First off, I’d like to thank everyone who offered words of kindness and words of strength after hearing I lost my job last week. I appreciate it dearly. I would also apologize for not staying up on the comments section and emails I received. I always used my job as my social media gateway. I was sitting behind a desk for 9 hours each day, with barely any work to do, so I would have time on my hands to check the comments, check my emails, and respond. With that window of opportunity closed, I will have to make more of an effort to stay on top of things and make sure I don’t forget to get back to people who take the time to write to me. I don’t often get on the computer when I’m at home with my family, so this will take some getting used to. But, I will manage. I always do.
Enough with the sap story. None of you are here to hear about my hardships, so let’s get to the real fun portion of this blog.
The show started off from where they finished the live show on Thursday, with the playing-out of the HOH competition. Does anyone else feel as if the “safety” jug should have been bigger than the $10,000 jug? Isn’t safety in the game a tad more important than some cash? I think they were slightly off in their estimation of what is important in this game. Then again, when have the producers ever cared about what is important in this game? I mean, they did just drop their lawsuit against Glass House, stating that poor viewership is the reason behind dropping the suit. I’m sorry, but if you’re going to sue someone, you are going to sue them for the principle behind what they are doing. The fact that they dropped the suit because of poor viewership just goes to show that they never really cared that they “stole” the idea of the show, but more that they were going to “steal” money from them. Yes, I can understand that is a good enough reason, but don’t start it all off about how they stole the idea behind the show and how you felt the integrity of the show was attacked. Either that, or just admit you knew you were going to lose the case and didn’t want to waste anymore money on lawyers.
Boogie is the only one who is going for the money. Is anybody surprised there? Frank is a little irritated with Mike’s choice, because it signifies how little Boogie cares about Frank’s life in this game. In Boogie’s defense, he is in full belief that they are in power this week, with a powerful alliance, and he believes he and Frank will be safe, no matter who wins, because chances are high one of the Silent Six are going to win. At the beginning, only Shane, Danielle, and Ian are going for the HOH, and Boogie is aligned with all three of them. I know he didn’t know those would be the only three going for it, but still. I do think Boogie should have went for the HOH, but the man is money hungry. The $20,000 he got just for signing on for the show, along with the weekly stipend he receives for staying in the house just aren’t enough for him. Neither is the $6,000 he won earlier in the season. I don’t think we can be too upset with Boogie. He didn’t even want to play in the game this season, was forced to, knows his weeks are numbered, so why not go for the money, right?
Hey, look at that, Joe didn’t yell in his diary room session? Sure, the mood of his message was somber, but I figured he’d still yell something at the end of it? We got nothing from him. Is he calming down? Did they drug him? I’m guessing he just had an off moment. Maybe he remembered that neat watch story when he threw a rock off some cliff, his watch went along with the rock, he watched the watch fall down with the rock, then turned around and saw the watch on the ground right next to him, all dusted up with greek writing in the dust. I don’t think I’d make it one day listening to this man tell stories. That was probably one of the most pointless stories I’ve ever had to hear in my lifetime. My dad is a lot like Joe in the sense that he likes to tell stories. People who lead mundane, boring lives always want to sound more fascinating to strangers, so what’s the difference if you tell a fib here or there? Only difference with Joe is that he’s not telling one or two strangers, he’s telling a few million! That kinda sorta makes you look a little loose in the brain. If I was the guy who “branded” I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, I’m suing Joe right now.
WOW – I miss a few days and find out the bad news. So sorry to hear about your job – that just truly sucks. Sounds like you have good friends though, so fingers crossed.
I thought putting up Boogie and Frank was a great move – it was something akin to Boogie talking Frank off the block and eliminating Janelle last week. The least Boogie could do is acknowledge a brazen attack and show it the respect it deserves.