BIG BROTHER – 8/7/12

August 6th, 2012 | 14 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

Proving how terrible a player Dan is, as they’re rushing out to the backyard to compete in the HOH competition, he tells Boogie that the plan was to vote out Frank! Yes, Dan, the best way to gain someone’s trust in Big Brother is to tell them that the plan you had told him about the entire week was a lie and that you (well, your player) was going to vote his player out that night had the vote actually occurred. Seriously, I’m not understanding at all why Dan would even make an excuse as to why he said this to Boogie. There is never a good reason for that in the game of Big Brother. If anything, you already had Boogie’s trust because you were working together and by you saying what you did, you kind of blew that trust because you admitted you wanted to screw him over. As I’m writing this paragraph, I am realizing how difficult it is to match up the game of Big Brother to real life. I think the best way to try and relate what Dan did to a real life situation would be if I was standing up in a friend’s wedding, we were at the church, and the bride never shows up. Her father calls my friend, tells him the wedding is off and she doesn’t want to marry him. Then, I turn to my friend as we’re walking out of the church, and I say, “She’s a sl*t, man. I f*cked her twice in the last year and she sucked off Johnny, too.” There is just no reason to say anything in that scenario. I don’t get it. Boogie is, obviously, upset and feels betrayed going into the HOH competition. You saw it written all over his face at the beginning of the competition. Originally, I thought it was just because he was pissed that he wasn’t a coach anymore, but now I realize that it’s because Dan is a moron and went and told him he’s basically screwed in this game. I’d have been pissed, too.

At the HOH competition, Boogie is out first, and like Dan, he goes on camera to try and save some face by saying he meant to be out first because he wanted to seem like less of a threat. In a season where they have voted out the likes of Kara and JoJo, and think that Wil is the next biggest threat to Frank and Shane, I’m assuming you go ahead and not assume that they’d keep you around because you are weak. Also, you two idiots have WON BIG BROTHER…they KNOW you are a f*cking threat!! So, cut the proud act and admit that you just suck in these competitions and lost fair and square. For my liking, it makes you look like more of p*ssies when you try and act all macho like you meant to lose.

Frank turns to Shane and tells him that he’s safe if he wins and that he’s putting up two coaches. I always laugh in these competitions when people say these kinds of things. You can see how they’re struggling and about to lose to the 5’2” 110 pound females who have a distinct advantage in these competitions, yet here they are trying to broker deals as if they’re going to win! No thanks, not buying it. You and I both know you have no chance, so just shut up, jump down in 20 minutes, and we’ll go about our night.

Frank, of course, did end up jumping down, and Boogie tells him that he was going to be blindsided had the coaches not entered the game. Now, their entire game is screwy and they don’t know who they can trust. Although, I’d like to think that you know exactly who you can’t trust now. For my thoughts and liking, I think knowing what you know now is the best thing for your game. Instead of going through the rest of the week thinking that Britney, Danielle, Dan, and the rest of the goons have your back, you now know you need not work with them and can start working the other side of the house in order to garner votes to stay in the game, whereas before you would have thought you were sitting pretty in your alliance, who really wanted you out. I can understand how hearing it would piss you off, but people need to start realizing that information is power in the Big Brother house. Boogie and Frank may think they’ve been bumped to the low end of the totem pole, but having information and knowing which way people lean puts you in a position of power. All you need then is the smarts to negotiate and you’re golden. Evel Dick was a master at this in his first stint on the show. He was the target just about every single week, but he knew this, and what prevented him from going home was his ability to speak to the other low totem pole houseguests and get them to realize keeping him around was their best move. For some, he would make them realize it was their only move. And, he ended up winning the game. Now, that was a different season and a different cast, so we’re about to see what Boogie and Frank are truly made of. I don’t think Frank has it in him to win the game of Big Brother since he’s just a big loaf of turd dressed in a Homie the Clown wig, but Boogie can make it happen. We’ll see how it plays out from here.

The final three ended up proving just how endurance competitions are always made for the “weak” contestants, seeing as how Danielle, Britney, and Ian were the final three. But, every competition can’t be about running around or involve athleticism. The worst part about this competition was having to hear Dan give Danielle a pep talk after Ian tried to work a deal with her to jump down. I still think Dan’s an ass, but this was a great play on his part. He knows he is guaranteed safety with Danielle winning, so her working a deal with Ian and jumping down put him at risk, so he had to do what he had to do, and that was to get in the ear of Danielle, who obviously doesn’t have a mind of her own, and tell her to win. Which, she ended up doing after she told both Ian and Britney they were safe if they jumped and let her have the HOH victory.

Oh, and Shane’s kiss was completely LAME!!! What a douche. And, the way he was holding her hand, lingering around, even while she was hugging Dan and the rest of the players after they were done kissing was even more lame! He just got done telling us he didn’t want a showmance, and we probably weren’t going to see any more kissing, and here he is a few hours later, kissing her. I know it is a semi-smart move on his part to keep reassuring her, but I don’t think he understands that he needs to keep it up. He’s going to have to keep pretending to like her, keep listening to her boring stories, keep cuddling her at night when all he wants to do is sleep on his own, and keep the romance alive. But, she’s proven that she’s dense enough to not recognize the fakeness, so I think he should be ok.

Hey, Dan, how’d that plan work out for you now? At least he realizes how stupid it was after the fact and didn’t keep thinking he would find a way out of it. I still think he was lying to save face in his diary room interviews when he said it was all a plan to tell Boogie, to gain his trust. I really do think he just got excited (like he says later), was in the moment, and said something extremely stupid. That is just my opinion.

Oh good God, now Danielle thinks she’s the Queen of the house! You win one lazy endurance competition and now all of the sudden you’re better than Janelle? She thinks that Janelle is threatened by her because she doesn’t look at her or will give her flimsy looks here and there. She even goes as far as referring to Janelle as a floater-type. Let’s not go crazy here, Danielle. Janelle doesn’t look at you because you are useless. Your vote never really mattered to her, you never had any form of power in the house, you were pretty much nonexistent to everyone in the house, other than Dan and Shane, so that is why Janelle stayed clear of you. Same with everyone else. You shoved your entire head up Shane’s @ss and never came out for air, surviving off of breathing from air bubbles inside Shane’s built-up poo, therefore nobody even recognized you were there. They all just thought Shane had a tail that had a big @ss and wore shoes.

14 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 8/7/12

  1. I always wondered the same thing about “pharmaceutical sales reps”; there were always like, three or four of them per Survivor and Bachelor/ette season along with “students,” and “actors/actresses/models.” The reason is because these people (for the most part) don’t have 9 to 5er’s and can take three months off without quitting their jobs. It’s a nice perk, but I’m a teacher and currently reaping the benefits of my own 10-month job, so I’m not complaining:)

  2. Great recap again, Scott.

    Yup, the network had this suprise worked out from the get go – I dont believe for a nano second that America voted these guys to go back in. As you way, whatever – it is what it is and thats why my instinct about Miss Vapid Spraytanner 2012 being in the running for the prize isnt so far fetched. Shes completely up Janelles a$$, and I can see her being taken to the end as who would expect jury members (other than Ian) to vote giving her a tic tac, let alone the money.
    Dan as a coach makes me howl. But the fact is, he knows this chick will do as he says – to get HIM as far as he can. Theres no coaching involved here – its simply manipulating the weak and vulnerable. Can you imagine how much fun Colton from survivor would have with this chick!! Hed be calling her all sorts of names, pointing out how she has no chance of winning, and STILL get her to do what he wanted!
    …And when this is over, I hope they recruit Ian for Bachelor Pad 4.

  3. At this point, I’m willing to say anybody can win this game. It definitely depends on who the final 2 is, but I think Ashley is actually the LEAST likely to win it all. Unless she comes on strong in the end, there isn’t a soul in that house that is going to vote for her. The only way she’d win is if Willie came back into the game and was final 2 with her. But, like “they” always say, you just never know what is going to happen. Stranger things in life have definitely happened than Ashley possibly winning Big Brother!!

    Ian would have a heart attack from having an extended hard-on if he went on Bachelor Pad…

  4. I don’t understand why Boogie is so shocked about them being screwed over and the plan for Frank to be back doored. Especially if he thinks of himself as the biggest target in the game, why would he assume anything any of them tell him wouldn’t be some sort of strategy? He seems to think everyone is really dumb (well, a lot of them are) – dumber than him – and he’s just thinking ‘no one would screw me over’. I mean, from the very first time he got screwed with them putting up Frank, he should have been on high alert for it to happen again. Unless some big incident happens or you have a very different kind of cast, an initial target will always be a target until they are gone. It’s like people in BB have tunnel vision that way (whether they should evict that person or not). I feel like Boogie feels like he’s so above these people, that he shouldn’t have to even play the game with them, b/c they are not worthy – but this cockiness is going to cost him – he already had 3 instances of it already coming close to doIng so – but of course, if CBS keeps stepping in to save him and his team, I guess he’ll have a few more.

    I hope the newbies soon break their old patterns and forget about their past groupings because they still are playing as though they still have coaches. Exactly Scott – Danielle is an idiot for doing what Dan said, for falling for Shane, and for thinking she’s better than Janelle. As for Dan, ya the first move was dumb, but I thought his second move of not getting any of the coaches nominated was a good one. And he seemed to do it without much of an argument. Those newbies need Willie to come back in and give them another pep talk – or just replay his previous one over and over again for a while on the big screen. Some of these floaters need to step up and start playing.

    Also last week, a couple of people said about the winner of HOH (I don’t read spoilers) would be a game changer – why did you think that? Given Danielle will always look out for Shane – and I guess Dan?

  5. I think Danielle winning IS a game-changer. Anytime someone who isn’t expected to win pulls out a victory, the house goes into scared-puppy mode. Everyone is looking around because nobody knows what that person is going to do. Yes, everyone knew she wouldn’t put up Shane or Dan, but who else was safe? Nobody. And, she proved that by even going back on her word and putting up Wil. She is a loose cannon because nobody in the house even talked to her about strategy, and she didn’t talk to anyone, either. She barely even campaigned for herself to stay when she was on the block, so nobody really knew where she would stand. Plus, it’s inherent that when a “weak” player wins HOH they ALWAYS vote out a “strong” player because they understand they probably won’t ever win HOH again, so they need to take full advantage of the week. Hence why she wants Frank out and Boogie second. That is why I considered it a game changer. She will easily move up the totem pole, as well, and become able to form new alliances that she once wasn’t able to crack because she was expendable to everyone else. But, since she proved she CAN win an HOH, people are going to go to her and bargain with her and make deals, etc. If Frank, Shane, or even Boogie won HOH, all the deals in the house pretty much stay the same. Now, with a newbie HOH, all bets are off and anyone can be anyone’s ally…

  6. Okay, I think I’d agree with that if it was Ian, Ashley, or Jenn that won the HOH – that would be the case for them, it would have been a very unpredictable week. Danielle might have had potential to be a game changer, but since she is now seen as synonymous with Shane, and is smitten with him, that weakens what power she could have had on her own to up her game. After her HOH reign is over, people will go to Shane or both of them to secure Danielle’s vote – I don’t see her making alliances on her own without Shane or Dans okay at this point. She has proved her inability to strategize on her own up to this point, she has not proven she has potential to be a game player. I think you’re giving her too much credit! 🙂

  7. Does anyone else feel like the producers of BB screw up everything? LOL, seriously….this wasn’t from Sunday, but still pissed that there was no eviction Thursday. Producers just did it on purpose to spice up the house, and that’s stupid to me. I swear, any time I like where the game is headed, the people who are still there, a twist happens to “spice it up,” and it always goes against any person I like. I get twists in the game, but no eviction was crap. I want Frank gone. I promise I won’t tell you a word of what’s going on Scott, I hope you know that’s hard for me and my big mouth!!

  8. Thanks Jackie, I appreciate you not telling me anything you’ve read/seen! I have come to the determination that the episodes of Big Brother may become better without reading the spoilers, but the days in between the episodes have become WAY too boring, without reading about the spoilers. So, I think this is definitely the last week I’ll be going the no spoilers route…

  9. What am I missing? Why was Wil the only person she (and her boss) thought of when it came to needing a pawn?

  10. I might be just guessing here – but Rainy, I think its because she (they) think of Wil as the next big target to get out of the house. So, in the off chance that Boogie wins the POV and takes Frank of the block (so they are both safe) she would have what she/they think as the next biggest target on the block. So he’s a pawn, as long as Frank or Boogie sits beside him. If not, then he’d be the next to go. They’ve talked about him before being the next biggest threat – Janelle used her save on him last week because he was going to go up last week on the block (why they think of him as a threat I do not understand).

    I think…

  11. I’d find it seriously difficult to continue watching this show without spoilers or without watching After Dark. There is just SO much more going on than what is broadcast.

    All I will say for now (having read spoilers and having watched two After Dark programmes over the past week) is this: Boogie is freaking brilliant. 🙂

  12. Cnd – thank you! I was being too short sighted and literal. They said pawn and I went with it. Love the insight lol. I do agree that I wonder also why they seem to view Wil as a huge threat.

  13. Alright, I’m woman enough to totally admit it, I was wrong about Danielle, I did not think she had it in her to do what she did this week – even if it is all Boogie – and they know that too, so that’s not a secret. Although the power seems to be going to her head. I did not call that one!

  14. Scott where are you? I’m waiting or your riday blog. Anyone know what happened to Scott?

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