Big Brother Recap – 9/17/15

September 17th, 2015 | 1 Comment | Posted in Uncategorized

Steve gives us the explanation that he did the math wrong in that HoH comp and that’s how he won. Somehow I don’t believe that. Also, this kid has done so many things in this game that have gone against him being the intelligent one, so I’m not so sure why this kid is supposed to be the smart kid type this season. But he won so that’s all that matters and he’s in the final 3.

After that, we go into the Vanessa and Liz conversation where she does her actual damage control. They both cry and Vanessa tells her that it was not just the best thing for her game, but also for Liz’s as well. Sure it was, Vanessa. Sure it was. And not just that, Vanessa also swears on Mel (her girlfriend) that she’s going to take her to final 2. Then she shakes hands with Johnny and tells him the same thing, and she’s just doing that because there’s no way she’ll be in the final 3 with both of them, so she won’t have to go back on her word to one of them. Smart move there, but also somewhat unnecessary.

At the nomination ceremony, John and Vanessa are nominated, and Steve points out that it has nothing to do with anything because the Veto is all that matters and everyone knows it. Still, nominating John doesn’t say much for his thoughts. I would have thought he’d at least show John some loyalty and since he’s been on the block so much, he’d just give him a break from the start. But, again, it doesn’t matter since the Veto matters most.

Typically, I wouldn’t care much about the jury house and what’s going on, but I did enjoy how everyone was shocked that Julia was the one who got evicted! Everyone couldn’t believe that she’d be there over Liz, especially since they were both nominated together. Funny how different it is when they get to jury and start thinking clearly about the game, because when they were all in the house, they probably would have just went along with Vanessa’s plan and voted out Julia, too.

I also did enjoy how Shelli stood up for Vanessa to Austin after he tried to tell her that she’s playing a bad game…or a flawed game as he called out. Of course she has, but still, she’s played the game and gotten everyone to do everything she’s wanted to do. And as she pointed out, she’s still in the house and he isn’t. The main point she made is that everyone in the house knew what Vanessa was doing the entire time and yet allowed her to continue doing it and they all continued keeping her in the game.

Oh God, Brenchel. If there is ever anyone more annoying on Big Brother than Rachel, I’ll give you all $10 each. She takes the cake, for sure. She did get more bearable after Brendan left, but still, she was just much too much to handle. And Big Brother most definitely rigged the game for her to win, as well. Of course, I say that, and then she also was a comp beast too, so she did deserve it. But still…that season was just a coronation for her, much like the season of Survivor that Boston Rob won! And get out of here with your #BrenchelBaby. Please let that be the last time I ever hear that…

They also paid her to say that no “floaters” made it to the end. Steve and John may not be your typical floaters, but they’re floaters for this season, no doubt. Neither of them really did anything until later in the season and even when they did win, it’s not like it really stuck with anyone. A floater isn’t just someone who never wins comps, but it also has a lot to do with how they’re playing the game. These two never really did much outside of just NOT getting evicted. They’re both floaters in my book.

So we head on over to the Veto comp, where we’re reintroduced to Beast Mode Cowboy, a fan favorite?!? How weird is it that I liked him as this Beast Mode Ninja veto host more than I did at any point during the season last year. Anyway, Vanessa wins the Veto and all but seals Johnny’s fate since for whatever reason she’s so against taking him to final 3 or final 2.

And at the vote, she does end up voting out John, which is still a stupid idea. Instead of harping on it too much, I’m just going to try and do the opposite and say this was a great idea. Now, I truthfully hope that she wins the final HoH, takes Liz with her, and Liz ends up winning. I don’t want Liz to win this game, but I really just want to see Vanessa make a stupid move and it blow up in her face.

So we’re down to 2 final episodes! Two more blogs. That’s all you get from me. I can only imagine how you’re all going to celebrate this being over…

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One thought on “Big Brother Recap – 9/17/15

  1. Wondering if the next episode will show what Vanessa was talking about with her rationale for kicking out John instead of Liz. Scenes of him making deals and Steve and Liz then telling Vanessa? They should have plenty of time when they are down to 3 players. Will there be an inevitable lengthy “walk down memory lane” by the final 3? I hope not.

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