Big Brother Recap – 7/27/15

July 27th, 2015 | 4 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

Now let me go off on a small tangent here about how the rest of the house has to be stupid. Jason runs to Meg to tell her all about Julia and how Austin told him it’s true and everything. Him telling her, I understand. They’re confidants and whatnot, possibly in an alliance together (which is another issue I have with them – how have they not formed some sort of alliance yet between them two, James, Steve, and Becky??), and working towards the same goal each week, which leads me to why in the hecky does he not assume that Shelli and Vanessa are working with Austin? He runs to those girls to tell them about what Austin told him like he doesn’t see those three working together on decisions all the time. I get it that everyone in the house talks to each other, but at this point, with the house less cluttered, it should become easier to see who’s working together and who isn’t. Austin has never been in danger once as Shelli and Vanessa have been in power quite often and you don’t think they’re working together somehow? This big physical threat has never been nominated by either one of them and you don’t assume they’re at least conversating often? I didn’t get that all that much, but I’ll chalk it up to stupidity and leave it at that. Still, even if he did know they were working together, he still did the right thing by telling them that Austin told him what he did, because that just screws over Austin and makes him a target within his own alliance. Which is exactly what happened because now Shelli and Vanessa want to tell Jiz what Austin did to turn them against him, as well, making it less “blood on hands” when they tell Jiz they want to backdoor him this week. Smooth move, Judas. Maybe put a top hat on your penis head to see if that might weigh the brain down a bit…

Vanessa and Jackie decide to hash out their plan for the week, because you know, no HoH can have their own plan. First move for Vanessa is to bring up that the two of them should agree on NOT backdooring each other this week. Smart move for Vanessa since Jackie isn’t even close to being her target, but knowing that she may be one of Jackie’s. It’s not as if Jackie has to keep that word, but it’s still smart to say it. Then, Vanessa does the smart thing and makes Jackie tell her who she’s thinking of nominating and then completely not offering up any thoughts to her on what she’s thinking, and only agreeing with her about who she wants to nominate, saying she was thinking the same two and can’t think of anyone else to nominate. This is the best strategy you can have in the game to always ask questions and never answer them when in game talk with someone you’re not strategically aligned with, so props to Vanessa here.

After those two chit chat for a bit, Vanessa talks to Austin, as she wants to try and find out where his head’s at and if he’ll lie to her face about what he did. I will give Austin some small props for bringing up the fact that he spoke to Jason and did tell him about the twins, but at the same time, he can’t assume that Vanessa didn’t hear about his conversation and just leave out certain facts about what he said. I know it’s always a they-said-they-said thing in the house and that any one person can be lying at any given time, but the way Austin was telling his side of the story, it was apparent he was leaving out some information, as whenever anyone speaking in generalizations like that would be doing. Vanessa’s a smart chick, Austin, you can’t just trick her into believing you just because you’re bringing the information to her. This conversation may have sealed Austin’s fate with Vanessa, and possibly the rest of the Sixth Sense alliance once she tells them what she sees in him. She talks to the feedsters for a bit to share her thoughts and feelings on the matter. It may be smart to get him out now before both of the twins come into the house, because it would be like trading Austin for Julia, but at the same time, you never want to lose a number in the house. Although, I think Austin is still a bit alone in the house, so if he did leave, it wouldn’t ruffle any feathers.

So, with Vanessa not trusting Austin anymore, she brings the idea to Julia that she wants to get him out this week. She tells her that Austin said he wanted to get her out and keep Liz, and that he was telling other people in the house that he would be ok with that. Of course Julia isn’t going to take this well, and she agrees to the plan, and also agrees not to tell Liz about it. Of course, I don’t buy into it that she’s going to continue keeping that word if Austin somehow skirts eviction this week, but only time will tell on that one. It will be interesting to see if Liz goes along with Julia in wanting Austin out of the house since Austin is Liz’s greatest ally and someone would obviously give up his place in the game for her, so I don’t see any way Liz agrees to getting Austin out.

And let us NOT call them “Clelli.” What the hell is that even? If anything, I can live with Shay, but Clelli? That sounds f*cking ridiculous and I won’t allow it. Never. That’s worse than Bennifer. This whole joining couples’ names together to make one name is pretty played out anyway, so let’s let the past be the past and move forward and start a new trend by calling people by their own names. How ’bout it?

With the plan to backdoor Austin and Vanessa not wanting any blood on her hands this week (typical), she works with Jackie to get her to go with the plan of her nominating two people, one of which will work to throw the Battle of the Block, so that she remains the HoH, gets Austin out, and Vanessa remains safe, the twins remain safe, and no blood is on her hands. While I think it’s a great plan, I still hate this whole no blood on my hands strategy. At some point, she’s going to need to get it on her hands, and it’s just too simplistic to always assume your plan is going to be carried out by others, so I do believe Vanessa is a smart girl but she’s worrying too much about being the HoH and thinking they’re the only ones with blood on their hands in this game. Anyway, the plan is to have two strong competitors go up against Liz and the person throwing the comp so they can guarantee the win, that Jackie stays HoH, and they get Austin out. Clay volunteers to go up, but wants to go up alongside Becky. And Jackie is the person who asks Becky to go up with Clay?!? And then after Becky agrees, she walks her over into Vanessa’s room in the HoH suite? I didn’t get that scene at all, but again, I have to believe this was Vanessa telling Jackie to do it so that she didn’t have any “blood on her hands” by asking Becky to be ok with being nominated and all, just in case she said no and then had a personal vendetta against the one who asked her. Strange ongoings there, but it worked and Becky agreed to be nominated alongside Clay. So, the plan is in motion.

4 thoughts on “Big Brother Recap – 7/27/15

  1. When James came back up to the HoH room, I thought he was going to ask Vanessa if he could bring her mother’s picture down to the bathroom for awhile. Reminded me of Caleb from last season making creepy comments about women in the pictures as he developed instant attractions to them. I could see Austin trying to establish a backup alliance but he shared the wrong information. I did feel bad for him when his crush told her sister that she had zero interest in him.

  2. I cannot feel bad for Austin. Austin is acting just like Caleb from last season. Crushes on a girl, and then decides how her game will go in the house, making decisions about her, without her say, or even her knowledge. Caleb wrecked Ambers chances at this game last year, all because she didn’t feel how he wanted her too. What is with these Neanderthal men – ‘grab woman by hair and drag her back to cave’? Well, let’s hope the behaviour is a manifestation in the bb house, and not what he’s like in real life. It’s just good that they’ll get Austin out before he can wreck Julia or Liz’s game. I’m not saying they’re innocent, or playing a fantastic game here, I’m just saying they should be given the choice to play their own game.

  3. I agree, Cndgirl, that it sucks they don’t get to play their “own” game, but that’s Big Brother. In all reality, NOBODY gets to play their own game, so it’s all about adapting to who’s in the house with you and the ramifications of their actions. If you need to pretend that you like someone to feed their ego, you do it. Nobody is saying that Liz needs to make out with Austin or have sex with him or anything, but if it helps her win $500,000, I think pretending she’s interested in him for a couple months isn’t too much to ask. Now with that said, I do agree with you that these guys are taking it a bit too far, however Liz is handling it a heck of a lot better than Amber did last year…

  4. Yeah, I was thinking that as I wrote it – that you could say nobody really gets to play their own game, I get that. Likely I’m reacting as a woman to that type of play – as the decisions/game play is not really even about the game at all – or it didn’t start out being about the game. I could go for the flirting etc for forwarding the game – that I understand. But someone planning out complete game play about MY game, when it’s someone who supposedly likes me, or someone getting so mad about unrequited feelings that they want to destroy my game, well. I think I would lose it if my game got cut off at the knees because of this reason. It’s like a child destroying a toy because they don’t want anyone else playing with it. Except these are grown men, which equates to scary/creepy behaviour, in my opinion.

    I’m sure there are some triggers for men as well, on how a woman might manipulate a man in a game that would be considered going to far – a perspective I wouldn’t completely understand not being a man (or identifying as one).

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