BIG BROTHER – 9/10/12

September 10th, 2012 | 6 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

Anyway, because she disagrees with Dan, and tells Dan that Shane will absolutely keep him safe, Dan decides it’s just better to get Joe out.  Before that, he talks with Shane, and makes Shane swear to him that he’s with Dan to the final three.  Yes, Dan, you are the one who should be making people swear on their lives that they’re going to take you further in this game with them.  Your word means everything, so you should make them give you their word.  So, with that, Dan p*ssies out, nominates Danielle to assure Joe goes home, and therefore makes his HOH reign worthless.
Ian agrees with me that it was a waste of an HOH.  But, he doesn’t agree with who he should have gotten out with his HOH.  He thinks that Dan should have targeted Jenn, because she is a “much more dangerous floater” in the game!  Uh, what?!?  Since when are floaters even considered dangerous?  It’s a waste of an HOH if you get rid of a floater this late in the game.  You want the floaters with you to the final two so that you are assured that 1st place paycheck.  I can really only remember one year when a floater won Big Brother (that Maggie girl), but I am sure she did more than either Joe or Jenn has done so far.  Dan needed to get rid of Shane to make his HOH count for anything.  Hell, even Jenn knew this, and that’s why she had her men’s panties all in a bunch after he named Danielle the replacement nominee.  Jenn seemed to have it figured out now that Dan is in an alliance with everyone left in the house and that she is just another piece inside his game right now.  Although, seeing as how she JUST made this pact with Dan to be his ally, she should know that he has other deals in the house with other houseguests.  It should be pretty obvious to her.  I would hope.
And, Danielle’s whole speech about how she needed to be the one to fix everything after she was the one who just got nominated was just dumb.  She needs to man up and tell us that she talked Dan out of nominating Shane because that was best for her game.  This is why she sucks at this game, and why she doesn’t deserve to win.  She’s not even playing, she’s not even strategizing or anything, she’s just worried about feelings and emotions and the make up that she’s wearing, and whether or not America thinks her thighs are too fat in her yoga pants.  Sit back and think for a second or two.  Is it really that easy to become a nurse?  I would imagine you have to be somewhat intelligent, but for her to always want to play the sympathy card rather than tell us that she’s actually strategizing every now and again is just plain wrong.  It doesn’t make you conniving to want to win.  I get that you want Shane to stay for more than one reason, but just tell us that one of those reasons is because you know he’ll take you to final two and Joe wouldn’t.  Also, her running and telling Shane that Dan wanted to put him up, but she talked him out of it is exactly the reason why Dan needed to nominate him and get him voted out.  He has to know he is going to lose to Shane if it comes down to the three of them.  A girl doesn’t cut off the d*ck that’s feeding her.  That’s how the saying goes, right?  Something like that.  Come on, Dan, you’re supposed to be smarter than that. 
At the HOH competition, before they told us about the ball aspect of the game, I figured this was perfectly catered to Ian.  Even with that portion, I still figured it was his game to lose, seeing as how nobody else in the competition was paying attention to what happened on what day.  The rest of them probably don’t even remember how many days are in a week.  But, to be honest, I want to believe that Big Brother gave them some sort of study material beforehand, because who remembers things like that when you’re not allowed pen and paper, and so much goes on every week, and things twist and turn at all times.  I give them props for remembering things on a number of days basis, because as smart as I like to think I am, and how much my mind works on numbers, I don’t think I’d be able to do the math that quickly in my head, based off the memory of when something happened.  So, I was going to make fun of Shane for NOT REMEMBERING USING THE VETO ON HIMSELF, but I’ll save it because I don’t even remember what time I woke up this morning (let alone what time I woke up when the moon set above the northern-most star for the third time on the second week of the eighth month of the year my father was born).
Also, Dan, when you use the “aka,” you give the person’s name first, THEN you use the aka, followed by their nickname.  In your example, you said, “Captain America, aka Shane.”  That would mean that Shane IS indeed Captain America, who happens to be a comic book character that someone once drew up, on paper.  The correct version would be “Shane, aka Captain America.”  This lesson has been brought to you by the kid who would flunk just about any grammar test given to him.  And, by the letter C.
Ian ends up winning, in a close match with Captain America aka Shane. 

6 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 9/10/12

  1. I think the only two that deserve to win are Dan and Ian, possibly Shane. No one else has done anything in this game. Dan has had some big plans, Ian was a little mole, and Shane just played to save his own hide a few times. Danielle = nothing, Jenn = nothing! But after last night, I don’t care for Ian to win.

  2. I am rooting for Ian! I think if Dan gets to the finals, he may not win. Although he has done a lot in this game, people vote personally (not as much on this show, but I can think of lots of times on Survivor) and I can see people hating Dan. I just don’t see Frank voting for him, etc. The only thing is Danielle and Shane probably would, so it would be smart to take one of those two so only one of them can vote.

    Anyways, I think Ian is a good player. He’s not GREAT (like wanting to get Jenn out, who cares, keep her there!), but he does win comps and there’s just something about him that makes me root for him. Maybe because he went against Boogie/ Frank 🙂

  3. Danielle is a stocker. Shane, Ian, Dan & Dan’s wife should be careful of her. She is crazy. When she gets evicted I feel sorry for the jury house.

  4. @ grandma: did you mean to say that Danielle is a stalker?
    I have to admit that I am very, very, very, very happy that I missed watching this episode of BB and escaped the torture of seeing/hearing Rachel!
    Like Danielle, Rachel is a narcissist, only infinitely worse. Plus, her voice is grating and her laugh makes me want to upchuck.
    I can not comprehend why Brendon would marry such a weepy, whiny, needy, clingy, self-absorbed, intellectually-challenged twit. Oh, wait! I forgot about her (hugely fake) cleavage.
    Attaboy, Brendon – go for the boobies! But don’t come crying to us when you finally (and inevitably) get sick of having your spirit totally decimated by a soul-sucking leech!
    Yes, I admit it. I hate Rachel, even to the point where I did not watch one of my favourite shows (The Amazing Race) during the season where she & Brendon were contestants.
    I agree with mtmom. The only HG’s who deserve to win are Dan and Ian. I wouldn’t be angry if Shane were to win, but I honestly don’t think he deserves it.
    If either Danielle or Jenn win, I’ll be right pi**ed off (but, seriously, it won’t ruin my life … it’s a GAME).
    Cheers to my fellow BB fans!

  5. At this point, I think Ian and Dan are the only two qualified to win, or Shane if hes not up against anybody else. Danielle has played the perfect 2nd place game, and Jenn is smart, she just didn’t play.

    I do want to point out that there have been a couple of floater winners in the past. The first was Jun Song (BB4), who perfected the strategy, and manipulated her way all the way to the end with a girl everybody hated. She played an amazing game, but she just couldn’t win anything, which made her only choice the floater way. Then there was Maggie (BB6), who won because she was an evil cult leader. She had her entire alliance convinced that they could not turn on her, even when Janelle and Howie are yelling about how shes going to win the game. She ended up winning due to this. After that, we had drug lord Adam (BB9), who only won because that season sucked and nobody should have won. Those are our floater winners.

    With that being said, I don’t think any floater will win this year. Luckily, I also don’t think Dan will win this year either. Britney hates him, and shes a good manipulator, that I think she can convince the jury house to not give him a win, as long as he’s not up against Danielle or Jenn. For example, if he is up against Shane, Shane wins by getting the votes of Ashley, Frank, Britney, Joe, Jenn and possibly Danielle, leaving it either 5-2 or 6-1. If Dan’s against Ian, Ian wins with the votes of Frank, Britney, Joe, and Jenn, leaving it a 4-3 win. Therefore, if we are forced to see pathetic Dan win again, it’s because hes against Danielle (who has a shot, but not a huge one) or Jenn (Jenn receives the vote of Frank, and no one else). Thats my input on tonights episode. DOWN WITH DAN!

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