwed over by shelly that was pretty much the sentiment. i’m sure they were worried the show would not do as well, especially as this part of the season tends to get boring in there anyway. unfortunately, everyone left are pretty boring and you almost want rachel around for some drama.

    that being said, i don’t think it was this site but another one had a bunch of people saying that the Veto was so fixed because the competition was clearly geared for rachel to win. So I’m expecting a Vegas quiz or something. I just don’t think I agree that Rachel would have some advantage in trying to hang onto that dummy over the others. Maybe because Brendon’s face was on it? Thoughts? anyone think the Veto was geared toward rachel winning? I just don’t see it. The Pandora’s Box thing–clearly to keep the vets…but the Veto itself…not to me.

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