September 15th, 2011 | 8 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

One thing Daniele said that I agreed with, or should say liked, was inventing a new category for players like Adam, and that’s “piggybacking.” Perfect. I love it and feel as if this is going to be the new term for Big Brother’s future seasons. This is the perfect way to explain Adam’s game with how he always rode on the backs of whoever was in power. And, he proved that doing it the right way can earn you a spot in the final 3, so let’s hope we don’t have many people trying to emulate that playing style. Although, I will say that if Adam is a piggybacker, so were Porsche and Kalia. They even talked about how they were doing things for what Daniele wanted to have done in the game, so that would make you a piggybacker, as well. Nice try with the whole explanation at the end about how you didn’t come on the show to play some other girls game, but you did in fact end up doing that.

Man, I can’t tell you how much I miss the fast forward button. I don’t know how people watch shows live anymore. I need my DVR. Still the greatest invention ever, other than whoever came up with how to hack into Scarlett Johannsson’s cell phone. Whoever did that, I need to meet, because I need to thank them for the rest of my life. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, google “Scarlett Johannsson nude cell phone pics.” Made my day, for sure. Ok, perv moment over.

Part 3 of the Final HOH was NOT exciting. Porsche got nothing right and Rachel barely did. Hell, she didn’t even get Brendon’s right! She ended up winning 2-0 without having to be asked the final question. But, hey, at least Porsche can claim she came in second in ANOTHER competition. We all know how much she loves telling everyone that she came in second. I was going to make some sick perverted joke about her loving to take on the second male “member” while making love to a couple of guys at the same time, but I decided it was low class and I have said enough “hurtful” things so far this season. I think I learned that by writing this and trying to be funny all the time, I end up screwing my chances of ever being “friends” with the people on this show. Then again, what the hell do I care? Take on those two d*cks, Porsche. Vagina up (kinda like “man up” – get it).

I loved Adam’s speech to Rachel where he called Porsche a floater. What the hell does that make you, Adam? At least Porsche won something during the season. You won a POV that people threw so you could win and an HOH where you beat out just two other people. Great game play.

His speech didn’t sway Rachel and she ends up taking Porsche to the final 2. I thought this was a dumb move because I don’t think anyone would have voted for Adam to win this game. Maybe Daniele because she’s a bitter b*tch who just hates Rachel’s guts, but it would have been an easy victory that Rachel passed up for pride and wanting “competitors” to be in the final 2.

Even funnier was Adam telling Julie Chen that he would have won if Rachel took him. Haha, what f*cking world do you live in, son? You did jacksh*t this entire season, have no real friends or alliance members on the jury and yet you think they were going to vote for you to win? Go eat some bacon, piggybacker.

8 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER FINALE – 9/15/11

  1. Scott, Thanks for a great summer of Big Brother. You were/are a great blogger and I enjoyed your take on this show. I agree and think that Big Brother needs to step up their contestants or they will not have a show again.

    I personally do not think people need a second chance. Too many shows recycle old contestants and why?? There are pleny of people out there who want to be on reality TV…like you Scott!

    Thanks again and enjoy your time off. Or are you blogging Survivor??

  2. Oh God, please don’t let America (or future BB houseguests) pick up on the term piggybacker. The very LAST thing we need is a Dani with a bigger head because someone picked up on a word she used (which who knows how long it took her to come up with it). Let’s call them either a rider or a straddler (for straddling both sides of the house) or absolutely anything else, but not piggybacker. Please….

  3. Gabby, people like Dani are going to have big heads no matter what happens in their lives, so it won’t matter if we start using that or not.

  4. Hey I say we make Gabby famous and start using the term “straddler”!! Scott, I really enjoyed reading your blog and I’m thrilled it’s you doing Survivor!! You can only stop writing the columns if you get called up to play BB :O)

  5. Thanks goodness, Shelly had half a brain that Kalia, Adam, and Dani did not. I am not sure what I would have done if Porsche won. So what moves did you make Porsche? Welll…I won second place four times. Don’t even get me started…

    And total SHOCKER that Jeff won America’s Choice. Love him.

    And yes everybody….Scott is now blogging for Survivor so you can follow his witty comments there… 🙂

  6. Scott, excellent job this summer. I was going to write Steve an email praising your work and suggest using you for another blog , but I see he figured it out on his own 😉 hehe. I don’t watch Survivor so I will not be reading the blog but I have no doubt you’re readers will thoroughly enjoy them.

    I do just have to point out though, that I personally feel that youre writing got better and better once Cassi left. (yes Im the one who complained earlier in the season about all the comments being about her, because of your obsession lol). When the focus was off of her, you did absolutely amazing (oooh what a woman can do to a man eh?! 😛 She is a looker, that’s for sure) You only mentioned her ONCE in your last blog, and it was the shortest shout-out ever, you should be very proud 🙂

    Again, I came to love your blog and I wish you luck with your big brother dream 😉

  7. Thanks for a great season Scott! I know some people don’t like Jeff (I do!) but man does he tell it like it is….love how he backtracked from “It’s not that I dislike Daniele…no actually, I do dislike Daniele.” I think even Dick respected him for that….did you see Dick whispering to him at the end of the show. I really think he was telling him things would’ve played differently had he stayed in the house…he wouldn’t have let Daniele make that fatal move.

    I also fully agree that Rachel would’ve been safer taking Adam. I’m shocked Shelly voted for her, she really took a risk there. She would’ve lost without that vote. Adam would’ve only gotten the votes of those that couldn’t stand Rachel.

    Thanks again Scott!

  8. Finally getting around to commenting….

    Well, even though this season was not as great as I hoped it would be, I enjoyed the finale because I’m glad Jeff said he dislikes Dani and that Rachel won!

    I hate Daniele’s face…she looks so smug all the time, and even when Dick was talking about her game, I wanted to smack her! She still thinks she played the best game in the house. It’s obvious you didn’t since you’re sitting in jury!!!

    I don’t think they will do All Stars because they probably want to get Jeff back for that. I think he’d eventually do it if they wait a couple more seasons. He gets so fired up talking about the show because he just wants to win so bad!!

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