Big Brother Recap – 7/20/15

July 20th, 2015 | 3 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

I’m already three coffees in this morning and still two away from being awake, so bear with me on this one. Since I’m running on empty and I promised myself I’d finish this blog before I get to that next cup of coffee, let’s get right to it, shall we?!?

“Girl power in the house.” Sure, ladies. I’ll believe that when I see it. While you both are the HoH’s, we all know that the HoH barely ever does what they want to do, and will just go about doing what either their alliance does, their showmance partner does, or the whatever the entire house wants. Big Brother is still a team sport, but it’s good that the girls are thinking they’ll stick together for a week! We’ll come back to this after the eviction on Thursday and see how girl power really played out. But, it’s a nice sentiment.

Speaking of girl power, Audrey speaks up about her comeback in this game. She doesn’t know what happened, but everyone watching surely knows what happened – PRODUCTION! That’s who/what happened, Audrey. It’s what happens every season. They get the houseguests thinking in a new direction on who to get out and before everyone knows it, the house curmudgeon is still sticking around four weeks later and is all the more powerful because of it. However, production can’t do anything about Audrey’s crazy, which will eventually come around to bite her in her @ss and have that door shutting behind it as she’s walking out to shake hands with Julie. Although, I think that’s still a good few weeks away from happening. The house still has bigger fish to fry before they cook her booty.

Oh, and speaking of crazy. Jackie now thinks that she’ll be a bigger target because Jeff is gone. Honey, you’re never going to be a target. If everyone is smart, they’ll pull a Derrick and make a final two pact with you to keep you around all the way until the end because you’ll be an easy win. Nobody’s gunning for you, sweetheart. But hey, there’s nothing wrong with feeling like you’re wanted. We all want to be.

Another favorite of mine each season is just realizing how stupid people’s reasoning can get. I’m sure Austin is an intelligent human being and has somewhat intelligent ideas and thoughts at times, but rationalizing that Steve had to have thrown the HoH competition because he does music for a living surely isn’t one of them. What would “doing music for a living” have anything to do with watching people dance and paying attention to what they’re doing? And thinking that he’d throw the competition at all is also stupid. So far this season, nobody truly has any reason to be throwing the HoH competition. The departing HoH’s haven’t been targets whatsoever, so there isn’t much of a reason for them to worry at all since it’s so early in the season and everyone going home so far has been a lone target. Steve isn’t aligned with the “powers that be” in the house, so him throwing the competition is a dumb idea on any wavelength. And even Steve went a little nuts talking to himself (and the live feedsters) about how the rumors of him throwing it were probably running rampant right now. Steve, you have to know your competition. The likes of James, Audrey, Jackie, and the rest of the morons in the house don’t give a crap who won, who threw it, or who should have won it. And even if they were talking about it, it didn’t make you a threat all of the sudden. But, I guess inside that house, you probably always think you’re a target and weary of any discussion you see any two random people having at any time.

On the flip side of these houseguests each season being stupid are the shining moments a few of them have every now and again, which was what we witnessed with Jason telling us that he knows he’s going to be going up on the block because he’s been up every week and is an easy target to nominate because it gets less blood on their hands. I hate the whole “blood on my hands” thing that’s going on so far this season. These girls are all worried about making enemies by having people voted out. Uh, that’s the whole point to having someone voted out – they’re not around to be your enemy anymore! Stop worrying about that and recognize that everyone in the house is your enemy and will vote you out whether you had someone in their alliance evicted or not. Winning HoH’s puts a target on your back no matter what, so you might as well get someone out that means something to the rest of your game and not worry about ruffling feathers that are already ruffled. If a person isn’t in your alliance and you spend all week having someone they are aligned with being voted out of the game, guess what, they’re not exactly going to be thoughtful of you not nominating them the next time they’re in power and get to nominate someone. If you’ve won a couple HoH’s or Veto’s or are involved in what seems to be the decision-making of the house, you’re going to be a target for them. The blood on your hands doesn’t matter.

God help me with this whole HoH letter from “Rango.” I get it that people like their dogs and all, but a good way NOT to come off insane on national television is to not have your dog write you a letter for you to read aloud to the rest of the country! Every guy from Shelli’s past was watching that scene like, “Yep, dodged that bullet.” And every guy thinking about how great it would be to be with Shelli in the future was like, “Yep, I’ll stick around long enough to bang her and maybe I’ll throw her a bone and do it doggystyle. Then I’m GETTING THE F*CK OUTTA THERE!!!!” Again, nothing against dogs here, maybe it was a cute idea that was jumbling around whoever’s head that decided to write that, but someone needs to be the sane human around that person and tell her, “Nah, you can’t do that. Not on national television.”

And yes, this is all way too real. Your dog did just “write” you a letter. And James eats hot dog sandwiches. It’s at this point where I need to examine myself this morning and decide whether pondering where I went wrong in life that I’m writing about dogs writing human letters is a smart decision for the rest of my day. It’s the life question we all have no answer to – is the person having that letter written to them crazy or is the person writing about that letter being written to them in some morning-after blog the real crazy one?!? Maybe after my fourth coffee I’ll know the answer to that one. But right now, I’m stumped.

3 thoughts on “Big Brother Recap – 7/20/15

  1. For this to get more interesting, we need 2 HOHs on different sides before the BoB gimmick ends. Then, you need to nominate weak players who will lose to preserve your HoH. My favorite throwaway scene was Steve the brain unable to figure out how to set up an ironing board.

  2. How is it not completely obvious to everyone who is NOT in the “sixth sense alliance” that that alliance exists? And then why is everyone not in the alliance trying to form an alliance to compete with them? Is no one other than the sixth sense alliance talking game at ALL?? WTH is going on this season?? It’s like there is no real game play, no one blowing up alliances, etc. I’m almost getting bored…

    Next, and please help me out to understand this – what is the rule for the twins getting to play the game together? I thought it was that they had to last some certain amount of time in the game with no one figuring them out. Well hasn’t that already happened??

    I’d love to know what some of the really good BB players of past seasons think of this season. Maybe some of them will get to enter this game at some point and make things interesting!!!

    Anyways, thanks for the recap. I don’t envy your job trying to recap this pathetic group!

  3. @Jman123 I said the same thing to my wife last night that someone else outside of that alliance needs to win. It’s getting boring with them just having the same conversations over and over and this season won’t be exciting until someone else wins. Only James won in week 1, but that was before anyone knew each other, so that didn’t even count…

    @bonniek I would HOPE that everyone outside of that alliance knows they’re in an alliance. I just don’t think these people care. I mean, NOBODY is even talking about how Shelli & Clay are dangerous or seem to mind that TWINS will soon be in the house together, or that Austin & Liz are super close to each other. These people are just letting couples run the house, so why bother with a six person alliance?!? 🙂

    As far as the twin twist, they have to make it through 5 evictions and then they both get to play together. It had nothing to do with just being found out. So, after next Thursday, if Liz is still in the game, Julia gets to come into the house and play. I’m sure that will make them an instant target, but we’ll see.

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