BIG BROTHER – 9/9/11

September 9th, 2011 | 7 Comments | Posted in Big Brother 13

God, I miss Cassi. Sorry, I know I’m being random, but now that I have a picture of her up in my cubicle, I think about her more. At least I’ll get to see her one more time at the finale. And, as it appears, she wants nothing to do with me on Twitter, because she’ll reply to everyone else who “mentions” her in a tweet, but completely ignores the one I sent her. She’s probably mad that I make fun of Shelly, but the least you could do is say that. I hate when people don’t even bother responding to messages. Sh*t, at least just let me know you got it so I don’t have to turn into a stalker and resend it in case I think you didn’t receive it. Is it really too much to ask people to respond to messages these days. Are you really THAT busy/important that you can’t just respond to something someone sent you? I can see if you’re the President and get hundreds of letters each day and have way more important things to be concentrating on, but when you are so obviously on your twitter every day and talking to several people at a time, don’t pretend like you just didn’t see my tweet…

Anyways, next up was the all-important Veto competition. This is the kind of Veto competition I think I’d fail at pretty easily. I would just have to focus on one part of the answer, because I would never remember things like “Who hosted the 4th Veto competition?” Come on now, who remembers that kind of stuff off the top of their head like that? I could have every episode on DVR and STILL get it wrong. For once, I think Porsche has a decent strategy, but it’s still somewhat flawed because you still have to place the blocks on the pole to see if you’re right and then won’t know which one you have wrong. But, it does help if you realize midway through the competition if you have one wrong, so you won’t have to take them off the pole then and can just do it once at the end. So, props to Porsche for listening to the Producer who told her to do that. She should tip him/her 20% of whatever she ends up winning this season. Looks like you didn’t need those reading comprehension classes, anyways.

And, Porsche wins the Veto. So, we obviously know she’ll be using it on herself and Rachel will be going up. Since Porsche is closer to Rachel, I’d imagine she’ll be voting her to stay. We get some of Porsche talking about what she should do and she proves just how idiotic this season has been and all the people in the house have been. She talks about how she wants to get rid of Jordan, because she knows she wouldn’t take her if she won the next HOH. What is with all these people and worrying about who will take them to Final 2 with them? Why don’t you worry about who you can beat so that YOU can win the final HOH and choose who the hell you want to take to Final 2! Jesus, these people are so aggravating with their defeatist mentalities. Why would you keep Rachel when you know the first part of the final HOH is going to be endurance and you know that’s her specialty? Jordan can’t win a damn thing and Adam isn’t exactly stellar in competitions, either, so those two would be the easiest two competitors to go up against in the history of Big Brother in any Final 3 EVER!! Yet, you want to get rid of Jordan because you’re worried she wouldn’t take you to Final 2? Do you have any brains? I just don’t get why you’re worried about Jordan winning. She won’t. I understand that keeping Rachel MAY give her a 2 out of 3 chance at going to the final 3, but she should already think she has those odds with Adam taking her. I don’t know, I’m just completely bitter and frustrated to no end about this season and the people who have played it. Nobody came in this house to win it, they all just wanted to sleep, swim, and not have sex. We didn’t even have a love connection on this season like we’ve had in the past few seasons. This season has been an overall dud. I give it a D-, only because Cassi was on a few episodes. Without her, this season would flunk out of reading comprehension school.

Here goes Rachel fake crying again. And again. And again. And, she’s crying about how she’s disappointing Brendon. She’s trying to warm up her role on Kalia’s new soap. Give it up already, Rachel, we’re all onto you. You are so obviously fake crying and fake changing your voice to make it seem like you are crying. You wiping your eyes isn’t cutting it, either. Maybe her tear ducts are just completely dried up, though. She does “real” cry quite often, too, while hiding out in bushes in backyards, so I guess that could be the reason for the non-tears this time around. I guess I shouldn’t be so negative all the time, right?

Anyways, Jordan tries to comfort Rachel by telling her that she’s not going home and that she can totally win this game. She already has three guaranteed votes and Jordan will try and work on another person to vote for her. You only need 4 votes to win the game and having 3 “guaranteed” doesn’t hurt. In all honesty, though, if she goes up against Adam, I think she’d win in a landslide, but Porsche may give her a run for her money. Daniele was working with Porsche for a little while, Kalia is definitely voting for Porsche, Adam would probably vote Porsche since I’m convinced she showed him her boobies once or twice to help work him over, and Shelly would never vote for Rachel. So, whoever wins this next HOH needs to take Adam if they want to win. Unless Porsche wins, then she should probably take Rachel just because 4 vets from the opposite alliance might just vote for Adam not to see Porsche win. Who knows, this season is a toss-up, really.

Well, it’s official, Porsche used the Veto on herself and then voted out Jordan, who said she knew she was going home. Honestly, she was ready. She even told Julie she only came back on the show so that Jeff could play the game again, so she’s fine not winning. She just wants to be done and is probably relieved to be out of the house and out of the game. She’s in the running for America’s Favorite, although I’m quite sure Jeff will win that one, again. If anybody else wins, I won’t know how CBS would be able to sleep at night with how much they blatantly rigged this season. But, I guess with these band of morons, they kind of had their backs to the wall and maybe had no other choice but to start rigging things since nobody was bothering to do anything themselves.

Lastly, Part 1 of the Final HOH competition got off to a start. It was apparent we weren’t going to get to see who wins, but that’s what the internet is for. I’m going to post one other thing below this about the finale and then the paragraph after that, I’m going to SPOILER ALERT the hell out of who wins Part 1, so if you don’t want to know, just stop reading now please. Thanks.

Ok, well the Live finale is on next Wednesday at 8:30 pm Central time (my time zone). There is NOT an episode on this Sunday, due to the September 11th specials that are airing. I’m going to watch the finale live and be tweeting live during the episode, so if you aren’t following me on twitter, please do so now so we can have some fun together on finale night. I don’t think things will get too out of hand with tweets back and forth, but feel free to throw one my way with your questions on my thoughts and I’ll do my best to answer them as they come in and while I watch the show and take my notes. I’ve had a blast doing this blog and interacting with all of you, reading emails, reading your comments, etc. I wish I could do something more special for finale night, but the best I can do is live tweets. If you wanted to send me an email during the show (if you don’t have twitter), you can do that, as well, because my email comes right to my phone and I will do my best to respond to those in a timely manner, although it may not be right away since it takes forever to type out emails on my stupid blackberry phone. Oh, and if you were thinking about getting Sprint coverage, don’t.

Ok, well on to the SPOILER for Part 1 of the Final HOH. I don’t even think you need me to spoil this for you, because like I said before, endurance competitions are Rachel’s specialty, and she proved it once again by winning this one. Of course Adam was out first, but Porsche still ended up being no match for Rachel. So, Rachel moves on directly to Part 3 of the HOH competition, which will most likely be the quiz with the Jury House members answering questions about themselves in the game. Porsche and Adam will duke it out in Part 2, but I’d imagine Adam will win since I think it may be something more physical. Oh, hell, what am I saying, Adam isn’t going to win anything. It will be Porsche and Rachel in Part 3 and I believe Rachel will win since she is better at those quiz games than Porsche, who has proved herself not-so-great at those competitions. So, come back next Thursday to read my FINAL recap of the Big Brother season.

Until then,


7 thoughts on “BIG BROTHER – 9/9/11

  1. I think Porsche’s reasoning to get rid of Jordan were also stupid. She also said she voted her out because she’s already won the game before. And your point is? If anything, that’s a reason to keep her because why would people vote for her to win AGAIN? Jordan was not going to win the final HOH, and now since Rachel probably is, good luck Porsche! Rachel better take Adam with her if she wins!!

    I read Adam’s HOH Blog, and would also like to comment on the fact that people always says it’s so much harder to play the game then you think when at home. I don’t understand that at all. It kinda goes back to Porsche’s HOH blog, she said her and Rachel weren’t as close anymore because “she didn’t like being around someone who talked game 24/7.” WHAT? That is what you are there!! That’s why I can’t stand that these people slept all summer long, I think I would barely sleep because I would want to hear everything going on!

    Jeff is never going to forgive Shelly. I also thought it was weird how Shelly said in her eviction interview she was going to go to the jury house and apologize, but she never did….I think she assumed Jeff would kinda get over it, but he’s never going to. Jeff knows he’s good at this game and it sucks knowing you got evicted because of a backstabber, stupid double eviction, and clown shoe.

    I have also grown to respect Adam more in the last couple weeks, which leads me to wonder how many of those earlier comps. he threw. I know he’s kinda dopey and may not be a lot, but I really believe he threw some of them in the past.

    All in all, I hope Porsche doesn’t win. Even though she’s won comps. as of late, she never could think for herself and when she actually did (voting out Jordan), I didn’t like her choices.

    Rachel for BB13 winner!!! She’s got B/J/J votes!! Who knows how S/D/K will vote though and whoever is not in final 2. These people are bitter and ridiculous and will probably vote personal.

  2. I totally agree with you, Scott, and you, JacklynT! You have awesome observations and opinions 🙂 At the beginning of this season, I hated Rachel with a passion. However, she has proven herself time and time again on this season of Big Brother that she is an outstanding player. Sure, I hate when she’s weepy and whiny, (and that laugh, ugh!) But as a player, she’s the only one who could have given Jeff and Daniele any true competition. Those three would have been an awesome final three!! Of the final three there now, Rachel IS the only one who deserves to be there. She HAS fought tooth and nail to be where she is…..and um “you’ve got to respect her” for that. 😉 LOL that was for you Scott.

    Rachel Reilly for Big Brother 13 winner!!

  3. So after that Kalia toilet crying scene–Anyone else think it very creepy that we suddenly know they have a camera focused directly down on the toilet? Almost like there’s a weirdo in production that likes to look at that camera more often than he should.

    Anyway, Scott I had the same thought as you – why have these people been yakking on and on about this person or that person won’t take me to the Final 2? I just don’t get that logic either….try to ensure easier people to beat along the way stay in the house, win the final HOH YOURSELF and then YOU choose who goes to Final 2. Honestly, I don’t even know why people think they can predict who anyone will or will not take. We’ve been surprised many times so far. Just goes to show how different thinking can be – I figured Jordan would be taken to the end…she is easy to beat in pretty much any competition and I just can’t see ANYONE but Jeff (and maybe B/R) awarding her another $500k. I know I would have a hard time doing it. But everyone else seemed to think she was a lock to win because she’s so nice….you just never know.

  4. Still not a Rachel “fan”. She is so annoying and self involved (and countless other things that I loathe in a human being). That being said, she has really proven herself as a competetor in this game. And, she is the only one left that deserves to win. It pains me to admit that. My dream would be for Jeff to win. I am very happily married but, have a massive crush on Jeff (probably slightly less massive than the one you have on Cassi) 😉

    On a funny side note; My daughter is often next to me when I check out the spoiler sites. In the corner is a Brady Bunch type square with all the contestents pictures. She always points to Cassi (even though her pic has always been black and white while others like Porshe and Jordon were in color) and say, “she’s pretty, mama”. She has good taste 😉

  5. please stop begging people to follow you on twitter, it is really pathetic. if ppl wanted to follow you, they would without you having to grovel all the time. have some self respect. if it makes you feel better about yourself to have more followers on twitter, you need to sort out some serious issues.

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