After the ending of the last episode, the idea was put in our mind that Shelli may switch up her strategy and instead of going after James, Jason or Meg, she may just put the house out of its misery and put Audrey up for eviction if anyone was to win Veto and take themselves off the block. And with how they end episodes, they start them off the same and Shelli reminds us that she’s thinking about changing her mind about who to get out. Is this foreshadowing or Big Brother just trying to throw in some additional drama when none actually exists. Of course, if you watched the episode, you already know, but in case you didn’t, read on and we’ll find out together…
With Shelli changing her mind, we get Liz (who was just dethroned) telling us that she still feels safe this week since Shelli is in her alliance with her and “one of the select few” that know about her being a twin and her twin playing the game with … Continue reading