BIG BROTHER – 8/12/11

August 12th, 2011 | 16 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Being handed this moment on a silver platter, Kalia replaces Jeff with Lawon. Will the house still vote out Rachel or will they go with what Lawon has asked? “Team Man Jaw & Droopy Boobs” (guess who) still don’t have the votes to do what they please, so I wasn’t so sure Rachel was going in the first place, but now that Lawon has asked to go home, will they oblige? It’s a “free vote” for everyone so they don’t have to show sides, therefore they would all be smart to do so. But, like I’ve said repeatedly, this season has set a new mark for incredibly smart game play, so who knows what’s going to happen. That was sarcasm.

On to Thursday night:

I’m going to get this off my chest now so I don’t inundate my haters with too much about it…a big f*ck you goes out to America! Seriously. What you did was uncalled for. More to come about this.

The show starts off with Lawon saying he has a 99% chance of coming back with a super power. Listen, buddy ol’ pal, you’re an idiot. The only thing you have a 99% chance of doing is lying about being handsome-ified, or whatever the hell it is you say you are. That extra forehead you got ain’t handsome. And, if they did give you a super power, let’s hope it would be the ability to roll a ball up an inclined table a little quicker.

Jeff is still getting on Kalia for how stupid replacing him with Lawon was since Lawon was on her side. He said that she was either real smart or real stupid and he was thinking more along the lines of real stupid. I’m with you, Jeff. That move was ridiculously stupid on her part. I think she still should have replaced him with Jordan, or even Shelly, just so that they still got out a member of the opposite alliance. I’m not so sure Kalia understands how an alliance works and that in the Big Brother game, you want to KEEP your alliance in the house. Maybe they didn’t teach her that at Relationship Blog Community College.

Shelly, showing off some detective skills, thinks that something is up and that Lawon being nominated is fishy. She talks to Lawon and as soon as he mentions the word “volunteer,” something clicks in her head since she never mentioned him volunteering. For what it’s worth, I think this was just clever editing on CBS’ behalf, and that someone in production told her to question Lawon about this move. I don’t think Shelly is quick enough to understand what is going on right after it happened. But, she confronts him outside, after the Veto ceremony, and asks him if he volunteered to be put up, because it just doesn’t seem right that he’s on the block. He lies and acts all hissy pissy, but Shelly sees right through it with his “tough guy” act and goes and talks to Kalia, who tells Shelly right away that he volunteered. Hey, Lawon, maybe if you’re going to lie about being blindsided with a nomination, you should rehearse your plan with your “team.” I think you now have a 100% chance of me calling you an idiot. And, you are still going down as the WORST player to ever play this game now that you pulled the stupidest stunt in Big Brother history…Yale is proud of you, my brother.

Kalia and Daniele make a deal with Rachel that if she keeps her mouth shut they will keep her in the game and then Rachel would agree to keep them safe since she is now targeting the floaters remaining in the game. And, for what CBS showed, I thought Rachel did keep her mouth SLIGHTLY shut (which is an accomplishment for her) when talking to Jordan and Shelly about what she was talking to them about. She kept harping on how they didn’t offer her a deal, but yet told them that they were pressuring her and telling her that they have the votes to keep her or evict her. Rachel is getting tagged with an idiot label now, because she seems to forget that these people are also playing Big Brother and know that any time you talk with the HOH, you talk deals. So, Investigator Shelly figures out that she made a deal with them and discusses this revelation with Daniele, who then tells Kalia, who then realizes that Rachel went back on their deal, but yet it doesn’t matter because they’re not going to do what they said by still voting her out so this whole portion of the episode was worthless and I just wrote a 210 word paragraph about it. Who’s the idiot now? I guess I am. You win, Big Brother. You win.

In the conversation that Julie had with the houseguests, Jordan mentioned that she felt bad during the Have/Have-Not competition because “Rachel tied it up.” Did anybody else catch this? In the version they showed on TV, Rachel never was seen playing in the game. It was 3 rounds and Jeff went first. Then Shelly. And, then Jordan ended it by losing the tiebreaker. And, to boot, she said she had to chug “against Adam.” Nope again, Jordan. You were in the chug-off with Daniele. Am I just going crazy here or did I totally miss part of the competition on Sunday’s episode? I can’t imagine that Jordan was that confused, so obviously there was more to the competition than we first thought. Maybe this was one of those times they did a “reshoot” and the competitors were different the second time around and CBS only showed the first shoot. I have no clue. But, something ain’t right here. You’re slipping, Big Brother. Have you just given up caring that we all know you’re fixing the games?

16 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 8/12/11

  1. Annnnnd… HE’S BACK IN THE GAME!! And no, I do not mean Brenden ( I refuse to talk about that, I am too upset)..I meant YOU!!!

    This blog was amazing!! I was cracking up. This is what we want each time, do you agree with me America? If you do not agree, then you are probably one of those that voted Brenden back in the game.

  2. I noticed the same thing about the have/have not competition question with Jordan. I was so confused. I’m sure she was saying the right thing and they just edited the show differently.

  3. hahaha great blog! I agree – the Brendon thing has be be fixed. No way people voted him in. Did you see Daniele’s face through the whole competition? She looked like she was going to throw up. I thought Lawon’s move was the stupidest move in BB history – until Daniele went for the Lawon eviction. She should have known better. Like you said, never play into the twist. I think she even said that, but then she totally played into the twist. Dumb. I don’t think she has as much right to make fun of Rachel now that she pulled that move.

    And the girl crying thing…take that with a grain of salt. Often its a stress reliever (this of course is with exception of Rachel who is acting the whole time to get airtime). Trust me, as a woman, I hate that my reaction to stress sometimes is to cry – it makes me mad. And, they have no other way of dealing with stress in that house! After that good cry is done, you can move on and calm down. You can equate it with men’s urges to punch walls or throw things or scream and yell and be destructive (Jeff and Brendon have done that in the past) which is just as stupid and nonsensical.

    As for the have/have not competition – it didn’t show Rachel’s turn, or on the other team, they didn’t show one person’s turn either (I can’t remember who, but only 3 of the 4 were shown). But I wonder if they did a couple of rounds, not just one each – so maybe Jordan and Adam did go head to head and we just didn’t see that play out? That competition would have taken some time, so maybe they just cut it short.

    Finally, one comment about Jordan – I’m surprised she’s getting so worked up and angry about the floaters doing nothing in the game..ahh…does she not remember her season? That’s exactly the way she played it, until the final 4, then she did make some smart moves and showed she was playing. But the floaters she keeps yelling at to do something are doing the same thing she did, no? Maybe that’s the difference between playing it again – you get more aggressive the second time around. Same with the allstar season – lots of aggressive play (my favourite season to date)

  4. I stupidly used to think that this show didn’t have that much producer manipulation. But Brendon being voted back in? There’s no f*cking way that worthless turd received the votes to return. I enjoy watching reality TV shows like this, but it pisses me off to no end when the scripting and manipulation is so blatantly obvious.

    F*ck this show……

    Oh, and sorry about Cassi. I would have preferred her over that limp d*ck retard Brendon.

  5. Great column Scott! Anyone else notice the upset noises that were in the background when Daniele voted to evict Lawon? Almost like there was an audience to her vote…maybe the cameraperson? Who exactly was that? DR people or some other form of production? It was obvious that someone in the vicinity was not pleased with her vote…I thought it was weird.

  6. scrantonicity – that was the crowd outside the BB house (the live audience for Thursdays show)- same when Rachel found out about the twist and sat there with her mouth open for 10 minutes cause she heard the audience laughing? I think it probably came through Jenbots mic.

  7. Scott, welcome back! That was a great post, I just hope young girls don’t read your blog like they do Steves because of the cussing.

    I am SOOOOOO bummed that Brendan is back in the house. Why can’t networks just let America vote and deal with the results, it’s as if BB wants one of the vets to win this game. Can’t wait until the HOH. Lawon, what were you thinking!!!!

  8. Scott..

    Well I’ll get straight to the point…I’ve read your blogs and rather enjoyed them until you get aggrevated and then your profanity goes into full gear…and then you go rampant with the insults…

    C’mon that really necessary in order to have a good blog???

    And no I didn’t just crawl out from under a rock and I’m deff not a prude…not my first time at the rodeo either…but there comes a point when the insults/profanity really makes your blog less than entertaining to read…

    This is just my own personal opinion..perhaps shared by others..perhaps not…and before you or anyone tells me “If you don’t like it..don’t read it”…yeah..I know that..DUH…but point is I do want to read it…just with a little more “class”..

    Anyways…just my comments/thoughts for whatever their worth…

  9. Wolf Goddess, I can’t really win either way. I make insults and people get angry, I do the recap without sarcasm and people get angry, I try to do it middle-of-the-road to make both sides happy and people still don’t like it. I know that I’m being crude and insulting, but I’m also doing it in good fun. I won’t make the “don’t like it, don’t read it” argument because I WANT you to read my blog. I appreciate you doing so and taking the time to leave your thoughts on how you feel. I hope I can find some happy medium, but I don’t think I will be able to. But, I will try and cut down on the cussing. That’s now ALWAYS necessary…but just know I swear A LOT more in real life conversations than I do here! 🙂

  10. Scott, you’re a better person than me. I would have directed Wolf Turd, err, I mean ‘Goddess’, towards reruns of the old ‘Teletubbies’ show for expecting a family friendly environment. I realize this is a poor comparison, but to me its like asking politicians to not openly discuss politics.

    Maybe Wolfie would be less inclined to complain if she spent her time reading children’s books over at instead.

  11. THANKS Scott for taking the time to reply…

    I do understand your ‘no win’ situation and appreciate your replying to my comments without being ‘nasty’…

    Sorry can’t say the same for “Nobody” who deemed it necessary to call me a “Turd”…looooool

    Been called far worse than “Thanks for the laugh”..and also for directing me to the Dr. Seuss website…GOTTA LOVE SEUSSVILLE..

  12. “Sorry can’t say the same for “Nobody” who deemed it necessary to call me a “Turd”…looooool”

    Wolfie, thats why its best that Scott writes this blog instead of me. I have little tolerance for people who complain about the content of a blog. Its Scott’s blog to write as he deems necessary. Don’t like what he says? Maybe this is more up your alley…

  13. I don’t get it. First, Kalia is a genius and you fully agree with her move to get back into Jorff’s good graces and put Lawon up, and in your Thursday recap, you agree with Jeff that the move was stupid?? Do you not see the complete 180 you did between episodes…in the same blog post?

  14. I don’t think it was producer manipulation at all that Brendon got voted back in.. Think about it: Obviously Keith was not going to be voted back in. Cassi was not going to get voted back in because I bet the male population that watches BB is small in majority to the female population (and those men that do watch certainly aren’t going to vote online or text). Then, when it comes down to Dom and Brendon, you have Brendon AND Rachel fans voting for Brendon. Also, Brendon has been on the show for 2 seasons now and thus, has acquired a bigger fan base than Dom, who was only on a couple weeks. Also, I suspect some people voted for Brendon because they thought Rachel would be evicted and they wanted to watch that play out.

    Personally, I love Brendon and Rachel.. for comedic value. I have 4 different e-mail addresses so I was able to vote 40 times (10 per e-mail) for Brendon. So sorry everyone, I definitely helped get him back in! 😉

    PS- Hahahaha @ calling Danielle “Man-Jaw”.. so true.

  15. Kaw0610, I highly doubt your 40 votes for Brandon made much of a difference. Add that to his final total and he was lucky to get what, 150 votes total?

    Sorry, I still dont see how the entire United States could be dumb enough to vote for Brendon; it just isn’t possible. CBS knows that Brendon being there adds to the drama, and drama equals ratings in their minds (see anything Bachelor related for more examples). Its their show and they will do anything to see that it doesn’t tank. This is easier to believe than Brendon having that many fans across the US.

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