Big Brother Recap – 8/14/15

August 14th, 2015 | 1 Comment | Posted in Uncategorized

Also, I sure hope Clay is at home patting himself on the back for giving up his chance to win $500,000 so that Shelli could have one more week in the house! Be proud over there! I’m sure you won’t live to regret that decision in a few months when you break up with Shelli because of the hot tail you have coming your way through Twitter and Tinder now! You’re a minor celebrity, which means just about every college coed would sleep with you at least three times. You can run through the entire Delta Zeta sorority house in a week!

And I love how Shelli felt betrayed by Vanessa, even though Shelli was going along with the plan the entire week to backdoor the b!tch! Get over yourself, Shelli. It’s a game and everyone is trying to save their own @ss. And especially this season where I’m convinced no alliance is true to itself, so the fact you can’t believe she backstabbed you is ridiculous. And the fact that you’re NOT crying about (although those tears were welling up) makes it even more ridiculous! I get it that it probably hurt to hear that Vanessa was part of the plan to break you and Clay up the previous week, but you still returned the favor right back to her by being a part of the plan to backdoor her this week, so you have to gain an understanding about her actions from your own actions. But everyone is bitter when they’re voted out, so I’ll give her a pass…for now!!

I loved when the memory wall was showing the video loops for the houseguests to study and Liz goes “this has everything to do with the HoH.” What gave that away, Lizard? Was it the giant HoH logo on the other screen of the memory wall?!? I’m going to say no since she probably wasn’t even watching the loops and was more focused on the fact that she’s actually falling for a grown man who has an alter ego, wears a top hat, sports a pony tail in his beard, and calls himself Judas…

Anyway, Steve ends up winning the HoH and I immediately get excited for the immediate revenge he gets to pull on Becky. But wait, what’s this?!? He nominates Meg (huh????) and Jackie (Double D huh’s????)?!? I’m at a loss here and wish that we got a full week of episodes to understand why this happened. As confused as I was by these nominations, I still told myself that he was going to tell whoever won Veto to use it, and he was going to backdoor Becky or maybe James.

So, we go outside to play the Veto and Johnny Mac drills it home, puts on the Veto necklace, has a mini conversation with Steve that they obviously wouldn’t let us hear, and he ends up not using it! Most likely by Steve’s blessing. So as it turns out, one of Meg or Jackie is Steve’s main target now. Hmm…

Before the vote happens, Meg blesses our souls with the “I have so much more game to play” speech. Sorry Meg, I think you meant to say “I still have yet to start playing this game.” She did say the truth when she mentioned that she was here to have fun, so at least she spewed some truth, but definitely not the whole truth. Meg, you may be a part of the conversations that are happening in the house, but that’s just because you’re there. You’re not initiating any of those conversations about game and really just lounge around all day and let everyone come to you with any game talk. I’m sure you offer up some suggestions and whatnot, but in the end, you’re just going along with what everyone else wants to do and basically just happy to be there!

And because you’re just a floater, it’s obvious that Jackie is the main target, but we still don’t know why. She’s voted out, but does get one vote to stay, from Becky, who was VISIBLY PISSED OFF about it! If Steve thought she hated him before, he has a whole new version of hate coming his way! I may have to read up on what’s going on inside the house right now, because I’m half convinced someone is holding Becky back from stabbing Steve with a sharpened toothbrush!

In the end, Julie asks the question we’re all dying to know, and Jackie tells us that someone fed Steve a line about how he was the one she was targeting when she was HoH and was planning on backdooring him when the truth was that she was gunning for Austin. Everyone in the house knew that during that week, but someone decided to tell Steve it was him and so he decided to send her packing, even though Becky visibly hates him, nominated him twice, is a bigger threat to keep winning comps, and is just an all around meany! Even if that was the plan 674 weeks ago, why care about it at this point? And why not at least return the favor to Becky and nominate her and Jackie together? I don’t get that move by Steve and am a little disappointed with the second part of the double eviction. I feel it was almost a waste to get rid of Jackie at this point. But, in actuality, nobody is really a favorite to win right now, so I guess getting anyone out is equal to any other person. I’ll give that move one half of a snap, no twirl, swirl, whirl, curl, quarrel, hurl, or circle.

Good night, nurse! We’ll have to wait until Sunday night to see how this all plays out and who ends up winning the next HoH and who goes up on the block! The season is starting to wind down (even though it really isn’t & we still have over a month left), so things should be getting more and more interesting.

Until then…

Twitter: @BigBrotherRecap

One thought on “Big Brother Recap – 8/14/15

  1. Poor Steve just wanted his hug from Jackie (probably had a jiz accident in his pants due to her short tight skirt and sky high heels). Even though it has had very little screen time, I guess he was friendly with Shelli and Vanessa. He sure chose his nominees like a 6th Sense member. My thought was that he had a backdoor plan for Becky and then realized that he should have nominated her directly. His buddy John couldn’t take the chance to use the veto because he would nominate John’s girlfriend Becky. On Sunday, they will probably show more of the backstory for the flip on Shelli and Steve begging John to use the veto and John telling him to shove it. I also loved John’s first vote reactions to Julie. Still waiting for someone to nominate the twins and have the simple rationale that they are a pair. I thought Becky handled herself poorly in case Vanessa did get voted out and even if she didn’t as she would be on the jury.

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