BIG BROTHER – 9/9/11

September 9th, 2011 | 7 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Written by:
Scott Ottersen

Before I get to the recap, I wanted to share some “insider” information I received from a loyal reader/relative of mine. She was lucky enough to receive free tickets to the live show on Thursday, but unfortunately since they gave her one day’s notice and we live a good 1,500 miles away, it wasn’t in the cards for her to attend. That’s too bad, because I’m fairly certain I would have went along for the trip and wore pink as an ode to my friend from the last live show! Anyways, she sent me the email they sent her with the link to the ticket and the lengths CBS goes to in order to dictate the night is off the charts for a live taping of a pointless reality show. First, they put you through security screenings where your ID has to match the name and all that nonsense. And, they take your picture for security reasons, as well. This is all stuff I can understand to an extent, I guess. But, they make you sign a non-disclosure agreement upon arrival, which is something I find odd. Nothing says we’re hiding something like having everyone in the audience sign a non-disclosure agreement. Now, I’ve never been in the audience for the taping of a show before, so maybe all talk shows and game shows do this, but I still find it somewhat odd is all I’m saying. And, taking it even further, they have a dress code which states, and I quote, “You must dress in nice attire in order to be admitted. Absolutely NO WHITE CLOTHING, t-shirts, shorts, sandals, hats, or clothing with logos on it. Dark clothing is best. DRESS jeans are allowed.”

Ok, first off, what the hell are DRESS jeans?!? Is there such a thing? Is that like Pajama Jeans different? I don’t know about you, but jeans are jeans in my book. I don’t care if you pay $9.99 at Wal-Mart or $175 at some fancy big-city boutique, they’re still f*cking jeans! And, what’s the deal with not being able to wear white? But, funnily enough, I see people in white on the show, so I don’t know if they stick to this too much, but still find it funny that they tell you not to bother showing up in white clothing OR even having logos on your shirt. This isn’t catholic school, it’s a damn taping of Big Brother. If I show up in a white t-shirt, just chuck me in the back row, in the corner, where nobody is going to see me anyways until the time the show comes back from commercial and I stand up and yell something obscene at the Chenbot.

I just thought I’d share that since some of you may be interested in knowing that.

Also, quick thanks out to everyone who followed me on Twitter. I still feel like there are more of you out there that can just click the “follow” tab and leave it at that. Come on, make me feel better about myself and follow me on Twitter. I’ll make another agreement that if I get up to 200 by the end of the weekend, I will extend the 100 Tweet Special to the 200 Tweet Special and will continue on with my craziness that will eventually make it so I’ll never be able to get a job again.

And, on last quick shout out to a reader who contacted me about an ad they saw in the paper featuring Cassi as the model. She was nice enough to actually send me the newspaper ad, which I now have hanging up in my cubicle here at my office. Thank you so much for doing that. I very much appreciate it. If anyone else has anything of the sorts they’d like me to have, I’d be more than welcome to receive it. I have loved all the interaction I’ve had with my readers so far this season, so keep it coming. Thank you all.

Ok, onto the third to final episode of season 13 of Big Brother. We started off being reminded that Kalia and Porsche were put up for eviction by Rachel, the HOH. Porsche continues to ramble on about how her and Kalia are the best competitors in the house along with Rachel, which is true, but still a stupid comment because you’re competition is Adam and Jordan, the two of which probably couldn’t win a competition if they combined their strength and brain power.

Kalia talks about how she wants Adam to win Veto so that Jordan goes up, but she’s unsure about that since nobody knows which side Adam is playing. This scenario is faulty and the exact reason why Kalia sucks at Big Brother. When you are talking Final 4, you give up on your alliance, Kalia, and you try and win that Veto on your own. Don’t rely on Adam to win it so that you and Porsche can stay in the game. Just win it yourself and let Porsche fend for herself. Now, I know that she was just saying she wanted Adam to win as the “perfect, dream” scenario, but I wouldn’t even go that route. I’d have my only focus being on winning it myself, because just like she said, she has no idea if Adam would even use the Veto. Man, this season has just been terrible with everyone’s strategic play. Everyone is always talking about how they want this person or that person to win this or that competition. Nobody ever seems to talk about how THEY want to win the competition. Again, I know that they do want to win, deep down, but it just doesn’t seem like anybody on this season had it in them to really play this game. Daniele seemed like it for a bit, but she was just so overzealous and was also one who talked about wanting other people to win and so forth. But, like my parents always used to tell me, don’t judge until you’ve walked in their shoes. I’ve never played the game of Big Brother, so for all I know, I’d end up doing the same thing.

Adam promises Jordan that her, him, and Rachel (God, my grammar is terrible – that can’t be the right way to structure the sentence) are the Final 3 and even if he wins Veto, he won’t use it, therefore saving Jordan from going up and possibly being evicted. I believe him, and also believe this is the foreshadowing the show always does in letting us know that he is going to win the Veto. Of course, I already knew this, but for those who don’t read the blogs, you don’t have to, you can tell what happens by the way they edit the show. I feel as if they’ve just completely given up this season and are just dead giving up the way the show goes within the first 5 minutes of each episode. I think they’ve come to terms with the fact that all the blogs that are out there “ruin” the results and they just play into the fact that 75% of the viewers already know what happens. Next best thing CBS can do is just have every competition be live and throw in a few endurance competitions so that the blogs and live feeds are still profitable.

Next, we get the Veto competition, which is the semi-popular OTEV competition they have each year around this time of each season. And, SHOCKER, Jordan goes out first. I think it’s about time for Jordan to be done in this game. I think final 4 is a good spot for her to bow out and rejoin Jeff in the Jury House. I know she won an HOH early on this season, but other than that she’s been pretty useless in competitions. It’s frustrating to hear her talk about how Adam and LA Tan have been carried along this entire season, yet she’s the one who truly has been carried along. Those two (especially Adam) had to fight their way through some nominations and whatnot while Jordan has just sat back and played nice with everyone and made it this far just based on the fact that everyone knew she wasn’t going to win anything and they could get her out at any time. I believe that time is now. Or, at least it should be. It may have taken 55 days for Porsche to finally wake up, but at least she did and has won a few competitions and “deserves” to make final 3.

After Jordan and Rachel go out first and second, Kalia is next out and cries about it in the backyard. And, of all people, Rachel is the one to get on her for crying and talking sh*t about how she doesn’t feel sorry for her and whatnot. Listen Rachel, you’re the one who cried at just about every juncture of this game and every time you did it was over something stupid that Brendon either said or did and had nothing to do with the game, so you need to keep your mouth shut about other people crying in the house. At least Kalia was crying because she knew she was most likely going home and her chance at winning $500,000 was over and done with, not over the fact that someone told you that you drink too much.

Porsche lost the Veto on the question that asked about the houseguest who lost all 17 of the competitions they played in. She chose Keith. Uh, Porsche, you were his partner and you knew he went out first, yet you somehow thought he played in 17 competitions?!? I think I’m going to have to take back the fact that I said you “deserved” to make it to final 3. Goodness. With that, Adam had enough time to find the correct answer and ended up the winner, cementing his spot in the final 4. Good for you for finally winning when it mattered most, Adam. You should feel as excited as you did when you first saw the goddess Donna Martin walk through that front door. Go put on your “fancy” shirt and do a dance…

Now Kalia’s crying again. This time because Adam won the Veto and she knows he’s not going to use it because he never wants to put blood on his hands. At least this time she waited until she was in the diary room to do her crying. Although, I’d rather her do it inside the house and away from the cameras so we don’t have to see it anymore. I understand it’s a tough pill to swallow, but you can only do so much crying about it. Nice acting. You have a future in the soap opera business. You probably won’t win any Daytime Emmy’s, but I’m sure Dancing with the Stars will come calling at some point since they have an awkward understanding of what the word “star” means.

7 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 9/9/11

  1. I think Porsche’s reasoning to get rid of Jordan were also stupid. She also said she voted her out because she’s already won the game before. And your point is? If anything, that’s a reason to keep her because why would people vote for her to win AGAIN? Jordan was not going to win the final HOH, and now since Rachel probably is, good luck Porsche! Rachel better take Adam with her if she wins!!

    I read Adam’s HOH Blog, and would also like to comment on the fact that people always says it’s so much harder to play the game then you think when at home. I don’t understand that at all. It kinda goes back to Porsche’s HOH blog, she said her and Rachel weren’t as close anymore because “she didn’t like being around someone who talked game 24/7.” WHAT? That is what you are there!! That’s why I can’t stand that these people slept all summer long, I think I would barely sleep because I would want to hear everything going on!

    Jeff is never going to forgive Shelly. I also thought it was weird how Shelly said in her eviction interview she was going to go to the jury house and apologize, but she never did….I think she assumed Jeff would kinda get over it, but he’s never going to. Jeff knows he’s good at this game and it sucks knowing you got evicted because of a backstabber, stupid double eviction, and clown shoe.

    I have also grown to respect Adam more in the last couple weeks, which leads me to wonder how many of those earlier comps. he threw. I know he’s kinda dopey and may not be a lot, but I really believe he threw some of them in the past.

    All in all, I hope Porsche doesn’t win. Even though she’s won comps. as of late, she never could think for herself and when she actually did (voting out Jordan), I didn’t like her choices.

    Rachel for BB13 winner!!! She’s got B/J/J votes!! Who knows how S/D/K will vote though and whoever is not in final 2. These people are bitter and ridiculous and will probably vote personal.

  2. I totally agree with you, Scott, and you, JacklynT! You have awesome observations and opinions 🙂 At the beginning of this season, I hated Rachel with a passion. However, she has proven herself time and time again on this season of Big Brother that she is an outstanding player. Sure, I hate when she’s weepy and whiny, (and that laugh, ugh!) But as a player, she’s the only one who could have given Jeff and Daniele any true competition. Those three would have been an awesome final three!! Of the final three there now, Rachel IS the only one who deserves to be there. She HAS fought tooth and nail to be where she is…..and um “you’ve got to respect her” for that. 😉 LOL that was for you Scott.

    Rachel Reilly for Big Brother 13 winner!!

  3. So after that Kalia toilet crying scene–Anyone else think it very creepy that we suddenly know they have a camera focused directly down on the toilet? Almost like there’s a weirdo in production that likes to look at that camera more often than he should.

    Anyway, Scott I had the same thought as you – why have these people been yakking on and on about this person or that person won’t take me to the Final 2? I just don’t get that logic either….try to ensure easier people to beat along the way stay in the house, win the final HOH YOURSELF and then YOU choose who goes to Final 2. Honestly, I don’t even know why people think they can predict who anyone will or will not take. We’ve been surprised many times so far. Just goes to show how different thinking can be – I figured Jordan would be taken to the end…she is easy to beat in pretty much any competition and I just can’t see ANYONE but Jeff (and maybe B/R) awarding her another $500k. I know I would have a hard time doing it. But everyone else seemed to think she was a lock to win because she’s so nice….you just never know.

  4. Still not a Rachel “fan”. She is so annoying and self involved (and countless other things that I loathe in a human being). That being said, she has really proven herself as a competetor in this game. And, she is the only one left that deserves to win. It pains me to admit that. My dream would be for Jeff to win. I am very happily married but, have a massive crush on Jeff (probably slightly less massive than the one you have on Cassi) 😉

    On a funny side note; My daughter is often next to me when I check out the spoiler sites. In the corner is a Brady Bunch type square with all the contestents pictures. She always points to Cassi (even though her pic has always been black and white while others like Porshe and Jordon were in color) and say, “she’s pretty, mama”. She has good taste 😉

  5. please stop begging people to follow you on twitter, it is really pathetic. if ppl wanted to follow you, they would without you having to grovel all the time. have some self respect. if it makes you feel better about yourself to have more followers on twitter, you need to sort out some serious issues.

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