BIG BROTHER – 7/23/12

July 23rd, 2012 | 15 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

Ashley pops up on our screens and says she voted out Kara because she was afraid that Kara was going to “fly under the radar” the entire season and that’s the role that she wants to play. I wanted to rag on her for this, but I really thought about it and figured it to be a good play on her part. Of course, with her way of thinking, she’ll never win the show because floaters don’t ever win Big Brother, but at least she’ll keep collecting a paycheck (stipend) for being in the house for however long she is in. I’ve heard that houseguests earn $750/week for each week they’re in the house and that is about what I make, so now I’m 1,000% more interested in making it onto the show, because if I get a ton of vacation time from my company, so it would be like I’m collecting two paychecks that summer. I’d be rich. With the chance of REALLY being rich! Come on CBS, I promise I’ll be nice. To you. Not the other houseguests. But, enough about me, I feel as if I turned a new leaf on Ashley. Maybe she’s not as dumb as we all thought she was. Maybe that Penn State education is all its trumped up to be (it is rated one of the top Public institutions on the country – not for little boys, though).

I know CBS loves them some Chill Town, but Frank is NOT Dr. Will. The scene where they tried to recreate the old Chill Town Diary Room laugh sessions was TERRIBLE! I appreciate the effort from Boogie, but Frank’s end did not hold up. Let’s not make this mistake again, CBS. Let it go.

Here comes more foreshadowing from Willie, being positive, giving us the “I’m not going to give up” and “I’ll win the POV” comments. Sure, Willie, that positive outlook on this week is going to get you far. I’m sure that it was therapeutic to say those things out loud. Probably cleared things up a bit and you were put at ease and you would never feel like calling anyone a pussy and threatening them to their face. You would never do such a thing, right? You’re positive and have a good outlook on this game. Besides, you said you weren’t in the house to be comfortable, right? You can handle this. I like your odds.

My favorite comment of the night came from Boogie, when he saw his room: “Balance bars, they know who I am.” At first, I thought he said “valance” and I was cracking up at a grown man being happy about having valances in his bedroom with no windows! But, I rewound it and heard him say “balance.” Now, when they panned around the room, I did not see any balance bars on the walls, so I’m not sure exactly what he meant. They showed the door and there wasn’t that balance bar people use to do pull-ups, so I’m just going to assume one was lying in the corner or something and he was excited that his scrawny ass was going to be able to show off to Frank how he can do 3 pull-ups, arms turned in, like a woman. Turn those arms around, pussy. Oh wait, that’s Willie’s line. Tell him, Willie. Tell him how much of a pussy he is.

Before you do, though, Willie, sit down with Britney and let her call you a “raging lunatic” to your face. I was surprised this didn’t set him off. This was also the point where I thought that Britney may be taking things a bit too far with him. From everything I read and what they showed on the show, I didn’t think what Willie did was all THAT terrible. Sure, he yelled at Frank, called him some names, whatever, but Britney was acting like he was going around punching holes in the walls, peeing on people’s faces while they slept, upper deck-ing the toilets, hiding people’s cigarettes in his @sshairs, feeding people his dingleberries, so on and so forth. The guy had, what many could conceive to be a mental lapse and an argument just got heated and he went a little too far with his words. Of course, now, we know that to not be the case, but at this point, I didn’t think the guy was doing anything TOO harsh. But, whatever, Britney is sensitive, she was cracking a bit herself in the house, and she decided to turn her back on one of her team members, calling him a raging lunatic, and basically telling him to play the game on his own now because he wanted no part of her being his coach anymore.

Britney ends the scene with “Our team is screwed.” I couldn’t think any further from that statement than I do. In fact, I think this is the best thing for her team. They can be made to be sympathetic figures in the house now, for having to put up with him and be sided with him. This takes all the heat off of Shane and JoJo, from my perspective. Obviously, if they continue to side with him, they’d be screwed, but by separating themselves from his madness, I don’t think for one second it’s going to cost them. I think this is the perfect scenario for them to jump ship and form new alliances. It’s only still the second week, no alliance is set in stone yet, so they are still in the clear. Plus, the game is still all about the coaches and getting rid of them, so I believe after Willie’s target is extinguished, the next person to go is still Danielle. That gives them two weeks of freedom in the house. And, a WHOLE LOT can happen in the Big Brother house in two weeks. Ian might be able to grow pubic hair in those two weeks. Boogie’s penis could grow another wart. JoJo could actually say something that people can understand. Two weeks is a whole crapload of time. You never know.

Anybody else bored by the Shane and Danielle showmance? Even with Shane’s douche nature, I still find him boring. So, him falling for Two Face, who is easily the most boring person on the show, does not make for good television. Throw up the “VT” Shane, that gets girls every time! For the reader who asked me in the comments of my last blog the difference between a “dick” and a “douche,” just look for a guy over the age of 16, who uses his fingers to spell the state he lives in, that’s a douche. Also, you’re not Danny Zuko, so pick up those pieces of hair hanging over your forehead and stick them up with the rest of your hair, Mr. I-flip-homes-for-a-living-but-am-actually-a-model.

Boogie approaches Britney, because he’s worried that if she wins the Coaches Challenge, she will trade Willie and take one of his players, saddling him with The Notorious R.I.B. It’s at this point, when Britney actually says some intelligent stuff that I realize that Britney has her own Coach. I am willing to bet she has the most Diary Room sessions out of any Coach/houseguest, so that her Coach can talk to her and tell her what she needs to think, and do. Whenever she has a scene with another coach or houseguest, she never really says anything, but as soon as she gets in that Diary Room, she’s all business, saying how she knows what they’re up to and everything. I’m sure they want to give her an earpiece, so they can talk her through conversations while out and about, but she’d end up being like the idiot singers, who wear them for the first 10 seconds of their songs and then rip them out as if they can hear the pieces giving them ear cancer. I’m sure if ear cancer had a sound, it would sound better than most of these artists “singing” today. Seriously, why wear the earpieces for 10 seconds? The little teenage girls in the crowd aren’t even paying attention to how you’re singing, so just come out on stage, lip synch, do your dumb dance moves, and laugh backstage about how you just made $100,000 for 2 hours of “singing.”

15 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 7/23/12

  1. Great recap Scott – when the gals were showing us their eskimo kissing, Ians expression behind them was priceless and you nailed it for what Im sure it must have been!!
    About Willie – What was really repulsive to me (before the shite hit the fan) was how Britney (does anyone else get reminded about Alicia Silverstones character in Clueless when the look at her or listen to her) and the gang (knowing this guy was an 8th grade dropout-grandpa at age 34-related to the saintly Russell) went for the juggular with the expectation that-what–he would engage them in a heartfelt, intelligent and calm discussionÉ. Cmon, him going bat-shite crazy was unacceptable , yes-but could anyone say with a straight face that they couldnt have seen it coming given that the guy quit school to early to learn good verbal communication skillsÉÉ (Sorry, my question mark key had a late nite last nite and cant be bothered to show up this morning).
    I still say the spray-tanologist will make it to the final three (if the coaches get to play – if not, a contender for the prize.) No one is confusing her with Stephen Hawking (except maybe Wille), but girl has SOME game-enuff to know she wants to be the only floater anyway!
    And agreed Scott-the Chilltown phonecall gag was just sad–Boogie is still hanging on to Dr Wills coattails as hard as if he were hanging onto his anti-itch cream for those damned warts.

  2. As if I care about the “long” post. I write something like a 6-page recap of a 60 minute show where basically nothing happens other than people talking! I can live with a long comment. I appreciate them.

    And, yes, I full-on agree the harsh treatment that Britney gave Willie, and JoJo and Shane both banishing him from contact, as well, is what drove Willie over the edge. I know he would have burst at some point, anyway, but had Britney not kept throwing fuel on the fire that was Willie, things wouldn’t have went down the way they did. I won’t say Britney is to blame, at all, for what he did, but she definitely didn’t help. Just yet another reason she and the word “coach” should NEVER go hand-in-hand ever again!

  3. Totally agree about the “Chill Town” Diary session. Haven’t rolled my eyes so hard in a long time, and I have 5 kids…really stupid…

    As for the balance bars, I don’t recall the comment, so I didn’t look, but I think that he may have been referring to Balance Bar, protein bars…I could be wrong though.

  4. I agree with you Scott, I didn’t think Willie was all that bad until he flipped out. Seriously, was I missing something? Did he kill someone’s puppy on the live feeds? Why on earth was Britney and everyone SO mad at him at the beginning and middle of the episode? People argue all the time on this show. That’s really all he did.

    I do disagree with one thing though, I absolutely think Shane and Jojo are now targets for the sole reason that they were on a team with Willie. When Willie went upstairs, one of the guys even said that because they associated with him before Thursday, they are now targets as well. Britney’s concern was legitimate in my opinion, and that was proven with Janelle making her entire team the Have-Nots. I think they’ll be on the block this week unless they can weasle into some kind of alliance.

    I think Ashley may actually have a thing for nerds, although I’d be shocked if it’s anything sexual so much as a fun little crush 😛 Either way, I loved that scene…Don’t care about Danielle and Shane, they’re both incredibly dull.

  5. It’s hard for me to get my point across in writing. I wish I could discuss this with people face-to-face more often. I don’t disagree that Shane & JoJo are going to be targets. They are going to be. But, it’s more just because of the alliance they’re NOT in, moreso than the ally they have been sidled with. They’re not in the alliance with Frank and all of Janelle’s team and whatnot. Britney sucks as a coach, thought she worked a deal with Janelle’s team, Janelle jumped ship, stuck herself onto Boogie’s train, talked with Dan, played the game, while Britney just talked about how she hated Boogie and her team. So, if anything, they’re not going to be targets because Willie blew up at the house and went bonkers. They’re just targets because they voted on that side of the house and now that Willie got booted from the house, it only makes sense to go ahead and try and vote one more of Britney’s players out, so that her and Dan are left with only one player each, and are weak in the game. Boogie & Janelle are sitting pretty now.

    Does that help with the point I was trying to get across?

  6. I can totally understand why Brittany went after Willie, but only because I’ve read about the behaviour Willie displayed that was NOT shown on TV. Apparently, he kicked the doors of the Have-Not Room several times; threw a handful of pork-rinds at Janelle and called her a c*nt, and generally acted like a psycho before he even went after Joe. Brittany was trying to protect her other players and frankly I think that was admirable.
    That said, Brittany isn’t in an alliance with any of the other coaches and I’m convinced that both Shane and Jo-Jo will be on the block this week.
    Not sure, Scott, why you have such a hate-on for Danielle. I find her dull and vacuous, but mostly harmless. The person I really can’t stand is Jo-Jo. No game. No smarts. No personality (except as a foul-mouthed beyotch, as she’s shown herself to be on the After Dark programming).
    I’m putting my money on Jo-Jo being the next one turfed. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part.
    Anyway, I’ll guess we’ll see soon enough. Cheers!

  7. I was happy to see Willie go. He came in with a sense of entitlement and his attitude and ego got in the way. He can dish it out but cant take it. He is a bully and when things do not go his way, he melts like the witch in the Wizard of Oz.

  8. i think shane and joho became targets the minute their “team” won the first HOH…it happens every season. someone wins the HOH and it goes straight to their head with all this power and those alligned with them follow like sheep to the slaughter. they feel all immune because their side has the HOH and they get to make the first cut….however, making the first punch among a whole bunch of paranoid houseguests never goes well. because it was the first it is the most judged and the easiest to swipe back at.

  9. bnapier – exactly right. You would have thought Willie was the HOH forever the way he acted and called meetings – geez – it was the first week!

  10. I am very clueless as to what Willie did week 1 to make Britney hate him so much, make his whole team not talk to him, etc. Great, he called a house meeting (which I think he somehow thought was doing a good thing by telling the players “coaches may enter the game”) and yelled at Frank, but didn’t Frank lie about something Willie said? Look, I think Willie has a huge ego, is a hot head, and obviously now, is a little psycho. But, before things went down, I get his frustration. Coming from a person who would HATE it if people in this game just walked out of rooms when I went into them, told me they couldn’t associate with me, etc., I would be pissed too. But then he just went downhill and that sucks.

    I am so over Britney. She has always had the “woo me attitude”, and am personally glad Janelle stopped being aligned with her. I am also over Frank. This guy hasn’t even done anything “game worthy” and he thinks he’s awesome.

    At this point, I am rooting for Shane.

  11. I agree, I’m a little over Frank, as well. I like him, but not in this game. He just has a weirdness about him that I don’t like in the Big Brother house. Although, it’s still early and they haven’t faced adversity yet within their alliance, so maybe I’ll change my mind once he becomes more vindictive towards players on his own team and not just ganging up on the people nobody likes.

    As far as Willie kicking doors and all that, everything still happened AFTER Britney and the rest of his team banished him to solitude. He didn’t do anything other than yell at Frank and “act” like a bully. As if there have been no other “bullies” in the game before. These people just took more offense to it than usual, so they decided to treat him like a cancer (which he proved to be, but still). They didn’t force him to act the way he did, but they definitely caused it with their attitude towards him.

  12. Hey guys…tell me you saw Shana after he voted to evict Danielle–as he was walking out of the DR, you could see the douche had a COMBOVER! Serious back-of-the-head-combed to the front!!! Who DOES that unless youre a 58 yr old algebra teacher trying not to look bald in the midst of his belated mid-life crisis!!!! And that pathetic attempt at flirting with Jojo in the have-not room – OMG, even Ian was grossed out! Personally, I saw more chemistry between Boogie and Ian. The only true showmancing Shana is doing is with all the mirrors in the house. The guy is begging to be backdoored….yeah, I mean both ways….

  13. Vote to keep the coaches out of the game!! If Boogie wins again I will have to slit my wrists – he’s such a loser!! Also, why didn’t they vote Danielle out tonight and get rid of a coach since the seed has been planted that the coaches may come into the game? Seems like bad game play to me – especially since they think Dan is so dangerous. I don’t know what happened at the end of his (Dan’s) season b/c I live in Houston and Ike came through here at that time. I had no electricity for a while and when it came back on none of the shows on my DVR had survived! I remember hearing he won and I didn’t investigate further b/c I didn’t like him.

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