Written by:
Scott Ottersen
Email: ScottOttersen@yahoo.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/ScottOttersen
Before you start reading, I just want to say that I kind of felt as if this episode was bland and without interest. I will do my best to spice it up, but they didn’t give me much to go on here. That said, someone needs to still do your Big Brother round-up, right?
Also, I’d like to send a special shout-out to one of my readers who was nice enough to send me a picture her sister took with a country artist named Lee Brice and his girlfriend at the time, our very own Cassi!! That picture made my night. So, thank you for that.
The episode started off with Jeff talking about how Keith being voted out was the best thing to happen for their game. He thinks that’s the case since Porsche is with them and they have an extra vote and the newbies lost a vote of their own. But, things change in the Big Brother house at the drop of a hat, so who knows what will happen and if Jeff isn’t wishing he would have kept Keith as soon as tomorrow comes.
Kalia opens up about how she voted Keith out because of how he called her out in front of their newbie “teammates.” I told you, Keith. Brilliant move on your part there. I think you were just too paranoid to play the game of Big Brother. Calm yourself and your “HR Charm.”
All of the newbies are talking amongst themselves about who the two other votes were. Nobody is going to come clean, obviously. Adam does come clean to the group that the vets approached him with a deal and that he agreed with their deal to their faces but then promises that he didn’t vote to keep Porsche. He is telling them the truth, but he’s still a damn moron for admitting this. While Adam is speaking, Dom walks out of the room and that makes Adam think he was the one who voted against the group. You should be a detective in real life, sir.
I’ll let Rachel sum it up for me: “…these newbies are idiots.” They really are. Except Cassi, of course. And, I think Dom has some smarts in him, but we’ll see if he can translate that into staying in the house.
We caught more of a glimpse of Lawon in his ridiculous live show outfit talking about how “I’m pissed.” Sorry Lawon, you sound ridiculous and look ridiculous, so I can’t ever take you seriously. I’m sure I’m not alone in that. Although, I will say that later on in the show when he was describing his thoughts during the Veto competition, I found him somewhat funny and think he and I might actually get along.
Next up, we had Porsche talking crap about Cassi and her being the only member of the “I hate Porsche” movement. Wrong, Porsche. I now hate you, as well. Leave my Cassi alone. Enjoy your future as a featured dancer at places called Big Al’s, Pole Position, and Bottoms Up, being introduced as a past Big Brother loser.
Dom, trying to show his strategic side, works over Daniele trying to play it as if he has nowhere to go in the game, and nobody to trust so his only choice left is to work with them (the vets). The only thing he worries about is that he has nothing to offer and fears he’s the target this week and won’t have any opportunity to prove he can be loyal or that he would be willing to work with the vets. Personally, I’d still get rid of him if I were the vets. You already have Shelly and Kalia, and if you put up Adam and Dom and promised Adam you’d vote Dom out, you’d probably earn his allegiance for, at least, a week or two. So, there is no need to keep him (Dom). Also, even if you want to believe Daniele is just working him over, I would never trust that their relationship won’t grow into a secondary alliance. It’s the secondary alliances that win you Big Brother, and she’s working on a big one right now. Cut that b*tch off at the knees.
Apparently Cassi and Rachel have an awkward relationship. Of course, we all know this is fueled by Rachel not liking her because Cassi’s prettier than she is, but Cassi stood her ground and kept the awkward tension in the kitchen by not leaving and staring Rachel down as if to tell her that she’s not scared of her “just because she’s Rachel.” Good for you, Cassi. Well played. Whereas I believe it would be smart for you to start trying to get in with the vets, one of my favorite pastimes is making other people feel awkward and I enjoy seeing those moments play out. You did well, although I would have preferred you not be the first one to speak. Next time, just stare right at her and don’t say a word. Another life lesson brought to you by your friendly Big Brother blogger.
We get a look inside Jordan’s HOH room and it’s the same as it always is; everyone hates going up there, but everyone does it with a smile. I have to think that with how boring it is inside the house, I’d like any moment that was filled with something to do, even if it was just looking at a few pictures and listening to someone read a letter from home. We end the segment with Jordan explaining that there won’t be any of “THAT kind of hanging out” going on between her and Jeff. She meant sex. Sorry Jeff. It looks like you’ll be stuck with the Jerkoffs you get in the shower.
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