BIG BROTHER – 9/5/11

September 5th, 2011 | 9 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Written by:
Scott Ottersen

This episode starts off picking up from where we last left off, with Rachel, Jordan, Adam, and Kalia all competing in the donut HOH competition. Something I want to bring up is how funny it is that when they are all talking in the diary room during the competition, those are obviously filmed after the competition is over and decided. So, when Kalia says things like “I know that I have to win this in order to be safe” or when Adam says something like “I’m going to give everything I have to win this,” they are saying it already knowing they lost. This is just another reason why these people have to be actors. No way can I just get done losing a competition that may determine my fate in the game and then turn around and give an interview about how I still have a chance to win without it completely looking as if I’m already defeated. Plus, it’s a dead giveaway as to how production is coaching them on what to say, because during these competitions, I don’t always believe they know what each other is doing, but they always say things as if they are stopping and taking a look at what everyone else is doing. It’s these small details that a lot of people don’t think about, but when you they are brought to the foreront of your mind, you realize how rigged this show can possibly be. I’ll never be convinced that a) these people aren’t actors and b) it’s not at least 75% rigged until I’m actually on the show. And, I really don’t think that’s going to happen. I think Steve has a more likely shot of being the next Bachelor than I do of getting on this show.

I liked Kalia’s explanation as to why she voted out Adam. Now I know that everyone in the house isn’t exaggerating about how much you sleep, because only someone who is asleep would mistake who Jordan and Rachel were voting out last week. And, don’t act as if you didn’t have conversations with them about keeping Beddazle around, so why would you think they were going to vote out Adam? What gave you that impression? Perhaps you missed the past two weeks in the house with how determined Jordan was to get out the ol’ Razzle Bedazzle. Nice try, Koala.

Speaking of Kalia, she said this competition was the hardest thing she has ever done. I’m sure she meant physically, because acting as if she was ever gifted enough to win a competition like this must be pretty damn hard to do in the first place. I think everyone in the world knew you had no chance at winning this competition. I don’t even think Big Brother could design a game having you in mind to win…and you’ve won two HOHs.

Anyways, what we already knew happened and Rachel won HOH. By a LONG shot. Jesus, it wasn’t even close. All that talk about Adam being right behind her was complete horse turd. His stack wasn’t even half of Rachel’s. Hell, she got more in the last minute than he did in all 13 minutes. Maybe he stopped and ate a few before he decided to head on back with one to put on his stick. Jordan was too busy eating sprinkles to stand a chance and we’ve already discussed Kalia’s chances, who ended the competition with the same amount an actual Koala would have ended up with while sleep walking through its 22 hour slumber.

Quick scene with Kalia in the shower and Adam waiting to take one when she motions him over to the shower. Don’t do it, Adam. I know us guys are always intrigued by the thought of a woman being naked and what she may look like naked, but don’t do it. You won’t get that vision back. But, I’m pretty sure any guy would have stepped close enough to be able to see at least a little something. Even me, and we’ve all lived to regret something along these lines. I regret it even when I look in the mirror…

Rachel got her HOH room and the house had to wake Kalia up to check it out. I’m surprised this is the first time the show has made mention of how she sleeps and then actually showed her sleeping through something. Normally, it’s just someone saying she sleeps through everything, but they never showed the typical montage of said person sleeping through certain events or people playing pranks on said houseguest. That’s probably because nobody has really done any of that this season, which is why it’s been such a boring season. On this same stretch, I had a comment from my last blog about all my “Jeff love.” Let me just explain something. I did not love Jeff. I did not care if he won the show or anything, but as the season went along, he seemed to be the only person other than Daniele who actually CARED about playing the game. That same person made mention of how Raz Bedaz was playing the game and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. You aren’t manipulating anybody when you aren’t in any position to manipulate. You have to have power in order to do such things and she had none. Nobody cared about what she said or did because they all knew it didn’t matter. People voted based on what the house wanted or on personal vendetta’s, they didn’t care about what some old lady who never won anything was telling them. But, anyways, I’m just trying to say that this season was fairly boring and so uncompetitive that the only person I could get behind was Jeff, and that is why it was upsetting when he got voted out. Him leaving meant that a loser was going to win the show and I hate seeing that happen.

“It’s a Brenchel room.” The episode wasted 5 minutes of my life with all the girls fawning over Brendon and his five o’clock shadow. Yeah, it looks cute in pictures and then your wife complains about it because it scratches her face when you kiss her. Then, she complains that you don’t kiss her enough. You just can’t win. Basically, Brendon, if you’re reading, keep the longer hair and scruffy look, because apparently all girls love you with it. Easy picking.

9 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 9/5/11

  1. Oh Donna Martin! 🙂

    I can’t wait to see Kalia be evicted. I am over her crying and whining. You lost the HOH, that is why you’re going home. I know I’d be crying too if I knew my game was over, but it’s her fault she can’t win anything that doesn’t have to do with questions.

    Rachel is going to win this game unless Porsche wins HOH next and Rachel doesn’t win the veto and gets sent home. So congrats girl. No one comes between you and $500,000.

  2. Hey Steve!
    Thanks for another GREAT, well-written blog. Very insightful and fun to read!! I’m hoping that Kalia gets evicted. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Big Brother After Dark, when she’d use color game pieces to map out scenarios of what could happen if this happens, and that happens, and this person won a competition, & who could get voted out…..well, she never put herself in those scenarios – just everyone else around her – & I’m SO glad she’s finally sweating in her pants about the possibility of herself going home.
    About your explanation of Jeff – people will always have differences of opinions and battle what the next person says. I for one, feel the same way as you – he was a fierce competitor who knew how to play the game, was serious about it, and developed high amounts of perceptions of not only what HE is thinking, but what OTHERS maybe thinking about the same exact happening/scenario. I know what I’m thinking is valid, so I hope that last statement makes sense.
    I’m very much team Rachel right now! She has proven herself and is so different that who she was at the beginning of the season. Go Rachel!! She comes as a package deal with Jordan & Adam — I wouldn’t be mad to see them win too though. Jordan already played & won, but this time I feel like she’d be winning for Jeff as well, not just for herself (which is fine with me). Adam has been so loyal to his alliance, never says/does anything to backstab, and even lost weight to be on this show, so him winning would be fine with me also.

  3. Scott, I’m so enjoying your recaps and opinions about Big Brother. (Excuse my posting-name; I’m a fan of Reality Steve & registered before you came on board.)

    I don’t understand why people are suddenly “Team Rachel.” I honestly can’t stand that screeching harridan. I swear that girl is bipolar – she’s all kinds of sobbing and hysterical when things don’t go her way, then psycho-happy isn’t-the-world-wonderful-and-just-and-perfect when they do.

    If she wins, I can’t bear having to watch her throw herself at Brendon and wrapping her legs around him (again). Jeeeeebus, girl, can’t you wait until you get a room?

    I wish the producers would have at least made an effort to *try* to make it look like this season is legit, but seriously …

    … Brendan being voted back into the house by viewers? No way. Diary room monologues during the competitions? Laughable. Rachel winning every critical competition that would keep her in the house? Like hell (& I don’t care how often Rachel crows about how “in shape” she is “pre-wedding”).

    I *was* rooting for Jordan, but only because I can’t stand Rachel and none of the others were actual competitors; but she seemed to give up as soon as Jeff left the house.

    Kalia and Porsche have (metaphorically – literally, in Kalia’s case) slept through the entire competition and don’t deserve to win.

    So I’m leaning toward Adam … such a goofy Casper Milquetoast character, totally ineffective in every single competition and infatuated with possibly the homeliest TV actress ever, but at least willing to discuss honest compromise with the “vets.” Sometimes, it’s kinda nice when the perpetual “loser” actually wins.

    Despite my belief that this whole season is fixed, I’ll watch it to the end; but what I’ll most enjoy about it is Scott’s blog.

    Cheers to all.

  4. Scott, loved the blog as usual! I actually thought the whole Pandora’s Box this week was hilarious! I think Rachel met her match with Jesse seeing how they both love themselves so much. I also enjoyed the reaction from Adam when he met his all-time favorite star! His expressions were too much and come on dude, why were you giving her high-fives all day. She is famous and deserves more respect than that. Just goes to show you how childish Adam is.

    I am all the way on Team Jordan now. I agree that Jeff and Danielle were the best “game players” but I am pleading with everyone that Rachel DOES NOT WIN!!!! She may be competitive but annoying all the same. Thanks again for the blog and insight!

  5. Hi Scott, enjoying your blog very much I will follow you on twitter. I can’t believe how everyone say’s weak players should go home. If I was in a position to win 500k I would get rid of every strong player and then mop the floors with the weak.Show me the money!!Cha Ching!

  6. That is utter bs about Shelly not having played the game. I guess you havent watched feeds much. She has manipulated everyone clearly and talked kalia into not voting rachel out and putting up someone against rachel that will let her stay.

    That hammock convo between kalia and shelly is infamous in which shelly completely manipulated her. It was never shown on the show though.

    Furthermore you are dead wrong about someone having to be ” in power” in order to be able to manipulate anyone. Tell me, has Dr Will won any competitions? Would you say he has not manipulated anyone? BB is a strategic and social game and you do not need to be able to win competitions or be in power in order to win it or in order to manipulate people.

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