BIG BROTHER – 9/7/12

September 7th, 2012 | 2 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

So, I said something about watching the show drunk, from now on, and I already failed. I’m such an a-hole. I will make up for it for Thursday night’s show and will watch that one with a drink or two in my system! That, I promise. On another note, I will just mention how weird it is for me to be writing these blogs from my home. I got so used to writing them at work that now it just seems awkward as all sh*t to be sitting in my living room, my wife asleep upstairs, past midnight already and two hours of blog left to write, and wishing I could either just go to sleep, play smack-the-dog with my daughter (a fun game we made up together – also, get your mind out of the gutter – if you went “there,” chances are you are a child molester), or see a bunch of women naked. And, that’s in no particular order. And, the fact that I said that after I mentioned playing a game with my daughter surely doesn’t make me a child molester, so shut your mouths!! Whenever I say “see a bunch of women naked,” it means I wish I could see my wife naked, so eat it. Maybe I am drunk. Let’s just get to the show before I end up somewhere I don’t need to be.

Frank starts off the show by making a point that I never truly understand why people ever make in the house. He talks about how Ian was the only vote to keep Britney in the house, yet his only target for the upcoming week is Frank. I never like when people use this “reason” for nominating someone, or for making someone their new nemesis. If they’re going to think that way, they need to think that way each and every week, and not just when it suits their needs. But, I know that’s not how the human psyche works, and that we only choose to blame others when we’re already in the midst of blaming them. That makes sense if you think about it. It’s too deep of a comment for me to delve into right now. You’d all think I was crazy (if you didn’t already) if I went more into detail. Let’s just say that from here on out, we stop using how a person voted last week as a reason to nominate them this week. Deal? Deal. Done.

Jenn meets Danielle in the bathroom and asks her who the target is this week. Are you kidding me, Jenn? No, seriously, are you f*cking kidding me? Do you, somehow, think YOU are the target this week? Over Frank? Dan? Shane? I am starting to think that she’s extremely delusional or she’s just been dreaming quite heavily while in the house, and inside her head she’s been playing a very distinct version of this season of Big Brother that is completely opposite from the actual game she’s been playing that we’ve all gotten the absolute non-pleasure of watching so far. But, as dumb as Jenn is, Frank feeds into her stupidity, and believes that Juggles is the target this week because they have such a solid alliance going with Dan and Danielle. Jenn and Frank were meant to be, I swear. Frank always says he played such an honest game, but I think he just played a stupid one. If it wasn’t for Boogie, he would have been gone several times earlier in the season. And, then, after Boogie left, he decided to start winning some veto’s to start saving his own @ss, so there is that, too, but as for his social game, that was a complete waste of time. You weren’t nominated only because of your physical threats to the other players, Frank, it is because you didn’t put yourself out there and attempt to get people on your side before they were already persuaded against you. Start watching Big Brother and realize that you need to have people on your side from the get-go and then start to build more relationships as more people get voted out and their alliances get left behind without them. It’s very quite simple. Although, in his defense, I do understand that this season was a lot different with the coaches twist and then the coaches entering the game as players. That twist screwed him over big time. I still wish that never happened, and not only because Dan is going to win this season because of it, but more because I feel these people who waited years to get into the house had to suffer through the bullsh*t of all of that…

Proving how idiotic Frank is, he has a discussion with Dan and even mentions how throwing the Veto competition may be in his best interest, you know, because his final two deal with Dan is all of 2 days old and he needs to keep that strong. Yes, Frank, make sure that Dan is safe in this game before you. Great idea. If I’m production, I would have just got on the intercom, called Frank into the diary room, and escorted his dumb @ss right out of the house. Jesus. I know I harp on how I don’t like Dan a lot, and how he won his first time (and this time) because of how stupid the other people in the house were, but come on, am I not right? Who is going to even consider throwing a veto competition WHEN THEY ARE NOMINATED just to save another player, who they have been trying to get out since week 1, before that person was even playing in the game?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!? Trust me, I wanted to put those question marks and exclamation points for about 3 pages. That’s how easy it is for me to jump off the I-want-Frank-to-win bandwagon. I am looking forward to seeing you voted out tomorrow, now.

2 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 9/7/12

  1. Hey, Scott. Are you sure you weren’t drunk when writing this blog (insert winky face here)? You sound so pissed off. Anyway …
    I’m still not completely convinced that Dan will win – seems to me he’s burned waaaaaay too many bridges with the people currently in the Jury House. On the other hand, I think it’ll also depend on who is up against him if he does get to the final two.
    If it’s Ian, I’m betting on Ian winning. If it’s Jenn or Danielle, Dan would (and should) win. If it’s Shane …. hmmmmm, I’m not sure; it depends on how much anti-Dan anger has been fermenting in the Jury house and how much BB Production interference there has been with the jury members.
    Y’know who I feel sorry for? Frank. Not because he was voted off (he was the architect of his own demise by trusting Dan), but because he gets zero break from Juggles, since “the Chef” was voted out the same night. At least the current Jury members have had at least a week’s break from him; and the remaining players will have at least a week’s break from him; but poor Frank … no break from Juggles.
    I’m really sick of “Do-you-think-I’m-skinny/pretty” Danielle. I really am. On one of the BB After Dark evenings this past week, she was asking people to tell her which celebrity she reminded them of “with my face, and then with my body.” Oh, please girl, just change your name to Narcissus now.
    I truly hope BB Production has therapists lined up to treat Danielle once she views tapes of the program and sees how “fat” she looks, how “big” her ass is, how whiny she sounds, and how desperate she seems in her pursuit of an obviously-reluctant Shane (who, in one of his DR sessions, admitted to being more attracted to both Kara and JoJo than to Danielle). And if she cruises the internet to see what other people have written about her, well, BB Production may as well book a bed for her in the psych ward right now.
    Continuing to wish you good luck in the job hunt, Scott, but would suggest you may want to stop talking about how you used to write this blog while on-the-clock at your previous workplace. In this day and age of Big Brother (not the TV show), Google may not be your friend.
    Cheers to my fellow BB fans!

  2. I think what he means to say is he was writing the blog while on his mandated breaks and lunch hours – well deserved breaks from the extra hard work he was doing for his employer, going above and beyond, even working past his scheduled hours just to make sure he finished his work and also his blog to keep all of his loyal followers happy on a daily basis – followers who definitely do not read the blog during work hours, but only during well-deserved breaks from the extra hard work….ok, i’ll stop now 🙂

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