Big Brother Recap – 7/31/15

July 31st, 2015 | 2 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

Welcome to Big Brother season 17, Jackie, Meg, James, and Jason!! You four FINALLY realized that Clelli were working together!! Congratulations on that!! They only sleep in the same bed, eat the same meals, wear the same underwear, and ONLY talk to each other every single day. Congratulations on finally paying attention to who is friends with each other and who is working together to win the money in this game you all happened to sign up to play! You should all be proud of yourselves for figuring it out after 40+ days. And all it took was one of you going up on the block for the 5th straight week and not any of them having to sit through the week on the block! Seriously, is it really that hard to realize who is aligned together in that house?!? I can’t believe how stupid some of these people have to be to not understand that all of the folks who haven’t been nominated or renoms being aligned…or maybe I’m just too smart for my own good. Maybe my mom was right about me all along and the world just isn’t ready for my genius.

And since Clelli (I’m puking up my wine right now) is lying all over the house about knowing that Jason was the target, Vanessa is all up in arms about the fact that in a game of lies, her closest allies are doing such a crazy thing. I get it that she wants everyone to succumb to her game and how she wants to play it, but you have to realize that everyone is going to try and save their own @ss first, so of course Clelli is going to lie and tell everyone that they had no part in Jason going up. At the same time, they are outing you as working on your own, so I get why you’d want to out them but that gets you nowhere. You’re just telling someone on the “other side” of the house who is aligned with who because you think it will save your own @ss. In the end, I’m sure it won’t matter because everyone on the “other side” of the house just seems to be oblivious to the game and a complete moron, so you could tell them who you are working with and they still wouldn’t understand what is going on and why you’re blindsiding them that week. This is an awkward season to say the least. I almost feel like we’re considering Vanessa and whoever else as a “good” player just because everyone else is complete trash.

Of course we get the scene where Jason is all about staying in the house, and approaching Clelli (instead of Steve and Bobcat) about staying in the house. He feels his best point of action is to tell Clelli that Becky will put them up for nomination if she wins HoH. WEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKK! Come on, Jason! That’s the best you could come up with?!? I mean, Steve was just putting Becky on blast last episode, so maybe you could play off of that!! But that’s all they had to go off of because he basically gave up this week…

I know some people may have enjoyed the Bobcat family scene of the show, but to me that was just filler. Nothing new there. Of course the family and friends are going to see a “different side” of the person while playing the show. He’s your fricken boss, not your friend. If any of us saw our bosses and how they acted in real life, we’d all lose respect for them as people, so of course they’re going to say things like that! And please don’t show me any scenes of some “patient” telling me about how Bobcat is as a doctor! No patient is going to know their doctor in that sense, so that makes no sense to me. I’ve never been “cool” like that with a doctor before and don’t ever plan to be…

At the live vote, we learn what we all thought would happen and that is that Jason is GONE!! Shocker. Enjoy your mom’s basement from here on out, buddy!

After the live vote, Julie sits down for a dramatic interview with Julia to let her know whether or not she’s going to be playing the game of Big Brother or going home. Um…pretty sure she was just in the house a few days ago, so she’s probably aware that she’s safe, but even if she isn’t she’s decked out in all workout gear for the HoH comp, so I’m about 1,973% sure she knows she’s moving in.

The only good set of news from Julia moving into the house is that the Battle of the Block is now over and from here on out we’re only going to have on HoH and two nominees, with no more thrown BotB’s. So maybe this season will be extra interesting each episode instead of fully predictable from the start each week!

I’m sorry that we couldn’t get to who won HoH! Even as I’m writing this a winner hasn’t been crowned and it’s almost 11 PM CT. I’m half hoping it’s someone from the “other side” but I guess we’ll have to wait to find out until Sunday…

Until then…

Twitter: @BigBrotherRecap

2 thoughts on “Big Brother Recap – 7/31/15

  1. I enjoyed the extra scenes of Bobcat in the house during the look at him segment. He went for the kiss (put his hand over her mouth so it wasn’t really one) with Becky and I thought it showed more of his goofy fun side in the house. I like my dentist because he is not an a-hole who kills lions – but I digress. I was surprised Steve voted for Jason after he made that hostile comment about Becky going home in the prior episode. If it had not been for that, I could see a Steve/Bobcat/Becky alliance working secretly and waiting for the other sides to blow each other up – maybe pull in Jackie as a vote as I don’t know she is closely affiliated with anybody based on the aired show. I guess the “Takeover” twist is quietly gone. Maybe they could only find 3 celebrities and then had to kill it.

  2. I love reading the recaps but I’m really, really struggling to come up with intelligent comments to make about this season. It’s like half the cast is scheming against the other half that has no idea what the hell is going on. The fact that there is ONE alliance in the house at this point in the game makes no sense to me. Has there ever been a lack of gameplay and strategizing in previous seasons?

    Well sorry for my lack of cleverness and insight to this post but I think you’ve captured all of my thoughts in your recap! Here’s hoping to a better week next week!


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