So, I said something about watching the show drunk, from now on, and I already failed. I’m such an a-hole. I will make up for it for Thursday night’s show and will watch that one with a drink or two in my system! That, I promise. On another note, I will just mention how weird it is for me to be writing these blogs from my home. I got so used to writing them at work that now it just seems awkward as all sh*t to be sitting in my living room, my wife asleep upstairs, past midnight already and two hours of blog left to write, and wishing I could either just go to sleep, play smack-the-dog with my daughter (a fun game we made up together – also, get your mind out of the gutter – if you went “there,” chances are you are a child molester), or see a bunch of women naked. And, that’s in no particular order. And, the fact that I said that after I mentioned playing a game … Continue reading
Author Archives: Reality Steve
BIG BROTHER – 9/3/12
I remember telling you I’d probably be drunk for my birthday blog, but it just didn’t turn out that way. So, I figured I’d make it up to you and write this one a tad bit tipsy. I’m not full blown wasted or anything; I don’t even think I’d consider myself drunk, but I did have a couple vodka and sprite’s about an hour or two ago, so I’d imagine some liquor is still in my system. I do know that when I stand up to walk, I feel it, so I will just go ahead and consider this my make-up blog for when I didn’t drink on my actual birthday. Another thing I will note is that I should probably watch the show while drunk, because I care less. I truly can say I don’t give a damn about what happened on tonight’s show, I’m not upset at anything, I just don’t care. Maybe that is the answer to all of life’s problems, right? I think I’m on to something here. You might see … Continue reading
BIG BROTHER – 8/31/12
So…where to begin? Sometimes I wish I could watch this show without thinking that production interfered as much as I believe they do, because I probably would like it a lot more. I know I should just watch it for what it is and like what I see for what I see, but when it involves someone like Dan benefiting from the actions production takes, I don’t think I can do it. But, I will try my best.
The show begins with Danielle telling us that she doesn’t know how she can campaign against the one person she never wanted to be in the house without, and I have the perfect answer for her. It’s not a word. It’s a number. A dollar amount, to be exact. It is $500,000. That is how you campaign against someone who you have been aligned with from the get-go, Danielle. It’s as easy as that. I’m not saying you need to smear his name all over the walls (well, actually, I’d be ok with that), but you put … Continue reading