BIG BROTHER – 7/16/12

July 16th, 2012 | 15 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

We learn that Willie was going to nominate Ian. I think I would have been ok with that nomination, since he was a consensus weirdo around the house, and nobody would have truly missed him had he left. In that regard, two good nominations would be Ian & Jenn or Ian & Jugglin’ Joe. It would seem that nobody in the house truly cares about them and if they get sent home. For me, their discussion about putting up Frank & Kara is halfway smart, because it does two things (assuming either went home) by getting rid of a threat (Frank) or dropping one of the coaches to only one player (Dan – if Kara goes home). I can live with that strategy, except for one fact – Willie made a deal with Frank. And, Willie is the one who asked for the deal, not Freakshow Frank (for anyone still wondering why I call him this, it’s a take on Sideshow Bob). We get the obligatory confession room question from Willie, as to whether or not he wants to go back on a deal this early in the game. Me, personally, I wouldn’t. But, I’m not The Notorious R.I.B. You use your HOH week as a time to make those pacts and to keep them for as long as you can, not to make those pacts and then immediately turn on them. What is that going to say about anyone else being able to trust you? You’re going to immediately be a target by anyone Freakshow Frank talks to about how you approached him with a deal, then immediately went back on it to nominate him! Let’s hope R.I.B. comes to his senses, plays his own game, and doesn’t listen to what his coaches think is the best idea.

Dan and Boogie were talking about how Janelle and Britney are not on their level. I still think they don’t understand the rules of the game. They are not really and truly playing this season. Nothing they do can really decide who wins and loses. Well, not “nothing” they do, but for the most part, it’s still the players playing the game, not the coaches. Someone needs to tell them to cool off their egos a tad. Yes, neither Janelle or Britney are on their level of game play, but it’s not YOUR game. All you can do is talk to your players and hope they listen. People of Big Brother IQ struggle with listening, so chances are you’re going to end up getting screwed by your own players and lose because of it. So, once that happens, don’t change your tune and be like “Oh, I’m still great, these players are just stupid.” While it will be true, you are still setting yourself up by all this big talk about how great you are and how easy it’s going to be to win. Britney has the best team (on paper, so far), so I’d hold my teeth shut. Especially if I were Triple D and I had the players I did.

Again, someone tell Juggles to shut the hell up! Good Lord, again with the yelling? Can we send #willitup tweets to these people and tell them we all want him Jugglin’ Joe from Indiana to head the hell on back to Indiana and to his job as White Castle Fry Chef!

Lastly, we have the Nomination Ceremony. I think we all knew what was coming, and that R.I.B. was going to go back on his deal and nominate Freakshow Frank alongside Kara. Which, is what he did. We will see if it comes back to bite him in the @ss or not. I happen to think it will since Boogie & Dan both want him out, anyway. I think Willie’s smartest move would have been to make the deal with Janelle & Britney to work together and keep their teams safe this week. Then, he should have went to Boogie & Dan, told them that he wanted to work with them, but he had to put one of their players up on the block to begin the week with, but asked them which one of their players they least wanted nominated. That way, Boogie would have said Frank, and saved Ian, so Jenn would have been nominated. And, Dan would have told him whichever one he wanted to have sex with more (probably Danielle), so he still would have got Kara on the block. He could have easily told Janelle & Britney to lick each others’ vaginas and that he wanted to play it safe, and not make waves the first week, and he was putting up who worked best for his game, and done that. Simple as that. Safe next week, not pissing anybody off, still has his deal with Frank, on the good side of all of the coaches the next week, etc. Instead, The Notorious R.I.B. listens to two idiots who have never come close to winning (yes, Janelle got third place, but still she wasn’t “close”), and is going to end up causing more sh*t than anything else. Good move.

I’ve read all about how the target is actually Kara, which then makes absolutely no sense as to why he put up Freakshow. He basically just squashed his deal for no reason, which is exactly the reason I never understand the people in this game. But, that is all just speculation at this point, and you never know what is going to happen. The POV has already been played, and the Veto Ceremony will prove who stays and who goes, but I’m guessing the tried and true method of getting out one of the pretty girls first or second is staying true this season, and Kara will be on her way home. We hardly got to know your boobs, Kara, but I guess we can all survive on your Playboy shoot. Photoshop is a wonderful tool, isn’t it?

Anyway, keep the questions coming. I tried my best to answer some questions about the coaches’ influence on the game in today’s blog. If you have questions you want answered, send them via Twitter, Email, Facebook, or in the Blog Comments. I’ll either answer them via whichever way you sent them, or just tell you I’ll answer them in the next blog, if I want to go in depth more. I appreciate receiving feedback on how I’m doing, so feel free to always send what it is you’re thinking.

Until next time,

Written by:
Scott Ottersen

15 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 7/16/12

  1. Why wouldnt you consider Frank as a key player? If he stays, there will be a war between Willie and Frank.

    Also, why does Steve care how many columns you write? It just adds more time on his web site which just generates revenue. Confused on that one.

  2. I never said he wasn’t a key player, I’m just addressing who CBS seems to be leaching onto. We hear a lot about Frank, but we don’t see him at all. That’s probably because he’s quiet and doesn’t say anything worthwhile.

    I don’t make up the rules. I told Steve I’d do three a week, but he said it’s better to do two. I don’t question him. If he wants me to only post twice, I post twice. Makes for a long read come Friday morning, but I do my best to keep the entertainment coming throughout the long read.

  3. Okay – got it.

    Well it doesnt make any sense to me lol because Big Brother has alot of material and the more people who come to this site and stay to read is Steve’s bread n butter. But I understand you dont make the rules.

    Loving your column.

  4. I bet Willie goes to Frank and tells him the same old line, i don’t really want you out, your just the pawn, blah blah blah since I couldn’t put up Ian. And that he really wants Kara out. I think Poor Willie doesn’t have a chance in this game…

  5. I am glad Boogie kept Ian safe so Willie couldn’t nominate him. Annoying people in the house (Ian, Joe) do not need to be sent home because you don’t want to make people angry or because they are annoying. That’s reason to keep them in the house as of now. I liked Willie’s nominations except for the fact he made a deal with Frank. That sealed his fate somehow…I just know it!

    I also get angry calling Britney a “legend.” She had NO CLUE those boys were aligned, and probably still doesn’t!!! The girl is nice and all, and even makes funny comments once in a while, but please. I like the coaches twist, but I agree, it’s too much in the game. I found myself cheering because Boogie said to Dan that Janelle and Britney weren’t aligning yet, then realized, who cares what he thinks?!?! I can’t wait to see a player go against their coach!!!

  6. Watching it I was wondering if Ian may have a mental illness of some sort. That’s the first thing that came to my mind while watching! Willie nomination of Frank may be a stupid move or it may be brilliant if he comes back! Nobody would suspect of them working together!

  7. Jacklyn, the only reason I say to get rid of someone the house doesn’t care about losing is because it’s the first week. At this point, NOBODY knows who is a threat in the game, because we don’t even know what kind of game it’s going to be. For all we know, Ian, Joe, Ashley, Wil, and 5 other people could forge an alliance together and if they vote out Frank, that’s one less person Willie could have in his alliance. There is no way of telling which way the game is going to go after the first week, so just get out someone “safe” with your first HOH, don’t make waves, make a few side pacts with people, and sit tidy and hope your nominations don’t come back to bite you the next week. I’m not saying getting rid of Frank is stupid, I just think it’s making too much of a wave too early on in the game.

    But, then again, people on Big Brother are F*CKING STUPID, so you might as well nominate two of the most popular, strongest people…

  8. I thought it was weird/wrong, that they made the coach who won the coach’s competition pick a player as a Have Not – I thought it stood to reason that whatever coach won, their team wouldn’t have to be have nots. So, there’s no competition to determine have-nots? Eh – stupid.

  9. I imagine it must be hard not to listen to the coaches right now – they are like celebrities to these players – to go against any of the coaches the first week would be really hard for any of them I would think. I’m pretty sure if I met George Clooney and he said something dumb (unlikely, he’s kinda a smart guy) or something I didn’t agree with, I probably wouldn’t say anything to disagree, I’d be a little starstruck. But, if I hung around him for a while, I believe that would wear off and then I would start to voice my opinions. Sigh, I just totally distracted myself with my fake best friend relationship with GC.

    Anyway, point is I think they will start to think on their own in a couple of weeks. So it does seem like the coaches game right now, b/c they really aren’t letting the others play. As they show it anyway.

    Still not fully decided on the coaches twist. I did get really excited b/c of Boogie and Janelle, but without Dr. Will its just not the same. They were so much fun – I loved that season. But, we’re not getting to see much of the personalities of the other players as a result – and that is CBS’ fault for not showing us. I think Will would probably have hilarious ITM’s. He showed promise last week. So, I guess we’ll see…

  10. I can see your point about how these coaches are something of celebrities to these new houseguests, and I can agree to that thinking. I guess we never know how we’d react, but I still like to think that I would discuss it further with my coach who I thought would be smart to send home so that I don’t make waves in the house. From everything I’ve read/seen, these players just dropped to their knees and started sucking, for lack of a better analogy!

    Not that I’m gay or anything, but I think if George Clooney told me to do something, I’d probably do it, too. Chances are he’s either paying me to do it or he’s telling me something that will get me paid in the future!

    And, the biggest gripe I have about having previous houseguests back on the show is the fact that CBS likes to simply focus on those players. They follow their every move in the house during the aired episodes, and it just seems they are the only people we get to truly know. Sure, as the season winds down and there are less people to show, we might get to see more people and their interactions, but chances are we’re not going to care at that point.

    Lastly, I agree about the Chill Town fake-phone-call conversations being the highlight of the All-Stars season. Definitely not the same.

  11. Agreed Scott. I don’t like how all the camera attention is on the previous houseguests. Also – in a way, they are protecting the new houseguests from playing the game – they usually get thrown in the deep end right away and have to start playing – but with the coaches there is the potential for scapegoating. If we saw floaters before, I think there is a possibility that might even be magnified this season.

    CHILLTOWN RULES! I’ll try to do better than 90’s sayings, but that’s what’s screaming in my head right now. There was magic between those two fellas that entertained me all summer long. Maybe they should disperse old chill town clips throughout the show for our us. That would make me happy.

  12. OMG, could someone please tell Chenbot to scrape off the eye make-up! You can’t see her eyes – all you see are huge gashes of black smears. Hideous!

    Damn, I was just sick when Ian was given immunity! Seriously. He’s not just “creepy” (although he is that); I truly think he has mental health issues that need to be addressed. I watched the “After Dark” program one evening last week during a bout of insomnia, and Ian spent the entire time in the hot tub, at one point “humping” the water. I kid you not. Ewwwwwww ….

  13. I don’t think Boogie understands how to be a coach. He’s too domineering, if he keeps this up his team is going to rebel, say screw you and turn him out of their decision circle – that is if they stay aligned at all. All he did was dictate to Frank – you could tell Frank was trying really hard to be polite, but his frustration showed (in his mind ‘don’t think I’m stupid Mike’). He’s coming on too strong as a coach, and it’s going to bite him in the ass. He’s playing like a player – but he has to realize he does not have as much power as he thinks. Although with the ability to give players immunity or have not status, I guess they have a bit – but they still need one of their players to win, so that only goes so far. Boogie I think is not going to make it, and his players are going to suffer, which sucks. All th e coaches think they have too much power, but if these players are smart, they’ll eventually say screw you and ignore their advice. Not much for repercussion. Then maybe these coaches will clue in that coaching is NOT dictating, but a give and take, listening and responding relationship – a mentor relationship is. Ot about the coach. All they are doing are constantly talking and making it all about them. They need to cool it. I think while many might not like Dan, he might be the best at this (if his players stay in) as his background is coaching, and I get the sense he could do this well. But I also sense a cockiness from him this time I didn’t think was there last time. Or maybe that’s just around Boogie – that ‘boy thing’ of being tough.

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