Oh, and we ALL know Juggles was peeing in that pool. That suit wasn’t heavy, your bladder was, Joe. We know. You figured you’re wearing yellow, the pool is yellow, might as well drop some yellow on myself.
After he got done tinkling in the pool, Joe wanted to talk to Frank and let him know that he’s alone in the game and that voting him out this week would be a pretty stupid idea. He tries to go on the premise that he’s the only loyal person in the house and that he proved that with his only vote for Janelle, and how he wouldn’t be able to trust Wil to ever stay loyal. Basically, Joe wants Frank to get Wil out, not him. I like Juggles tactic here, but I don’t think it will work. I don’t foresee many of the houseguests keeping Joe over Wil. Even though they are both equally worthless in competitions and neither are a part of either of the big alliances, it still seems as if the house wants Joe out first, just because he talks so much and never keeps a secret.
Oh dear Lord, I’ve played basketball my entire life. I played at a pretty high level, if I might say. I think I know basketball and can spot talent whenever it’s near, and my Talent Radar was NOT going off for Mike Boogie. Sorry, Boogs, but I can’t believe for one second you’re a player on the court. Maybe a good spot bench guy who has a decent shot, but I’m not starting you in any pickup game I’m in. I got the whole undersized white guy thing on lock for whatever team I’m on, you’re going to have to be on the other team and try and guard me with all that talent you got. Anybody wearing a Dartmouth jersey is not someone I’m worried about out on the courts.
Wil tells Frank and Boogie that he will have no hard feelings if they put him on the block. He is doing this because he figures he is going to be nominated, but hopes that if they see him being gracious, perhaps they’ll spare him. Eh, I don’t know what to think about that, but at least he’s trying. I’ll give it to him on that. I would have preferred seeing him come at them with a solution to not putting him up, rather than just trying to play the gracious loser in hopes of a sympathy participation ribbon, but Wil is Wil and he sucks at this game, so whatever. Boogie tells him something along the lines about how they know there are bigger fish to fry in the house, and stronger duos to get out (I guess he considers Wil & Ashley a duo), but he doesn’t think it’s the right time to make that move. Can’t hate on his honest approach.
And, this is where my DVR cut off. I am guessing I didn’t miss much. My guess is it cut to commercial after those three talked, came back and we got the Frank deliberating scene, then the nomination ceremony where Frank most likely blinked his way through it, and (as I read on a blog) nominated Wil and Joe. Called that one. It was just the only move he really had at this point, seeing as how it’s too early to break that Silent Six trust, not even one week after they formed. So, best bet to make is that we’ll be waving goodbye to Jugglin’ Joe from Indiana on Thursday night. Our eardrums are going to go back to normal. Well, until Dan starts yelling again.
Speaking of the blog I read, I ended up finding out who won the POV! So, I guess there goes not seeing any of the spoilers, right? Stupid DVR! You may be the best invention of my lifetime, but I still blame this one on you. Obviously, I don’t know what is done with the Veto yet (the ceremony is on Monday’s), so at least that will be a “surprise” for me. Can’t wait for Wednesday now. I must say that this season is turning out to be a pretty decent one. I don’t think the players are all that great, but at least it’s been keeping us entertained.
Talk to you guys on Friday.
Written by:
Scott Ottersen
Email: ScottOttersen@yahoo.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/ScottOttersen
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/ChokeOnMyBlog
Darn – I wish your DVR had not shut off because immediately after Boogie mentioned duos, Wil went blank – blanker than usual. Its like time stood still and Wil would not comment and Boogie looked at Frank – then back at Will. Wil suddenly got up and left very awkwardly. I wanted to see what you thought about that.
It kinda clinched the decision of Frank putting Wil up. They were both suspicious of Wil’s reaction.
Scott, you really missed out on those last 15 minutes, because you missed Juggles butchering (pun intended) his metaphor about revenge. He was saying that he, the chef, was going to deliver revenge, his voice getting louder and louder, as a “dish best served cold!” He really doesn’t understand that that means revenge is a bad idea. Pretty sure he meant that it would be served hot.
I hope this comment makes it to the post. Like you, Scott, I’ve tried posting over the last few days but keep getting a “too fast” message. Phooey!
One thing I wanted to mention was Julie Chen’s “smackdown” of Dan when he called her Mrs. Chen (while telling her she looked fabulous). “Mrs. Chen is my mother,” she replied … in a very flat voice. Methinks he touched a nerve.
I can’t wait for Joe to be gone if just for the decrease in decibel level, but I’m wondering if Wil is becoming his own worst enemy. C’mon, Wil – fer gawd sakes GIVE THEM AN OPTION that’ll keep you safe instead of “understanding” why they put you up for elimination. Sheesh!
Thanks for bringing up the kindergarten teacher vs. nurse thing again, because I totally FORGOT how awful that came off when Danielle first said it. Now, I am not a kindergarten teacher, but I am a high school English teacher, and the elementary ed. folks have to go through the same rigors that we do. In New York State we are required to have master’s degrees in our area of certification. I’m not saying nurses aren’t educated– they absolutely are– but to be so condescending as to lie about your job as a nurse to say you’re “just” a kindergarten teacher to “mask your intelligence” is wrong on so many levels.
Ok, rant is over:) I was a victim of the DVR cut-off too. ANNOYING.
@FanofSteve, I didn’t mention the Mrs. Chen comment thing, because that is actually something Dan did during his season, as well. Julie has always chided him for it, and I think he believes it’s funny so he keeps doing it. Remember, he’s Dearborn’s Finest, so he can do as he pleases…
And, I am a little upset I missed out on some crucial scenes, but at least it was only the nominations and not anything of true substance, like someone being voted off or the actual HOH competition. I would have been pissed to have missed those.
Ok, let me copy this in case I wrote it too fast for the site, that way I can come back to this screen and paste it, and won’t need to break anything! 🙂
you can watch the last 15 min. at cbs.com the next day! you need to do that man! 😉
Wil just sat there like Janelle did. I don’t understand that…you don’t even need to “lie” per say, all you say is “I definitely won’t put you two up next week” and don’t even say who you’d put up.
Thanks for mentioning me, the sis in law 🙂 I do not think Dan will win again, but that’s only if Frank/Boogie can win HOH soon (again) because Frank wants him out.