BIG BROTHER – 8/13/12

August 13th, 2012 | 7 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

Ah, crazy weekend here. I’ve been going around non-stop, working off of barely any sleep, but ended up having one of the greatest nights of my life this wondrous Sunday night, August 12th, 2012. And, most definitely not just because of Big Brother. I will go ahead and clear up something in regards to the comments in this blog. For some reason or another, the site doesn’t appreciate what I have had to say the past two blogs. I tried posting comments, but each time I did, my request was denied because the site told me I was commenting too fast. I understand that I do just about everything in my life at a quicker pace than most others, but I’m not so sure I understand what the site is trying to tell me here. I made one comment and they’re acting as if I was in a chat room, just typing one letter at a time and hitting enter repeatedly. Next time I type out a comment in which I respond to the six previous comments, hit enter, and that notice comes up, every single person who reads this blog will hear me reign blows upon my laptop, desktop, or tablet, whichever one I happen to be using at the time. I’m going to seriously f*ck that piece of crap up, even if it’s not the computers fault. Yes, I have severe anger issues. They stem from the one time I was playing Madden on Playstation (yes, the OG version Playstation – these kids these days don’t know about that), I was winning 63-0 and the computer went and kicked a f*cking field goal with 3 seconds left in the game, just so I couldn’t have that shutout on my record. That was the last time I ever tried my patience with creating my own team and playing out an entire season. You know how far I made it in the season? That 63-3 game was the first game. And, I shut it off before the screen could even tell me that @sshole made the field goal or not. If I ever meet John Madden in person, I’m going to kick him in the nuts and tell him this story and how he made me into the angry man I am today.

I have another Playstation story and this involves me breaking my Playstation, so if you want to hear that, let me know and I’ll tell you. But, for now, I’m sure you just want me to move on and get to the goods. Which I’ll oblige.

So, as most everyone knows, I don’t watch the show live. I can’t fathom watching a commercial ever again in my life. I use my trusty DVR to keep me in the loop on all my shows. But, there are times when said trust DVR just doesn’t cut it for you and screws you. That doesn’t happen all that often, but when stupid golf tournaments are on and it runs late on a Sunday afternoon, CBS is too much of a p*ssy to piss off the 277 people who actually watch 60 Minutes to cut down that show, so in turn, I get screwed out of 15 minutes of Big Brother! So, I didn’t get to see the last 15 minutes or so of the show tonight! Ugh. With that said, I’ll give you what I got, and obviously cover what I had to read about after the show ended.

The show starts off with Boogie gloating, once again, about how much better at this game he is than Janelle is. This is true. Janelle, as much as you may like her tenacity, is just not that great of a player. She hitched her wagon to successful players, won a few competitions against inferior competition, and basically got played at the end of the season and had no idea it was coming. I’m not denying that she did well for herself, but sometimes luck just runs out on you. Take another bow, Mike Boogie. You still deserve it.

Dan and Danielle both, separately, have conversations in regards to not trusting Boogie and Frank to live up to their end of the deal they struck with them last week. Just the mere fact that they have to have these conversations should tell them everything about the deal they made. And how unnecessary it may have been. Yes, Janelle is not trustworthy, but is Mike Boogie? I still think their best move last week was to get Frank out, leave Boogie out on an island, string him along for a few weeks by sucking him into believing you want to play with him, but just couldn’t trust Frank since he was too big of a target, and then eventually sending Boogie packing when you didn’t need him anymore. That would have been the Quack Pack’s best play. This is where I believe Ian is either proving himself to be the true Keyser Soze or the stupidest genius ever. If he’s not Soze, he needs to step up his game and show off his intelligence and try and out Mike Boogie for what he’s trying to do. But, I still believe Ian is trying to remain as fly-on-the-wall-ish as possible, not stand out, not stick his foot in his mouth, and not get voted out. This strategy will, most likely, not win him this game, but it is keeping him in the house for now. But, that’s just simply because nobody views him as a threat.

Juggles decides that he’s playing the game with a bunch of despicable human filth. Very nice sentiment. I happen to think people who are playing in a reality show competition and voting a player out that was better than them are definitely filth. The murderers and rapists of the world better watch out for this filth. Take it easy, Juggles. Go cook sauté your testicles and calm down a little, ok? You didn’t even speak this poorly of Willie and he tried to put a hole in your nose with his forehead.

7 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 8/13/12

  1. Darn – I wish your DVR had not shut off because immediately after Boogie mentioned duos, Wil went blank – blanker than usual. Its like time stood still and Wil would not comment and Boogie looked at Frank – then back at Will. Wil suddenly got up and left very awkwardly. I wanted to see what you thought about that.

    It kinda clinched the decision of Frank putting Wil up. They were both suspicious of Wil’s reaction.

  2. Scott, you really missed out on those last 15 minutes, because you missed Juggles butchering (pun intended) his metaphor about revenge. He was saying that he, the chef, was going to deliver revenge, his voice getting louder and louder, as a “dish best served cold!” He really doesn’t understand that that means revenge is a bad idea. Pretty sure he meant that it would be served hot.

  3. I hope this comment makes it to the post. Like you, Scott, I’ve tried posting over the last few days but keep getting a “too fast” message. Phooey!
    One thing I wanted to mention was Julie Chen’s “smackdown” of Dan when he called her Mrs. Chen (while telling her she looked fabulous). “Mrs. Chen is my mother,” she replied … in a very flat voice. Methinks he touched a nerve.
    I can’t wait for Joe to be gone if just for the decrease in decibel level, but I’m wondering if Wil is becoming his own worst enemy. C’mon, Wil – fer gawd sakes GIVE THEM AN OPTION that’ll keep you safe instead of “understanding” why they put you up for elimination. Sheesh!

  4. Thanks for bringing up the kindergarten teacher vs. nurse thing again, because I totally FORGOT how awful that came off when Danielle first said it. Now, I am not a kindergarten teacher, but I am a high school English teacher, and the elementary ed. folks have to go through the same rigors that we do. In New York State we are required to have master’s degrees in our area of certification. I’m not saying nurses aren’t educated– they absolutely are– but to be so condescending as to lie about your job as a nurse to say you’re “just” a kindergarten teacher to “mask your intelligence” is wrong on so many levels.

    Ok, rant is over:) I was a victim of the DVR cut-off too. ANNOYING.

  5. @FanofSteve, I didn’t mention the Mrs. Chen comment thing, because that is actually something Dan did during his season, as well. Julie has always chided him for it, and I think he believes it’s funny so he keeps doing it. Remember, he’s Dearborn’s Finest, so he can do as he pleases…

    And, I am a little upset I missed out on some crucial scenes, but at least it was only the nominations and not anything of true substance, like someone being voted off or the actual HOH competition. I would have been pissed to have missed those.

    Ok, let me copy this in case I wrote it too fast for the site, that way I can come back to this screen and paste it, and won’t need to break anything! 🙂

  6. Wil just sat there like Janelle did. I don’t understand that…you don’t even need to “lie” per say, all you say is “I definitely won’t put you two up next week” and don’t even say who you’d put up.

    Thanks for mentioning me, the sis in law 🙂 I do not think Dan will win again, but that’s only if Frank/Boogie can win HOH soon (again) because Frank wants him out.

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