Ok, so I’m a humongous Batman fan, just thought I’d throw that out there. On Friday night, one of my friends decided to give me a call and ask if I wanted to go see it. I don’t typically see movies in theaters anymore, so I jumped after the opportunity…after, of course, getting my wife’s blessing to leave her on a Friday night we, originally, planned on spending together. She’s so nice, isn’t she? Anyway, I thought I’d start today’s blog out with some thoughts I have on the movie. I am NOT going to post any spoilers, but still, if you haven’t seen it, I would scroll down past my bullet points here, just because when you do see it, I may say some things that will make you realize what happens before it happens and I don’t ever like when people ruin movie experiences for other people. Ever since my dad ruined Training Day for me, I realized just how crappy it is to have good movies spoiled. Obviously, that movie can never be ruined, Eva Mendes being naked in it and all, but still I often wonder to myself just how much more I would have liked it had I not known what happened at the end because my dad blurted it out. The best part of my dad ruining it was that I JUST got done telling everyone at the dinner table that I hadn’t seen it. My mom even told him while he was talking that I didn’t see it, yet he STILL told me the ending. Unreal. Anyway, my thoughts on the end of an awesome era of Batman movies.
1. Jesus Christ, next time knock 20 minutes off of the movie, please.
2. My wife thinks I’m crazy for thinking Anne Hathaway is pretty, but anybody who sees this movie and stares at this woman for 2 hours and 46 minutes and DOESN’T think she’s incredibly pretty is INSANE!
3. I’m on the fence of how much I liked/disliked this movie. Don’t get me wrong, I really liked it, thought there was a ton of action mixed with a ton of story, but there is no way it was better than either Batman Begins or The Dark Knight. But, still, I liked it.
4. Had the ending sequence not happened with Alfred seeing a familiar face while eating brunch, I might have been VERY pissed off.
5. I heard raving about Tom Hardy’s performance as Bane, and I agree he did a fantastic job with the character, but also think that listening to him talk was a tad annoying. There were several times throughout the movie where I truly had no idea what he said. Also, I REALLY need to start working out. And, it’s complete bullshit that he won that fight. Christopher Nolan is an a-hole for that one, story or no story.
6. I think I have more I want to say, but just can’t think of it right now. I will leave it at that. Feel free to hit me back with your thoughts on the movie – but PLEASE don’t spoil it for anyone if you’re going to leave a comment on this blog. Maybe you should just email it to me…
Ok, well let’s get back to the show, shall we?
13 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 7/30/12”
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HA!! When Boogie asking Ashley about her dream board and he said the really far out of reach things are on top like having a husband and kids and things like an ipad are on the bottom…. priceless!! She didn’t even get that he was completely mocking her!! Do you think if the coaches get the option to play, one will stay behind so someone is still in the running for the coaches money? But really, everyone would be gunning for his/her player to get them out then! The whole idea is crazy to me…. CBS quit bringing old players back….. Thank god Rachel wasn’t a coach!
I think I’m going to root for Frank to win because every time they show him the theme song for The Greatest American Hero starts up in my mind, and I used to love that show back in the day.
Oops. I think I’ve posted “spoilers” before when commenting on what I’ve seen in the After Dark programming. My bad. I apologize & will stop doing that.
The coaches competition yesterday was so overtly sexual that it actually put me off. Didn’t find it funny at all – it just made me squirm.
In my opinion, Shane confirmed his doucheyness when he said in a diary room session that he’d be cozying up to Danielle now that Jo-Jo is out of the house. For that reason alone, I hope he doesn’t win.
@ cfolliot – The Greatest American Hero! Hahahahaha! OMG, give Frank’s hair a bit of a trim and that’s who you’ve got. That’s hilarious.
I think I’m beginning to warm up to Ian. He seems much less “creepy” than he appeared to be in the first couple of weeks. And I found it sweet that he was so touched by Boogie giving him $3,000 of the prize money he (Boogie) won in the coaches challenge. Ian just might be a Dark Horse.
Can’t wait until Joe’s out of the house (hopefully this week) just for some peace and quiet!
Finally, for the love of all that is decent in this world, I hope BB does NOT allow the coaches to join the main game! That would just ruin it for me.
Cheers, fellow BB-fans.
Strap yourself in, because those coaches are most definitely coming back in the game. CBS is going to give them no choice, seeing as how the ratings are tanking this season.
Also, I don’t have a problem if people are posting spoilers in these comments and on twitter or whatever, just put the words “Spoiler Alert” in your message. Yesterday, someone posted on facebook and the FIRST SENTENCE was the spoiler, as if they were talking about their friends coming over for dinner! 🙂 I don’t take issue with people doing that, but it was just funny because here I am the week I’m trying NOT to see spoilers, and I see it on someone’s facebook post! Oh well…no big deal, I’ll just try again next week!
I agree with Ian, but I also believe he doesn’t seem as awkward only because of the edit he’s receiving. I’m sure he still says and does extremely weird things, but they just aren’t showing it anymore. That’s my guess. Weird people don’t just become not weird over the course of a few days…
I didnt like the coaches challenge at all. It was super sexual. I do find it funny that a girl won the last one. I might be in the minority but i did find Wil’s comment “Hey Patrice, feed the cat girl, I’m gonna be gone for anotha week.” kinda funny….I am certanly not a Wil fan but that made me laugh. I would imagine if you were Patrice it would too. I am not at ALL a Shane fan but I am a Brittney fan so I have to root for him a bit. Ian is growing on my only because he sadly seems to be the only player that actually has a clue! Frank bugs me because he is cocky and I do love to watch the cocky ones fall!
I love Ashley! 🙂 She is way too entertaining (dumb as a doorknob, but entertaining). I also would disagree with Boogie when he said he’d want his players to be up against Ashley in the finals, because as far as I can tell she’s really likeable.
My big thing with the Frank/Shane alliance is that whenever the two/three strongest players of ANY strategic reality show band together, it rarely ever works! Why? because eventually one of them realizes it’d be stupid to take the other with them to the jury vote so they backstab them. Point is, unless Shane stops being stupid, Frank’s gonna go after him eventually. Plus in general, the idea of staying uber loyal on Big Brother is idiotic. He should have put up Frank and Joe.
@stina, I disagree about the strongest players banding together NOT working out. Chill Town did it twice, with both members winning one season each. Dan won his season with his Renegades alliance, and Hayden won with his Brigade alliance. Of course their plan, all along, is to keep the strong with them until the Final 4 or 5 (maybe final 3, but that’s risky) and then vote them out to take the weakest possible person to the final 2 with them. I happen to think the strongest people in the house should ALWAYS work together. It surely helps to know that if you can’t compete in an HOH or Veto challenge, you will have a powerful competitor in the competition on your side, playing for you, basically. If I’m in that house and I’m teamed with Ashley and Wil, I’m not too excited about my chances of being safe each week. My only hope then is that the target is on someone else’s back, and that’s a heavy burdened game to play each week. Eventually, that target will find your back and the trigger will be pulled.
As well liked as Ashley is, if anyone in this house voted for her to win this show, I guarantee CBS would cancel Big Brother, as well as that $500,000 check, the second after the live finale ended…
I think strong people alliances plays out better on Big Brother because it is so challenge-depend (unlike Survivor for example). I would just be SHOCKED if Frank/Shane can pull their alliance all the way to the Final 2. I see your point for this early in the game, but come Final 4 or 5 I think it’d be stupid to keep Frank or Shane around. Strong alliances fail once one person realizes it’d be easier to beat someone else in the finals. It’s basically a giant game of hot-potato at that point…who will have the HOH when it’s time to pull the plug
@cfolliot hahahaha! “Believe it or not, I’m walking on air, I never thought I would feel so freeeeeeeee!” haha. I won’t be able to look at Frank any other way anymore. Perfect.
Scott – is your Dad David Letterman perchance? haha. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, google Anne Hathaway and David Letterman interview (SPOILER ALERT for the Batman movie). I haven’t seen the movie, but this kinda ruins it now.
What is up with Joe wearing his chef’s coat on Thursday? What exactly is the purpose of that? Between him wearing his chef’s coat, making these meals for the HOH, making corny comments like ‘if Willy couldn’t stand the heat, he should have stayed out of the kitchen’ when the fight was in the bathroom, I think he’s trying to get Gordon Ramsays attention to get cast on Hell’s Kitchen or something. Which is also why I think he yells all the time – as it seems on that show you must yell to be a chef. Wrong show buddy.
Scott, awesome recap. Made my day – very witty and I laughed a lot. Quite entertaining. Thanks for making this more fun.
I’m not sure what you mean with the David Letterman comparison? I googled it and it says he “spoiled” the movie, but I read his comments and none of it sounded like a spoiler. It was just him giving his opinion on what he thinks will happen. I heard a radio show once, where the on-air presence said the exact same thing about the Batman movie and I didn’t take that as him spoiling it. As for what I wrote, I don’t think I spoiled anything, because I preempted it with a very long paragraph telling people NOT to read it had they not seen the movie yet! 🙂
As for Juggles, he walks around the house saying that he thinks he’s going to be in the media after this show is over. Why he thinks that, I have no idea, but he tells people that kind of stuff in the house. He probably is trying to get on Hell’s Kitchen or something. Wrong network, Juggles. No chance in Hell that is happening.
And, thank you for the kind words and laughter. That is what I write for…
I guess on air it was Anne’s reaction that made it seem it was a spoiler – she was shocked and stumbled over her words and it seemed he let the cat out of the bag, and he had seen the movie – but maybe I am assuming too much? I was just joking around (equating it to your Dad about training day) and wasn’t trying to insinuate that you yourself spoiled anything.
I agree, Scott, it does appear that Ian is getting a “kinder” edit; he’s still creepy …
I saw some of last night’s After Dark programming & a group of contestants (Frank, Ashley, Ian, Jenn, Boogie, Wil) were sitting at the round table having a rather raunchy conversation about sex, and Ian jumped in with the question, “So, where was the weirdest place you’ve ever masturbated?” (Then he did his little squirmy thing with his entire body … eeeewwwww.)
Holy cr*p, it was funny – brought the entire conversation to a screeching, silent halt! After some VERY uncomfortable hems & haws, both Frank & Jenn said something to the effect that they weren’t going to answer that “until maybe after midnight” (do the cameras go off after midnight?). The operative word, I believe, was “maybe.” I think everyone was hoping Ian would just let it go …
All the coaches believe they will be asked if they want to join the game, and two of them (last night) specifically referred to the contract they’d signed, which said that the rules of the game could change at any time at the discretion of BB.
Joe thinks he’s safe and Frank is in jeopardy. Something significant must have happened at the veto competition & subsequent veto ceremony.
All of the coaches have said that if they’re given the option to join the game as contestants for the major prize, they will do so.
Cheers again to Scott & my fellow BB fans.
It is hard to judge how players are actually doing based on the less than 2% of weekly activities (3 “hours” of TV a week…half of which is spent on recaps/commercials); however, even on that alone my wife and I are convinced Dan is playing the best/smartest game all season.
I think he may have just lucked into his situation of coaching the “floater” type girls that everyone would want to keep around till the end, but aside from that he has played very well. He’s been very good at manipulating people into liking and trusting him and putting himself down low on the target list.
I think his biggest weakness is in his overconfidence of fooling people in his thrown competitions (and I think he has thrown them based off his past season).
I see him final 3 for sure, and his chance of winning depends on who he is competing against.