After we meet them all, Julie lets them in the house. We get more small talk and a bunch of ITMs about how each player is already playing the game, sizing up the competition, checking out who they’d like to bang, and doing their best to remember the names of everyone else. And yes Meg, you are the first girl Steve’s ever hugged. You definitely pushed his erector set into motion.
After all that small talk, we get more small talk as they all sit around the table and go around in a circle and introduce themselves. And for whatever reason, the genius poker player believes that being a DJ in Las Vegas will evoke fewer preconceptions than being a poker player. When will these people learn that no matter what you tell them you do as a profession, there will be a preconception made of you by each person, and that point of view will change all throughout the game. So you may as well just tell the truth.
As they sit around the table, they notice there are two empty seats. So John has to YELL about it in the diary room. Calm down, bro. Someone get him some nitrous oxide, stat. Or better yet, get me some damn nitrous oxide.
Phil Keoghan is the first BB Takeover guest host or whatever they’re being called. At first, I wasn’t sure as to why he was there, but then it made sense as they started unfolding the twist for this week and that Phil was “gifting” Big Brother with two previous cast mates to fill up those empty two seats. I don’t watch The Amazing Race anymore, but he’s giving the house Jeff and Jackie. Jeff is your typical high-pitched meathead who was teamed up with Jackie, today’s typical Kim Kardashian wannabe. Not impressed with either of them off the jump, but what do I know? It’s still early.
Once they throw them into the house, they jump right into the second HoH competition. And like the first competition, Julie wants one of them to sit out. Not so immediately, Vanessa volunteers. And then the house semi agrees to not nominate her or Da’Vonne for eviction. Judging from past seasons, I actually think neither HoH would be smart if they nominated either of the two. It’s too early to stir the pot and you don’t know exactly how everyone would take you going back on your word even though neither of them may have actually said they agreed to not nominate them. Better to just use the initial power to form some alliances and make a move that your group is agreeing to. But, with the Battle of the Block being back this season, nominations are always tricky.
As for the actual HoH competition, let’s not pretend that a bunch of 7 year olds’ are watching the show here, CBS. We know the lasers aren’t real. Especially with those cheap @ss graphics. Oh, and for the fact that we can all see the bungee cords strapped to each contestants backs! I’m just teasing…it was a great design and was executed exquisitely. I smell an Emmy for Set Design coming their way.
Again, the actual competitions this early on are the most boring part of the show, so I’m glad they sort of zip through them. Steve is out first and worries that paints an easy target on him. Forget the fact that you’re in college and play with erectors set making you a target, yes, being first out is the reason you’d be made an easy target…
In the end, we know two things. One, Jason wins. And two, John really needs to stop talking!
The show ends with Phil addressing the house once again, teasing both Da’Vonne and Vanessa with a possible reward for sitting out the HoH competitions. He didn’t say they were getting a reward, but the way he phrased it made it seem that way. I’d think Big Brother wouldn’t be that bogus this early on by punishing them somehow for sitting out, but we should expect the unexpected, right? My guess is it will be a reward that’s not really a reward. Something like they’ll both automatically get to play in the Battle of the Block or that production will promise them that they’ll turn off the cameras in the bathroom each time they go to take a piss. Actually, that’s actually a reward so I’ll recant that one. I have no idea what it could be. Feel free to leave your guesses in the comments.
Oh, and if you haven’t already, go follow me on Twitter ( I won’t be live tweeting the show (although if I get enough of a following, I may start doing so), but I’ll definitely send out updates from what I find out from the live feeds and other blog pages. I’ll try and steer away from spoilers, however I may drop some here and there, but will definitely do it in a clever enough way so you’ll have the option to read it or not.
And don’t forget to hit me up with your ONE paragraph recaps to get yourself spotlighted in the blog. Email again is Make the magic happen.
From outside the Big Brother house, I’m Scott Ottersen, good night.
Yaa Scott, you are back. Let me be your first loyal reader to welcome you and say how glad I am to get to read your blogs again. 🙂 This year, I’m probably foolishly letting my 12 and 10 year old watch with me. I may just let one of them do a recap bc their comments are great. A few observations, John is seriously creepy and we are wondering if he does in fact have a pulse bc he looks about the color of a cadaver that’s been in the morgue a week. But props to him for at least being honest about his profession. My kids and I were all grossed out by Jason’s nasty wet pits (hey Jason, maybe don’t wear a shirt that’s as tight as a pair of spanx and your pits will air out a bit!). I hate to tell Davonne that being the person in the poker game who deals the cards is a crap job and does’t mean you are any smarter than the grocery boy. I really wish they’d brought in a few more interesting Amazing Race players. Like the annoying deaf kid and his mom? But I forget that most people with a real job don’t do this show. Ok that’s all for now. So glad yo are back. We will all suffer through it together. Oh, BTW, I love your suggestion about letting the HOH play the next week, that would be really awesome.
SO glad you are back Scott! I agree with so much of what you said, especially allowing HOHs to vie for HOH the following week.
Here’s to a brand new season of annoying housemates! 🙂
I laughed while reading this entire recap! I agree that this cast is the generic version of many memorable cast members from seasons past. I was shocked that the HG’s will be playing the game for 98 days!?! Oh the paranoia.
Looking forward to the recaps!
Hi Scott! This is the first season I’m reading your blog so I’m looking forward to the rest of your recaps!
First, I’m kinda disappointed in the cast this season. No one seems very interesting or exciting. Hopefully things will get better but if not, I’ll still watch because I love BB!
You are totally right about women hating other women! Has an all woman alliance ever worked in any season of BB?
I’m also all for getting rid of the HOH rule about not playing the following week – if someone there can crush the competition, let them!
OMG, that BB takeover music! HORRIBLE. That needs to be evicted first. I might go nuts listening to that crap for 98 days….
Thanks again for writing the blog!! Thoroughly enjoyed it tonight!
Thanks everyone for the support! I hope to keep you all laughing the entire season.
I’ve been reading a lot about the houseguests playing REALLY hard this early on, so I think they may be coming around and be somewhat entertaining. We shall see.
Glad you’re back! I’ve always enjoyed your recaps and missed reading them the last few seasons!