BIG BROTHER – 7/20/12

July 20th, 2012 | 13 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

Boogie goes and talks to Britney and Britney isn’t backing down from his “threats.” I’m not sure we witnessed the entire conversation, but I didn’t hear any threats in there. He did, however, tell you that if Frank came off the blog and someone from his alliance went up, he’d know where your allegiance stood, but it’s not as if he was saying, “You’re dead, b*tch.” That’s a threat. Anything said in the Big Brother house is NOT a threat. It’s a play in a game. Let’s all calm down and not run to our “friends” in the house and tell them you just got threatened by Mike Boogie of all people. We already went over how non-scary he is, so let’s take it easy here.

After he threatens the B, he goes for the J and throws a D under the bus (couldn’t resist). Translation: He talked to Janelle and threw Dan under the bus by telling her they should vote Kara out, so that it cripples Dan and he’d only have Two-Face left in his stable, and she’d have to go coast-to-coast to win it all for herself and Dan. Not sure if Boogie knows this, but ANYONE who wins has to go coast-to-coast in order to win. Smooth, Boogs. Anyway, Janelle goes and tells Dan that Boogie presented her with the idea to vote out Kara and that would leave Dan with only 1 player. Oh, so that’s what would happen if Kara got voted out! Holy shiz, this whole time, I had been thinking that Mike Boogie WANTED Frank to get voted out. Man, I guess we should all hate Mike Boogie for “throwing Dan under the bus” by telling Janelle to vote out Kara instead of Frank. Yes, Dan, call yourself a loser Renegade again (and remind me how much I hated you and the stupid Renegades in your season), and get all pissy about Mike Boogie, saying he doesn’t know how to win. I’m quite sure he does. DON’T LET YOUR PLAYERS GET VOTED OUT!! Wow, that was easy, wasn’t it? As if Dan didn’t know Boogie was going to try and keep Frank, so let’s not get so upset when people approach you about getting your players out of the game! He has no choice in the matter. Triple D at his best.

One more thing, these coaches need to stop talking like they are playing this game! You guys’ are coaches. You don’t have a vote, you don’t compete in the competitions, you don’t get to nominate players, your players are the ones playing. So, Dan saying Boogie doesn’t know what it takes to win is ridiculous, because these idiots aren’t playing in the game. The only thing they can do is hope that their players listen to their advice and that they make smart moves in the game, lay low when they need to, vote with their alliance until it’s the right time to turn on them, make it to the end, win the last HOH, and get more votes than the second place person! That’s it. Nothing they do in the mean time can really have a major effect on them winning anything. So, let’s stop showing all the coaches and their strategies and let’s start hearing more from the actual players of the game! I want to know more about how Jugglin’ Joe thinks he can win this game, or what Willie is going to do to get back on top after his disastrous idea to host a house meeting without the coaches (I’m sure they’ll show this in tomorrow’s episode & I’ll cover it then), or how Danielle thinks she’s going to last with her being the only player left on Dan’s team if Kara should get voted out tomorrow. These are the things I want CBS to show us, not Britney feeling threatened by Mike Boogie, not Janelle talking to Dan about how he will only have 1 player left and Boogie is happy about it, and definitely not Dan talking to us about how Boogie isn’t making smart moves to “win” this season of Big Brother when he can’t “win” anyway. Get it together, CBS.

If you had any question why The Notorious R.I.B. picked JoJo to host the Veto Competition, I think it was answered when she came out of the diary room in her bikini. I’m not so excited about hearing her voice while she explains the rules, but I guess I’ll just pretend it’s her boobs talking and maybe I can tune it out. Seriously, she sounds like a mix of Snooki and a 350 pound truck driver with an unusually high-pitched voice.

As for the actual competition, it had to do with them sliding around in bubbles, looking for oversized coins to throw into oversized slots. And, Kara thought the most difficult part was throwing the coins in the slot! Really, sweetheart, what else would have been the hardest part? Walking? Sliding in the water/bubbles? Searching for the coins, which were EVERYWHERE? I’m not sure she’s doing much for the blonde and big boob-d stereotype! Good effort, though. I know thinking is hard to do, so I appreciate you coming up with something to say.

Oh, and Frank SUCKS! This is exactly what I mean about how you never know who will be an actual threat in the game. The guy missed about six or seven throws that would have, essentially, won him the game. Just because a man is tall and has some muscle on him, doesn’t mean he’s going to be a great performer in competitions. You never know what the competitions are going to be. He could have “big feet” like Brendon and apparently that causes you to lose competitions all the time! You just never know. But, now we know that Frank isn’t going to be as big of a threat as everyone was thinking.

Shane ends up winning. Mostly by default since Kara is useless, Danielle is more useless than a toothbrush is for a no-armed small person with no teeth, The Notorious R.I.B. is well, an idiot, and Frank treated that slot as if it was JoJo’s “slot” and he wanted nothing to do with making his money shot.

Also, someone tell Shane not to do that gay-appearing “VT” sign with his fingers anymore. Douche alert. And, also, asking JoJo for a kiss was another douche-screaming action. I’m not hating on Shane at all, because I still think he might end up being the only person I may actually want to root for this season, but I think he’s coming on a little too strong. I can only imagine the stuff CBS ISN’T showing us that he’s doing! If he keeps up at this pace, he’s going to end up a bigger target, irritating people in the house, and pretty much asking to leave.

Boogies talks to Shane and makes the point that keeping Frank in the house is the smart thing to do, because it’s never a bad thing to keep targets around as long as possible, to help deflect some of the target from yourself. But, at the same time, Shane could have argued that using the Veto on Freakshow would have painted a bigger target on his back, therefore negating that theory/game plan. I do think it’s best for Shane NOT to use the Veto, but I also think Boogie made some solid points. You do always want targets in the house, but it becomes dangerous the longer you keep them. I think the smartest game plan in the Big Brother house is to let other people dictate the action, let other people cause the drama, stay out of said drama, stir the pot only when you can be assured nobody will know it’s you doing so, and winning as many Veto’s as you can. It’s early, but I think Shane is the one who seems as if he’d stick to a game plan like this where he won’t be the leader of his alliance but he will be an integral part of it, he won’t cause drama by starting fights/arguments, he’ll go back and forth with alliances without promising them anything, therefore not exactly showing his true alliance and being someone who if he votes the opposite way people are expecting, it wouldn’t be able to be proven, and he can easily win competitions against these slugs.

I may be going out on too much of a limb too early in the game, but I have to believe, from what I’ve seen and heard so far, Shane may be the favorite to win Big Brother 14.

At the Veto Ceremony, Shane does NOT use the Power of Veto and the nominations stay the same. Also, “Appreesh.” Not cool, Freakshow. Maybe if you’re a 10 year old girl, it sounds cool coming out of your mouth. But, a grown man shouldn’t be using terms like that! Say the “I” first and then speak the full word “Appreciate” after it. I’m not down with the “text talk” these days that runs rampant around grown people and teenagers alike. I don’t think it looks cool or makes you sound cool when you use it. If I’m a rapper making millions of dollars to write a song, sure I can go ahead and use it, but if I’m a regular old person just toiling around in the world, I think I can speak “proper” English. Although, I’m sure there are probably t-shirts being sold with “Appreesh” written across it right now. People make money off of stupid sh*t like this every day while I have to sit my @ss at my desk, hate my job, barely make enough to keep the roof over my head, while idiots like Frank can make money off of talking like a teenage girl. We live in a grand world these days. One day, I’ll catch my big break and make it on some inane reality show, say something stupid and make millions because of it. Or, I’ll record my daughter dancing, post it to Youtube and make money from that. All of this money just being thrown around, I’ll get my piece one day. Maybe I should start a kickstarter page and ask people to give me money so that I can use that money to try and make more money. Anybody want to donate to my “I Want To Be Rich” kickstarter page? If you say yes, you’re an idiot, but I will love you for all of your idiocy! I will also give you my paypal account information and we can transfer that money over right away.

Ok, I digress.

We ended the show with Dan calling Boogie a “42 year old 2nd rate Chill Town member.” I actually have to say I’m impressed with the writers over at CBS. Good line for Dan. I actually think that was pretty creative. Kudos to a job well done. Although, I will say that there were only 2 members of Chill Town, so I’m not sure calling him 2nd rate is too much of a dig, but again that’s just me nitpicking. Something I do well.

Ok, on to Thursday’s live show and eviction.

13 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 7/20/12

  1. “and Frank treated that slot as if it was JoJo’s “slot” and he wanted nothing to do with making his money shot.” ahhahahahahaha! See, I laughed out loud instead of lol 😉

    As for the missing two weeks, I think she was count back from the total number of weeks on the show 12 or 13? So she’s saying with only 11 people left (and there is usually a double eviction week, so 10) that there was 2 weeks missing in the season. I might have my numbers slightly off, but that’s what I got out of it.

  2. I think on the next eviction week you should double your jeremiah weed….its the only way to make it through sometimes!

  3. Great column!

    Ok I’m sorry, but as a 22-year-old who’s been maneuvering around the dating world for a few years now, I gotta ask – Please elaborate on the difference between a dick and a douche… I’m intrigued. 🙂

    I dunno, I feel like there is a decent chance any of the coaches would trade players for Shane, not just Dan. I think it could be an interesting twist. I’m really curious if Willie can get himself out of the hole he dug for himself. Should be an interesting week!

    ALSO, I know this is a stupid question, but my roommate wants to know: Were those burglar scenes filmed before they even entered in the house? A different night? That night?

  4. @stina, the best advice I can give you about the difference between a dick and a douche is to be a lesbian.

    No, in all honesty, it’s hard to tell the difference between a dick and a douche, but it’s just something you can see in a guy after getting to know him. I can’t write rules down and have that be the end all, be all. If I could, I’d be a millionaire, making love connections and preventing women all over the world from wasting their times with the dickfaces they are currently dating. The best I can offer you is to just ask your guy friends what they think and tell them to be honest…

    As for the burglar, they were in the house when they taped those scenes. They were on backyard lockdown when the burglar went through the house.

  5. i think a dick is someone who is an all out jackass and its just basically his personality…however a douche is gonna be more of someone who will change his personality to get ahead for the moment.


    Scott, you will give yourself an aneurysm if you keep being amazed at the level of stoopid (players, coaches, network execs)
    Heres what I think–when interviewing potential houseguests, they administer an IQ test. If they pass, theyre shown the exit door If they just fail, they get set up to look like the geniuses of the show and if they fail miserably, they are given a production staff of 3-one to write cue cards for them, one to help them pronounce the words on the cue card, and one to be around and point out where the bathroom, DR, and outside doors are.
    Shane falls into the last category of contestant – I hope the rocker chick hides his tweezers so we can see him flip out using all the one syllable words that he can pronounce on the cue card that will be written for him. I have a feeling the spray-tanologist will come out looking like the genius and win. And this grand idea of coaches…what a pathetic attempt at ratings grab.

  7. @ALLWOMEN a “dick” is a guy who is a bit of a jerk and will annoy you on many occasions, but still loves you and wants you to be happy. Although, he might/WILL put his feelings ahead of yours. A “Douchebag,” or “Tool” is a guy who will do whatever it takes to manipulate a girl into doing whatever he wants with no thoughts of the emotional repercussions. A “Douche” is one tiny step below pimp.

    Now onto this season. I thought the coaches “twist” was great, at first. But after watching the 1st few episodes, it’s completely lost me. I kinda like the idea, but it would be better if they lived in their own “Coacha Cabana”(Tm pending) and could only interact with their players in the Diary Room, the HOH, or the one competition they actually matter.

    I loved your comment about how they are stealing ABC’s tactic of recycling Bachelor/ette contestants. I thought the same thing when CBS was trying to sue ABC over Glass House. ABC should’ve countered that CBS has been stealing their idea of using past “participants.” Of course, MTV could’ve sued everyone in that case.

  8. Liked your blogs last year. This year, not so much. Not sure if its the material that you have to work with is much worse or your trying too hard. But, don’t try so hard. When you’re more natural, it’s funnier.

  9. @lucky,

    I would like to hear more about why you dislike this years blog compared to last year. I can promise you that I am not “trying” too hard. Making fun of these idiots comes naturally to me. I know my style is not for everyone, but if you liked me last year, I would like to know what it is I am not providing you so far this year. Am I not coming through on the sexist, a-hole side of things?

  10. Holy cr@p, Willie Hantz has been booted from Big Brother!
    Apparently he went psycho after Janelle won the coach competition and assigned him & the rest of Britney’s team as Have-Nots.
    Word is that Willie then barged into the HOH room and claimed that he was going to get himself turfed from the show, then threw indecent insults at several people (including calling Janelle the c-word), tossed pork rinds at Janelle, kicked a door or two, then indulged in some gratuitous personal violence (apparently head-butting Joe more than once), and was finally escorted from the BB premises/off the show. Wow – he’s done his family proud, hasn’t he?

  11. Yeah, I have read about the Willie incident and heard the rumors. I want to see what CBS shows us tomorrow night.

  12. I hope they show the entire meltdown if what I’m reading is true!
    I saw a theory that the coaches reenter the game once all their players are gone. If that’s true, it could actually be an interesting twist once revealed. It would shake up the house and alliances because none of the players would be able to trust their own coach.

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