Big Brother Recap – 7/6/15

July 6th, 2015 | 6 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

Here we all are again, trained lab rats just sitting in front of our televisions watching a bunch of lab rats scurrying around a house! And we wouldn’t have it any other way on this wonderful Sunday (well, Monday or whatever day you’re reading this) night!

Quick note about tonight, I’m all class over here at my two-person viewing party, eating jello shots with a spoon. The one thing you should take away from reading this blog is that I’m in no way a wreck of a human being. I’m completely stable.

Also, I may have a special treat for you later today or tomorrow or at some point this week, depending on when I release whatever it is I have up my sleeve for you all. It’ll be worth the wait, so since you have no choice but to wait, just hold on to your reality show horses and know that it’ll be awesome. Or not, who knows.

Let’s get to the reason you’re all here…

The show starts off with Shelli telling us she can’t believe she won HoH. Don’t worry, Shelli, we can’t believe it, either! And the second obvious fact of the night is that Clay is excited that she won HoH. Well of course you are, Clay. Your Big Brother sugar mama will be nuzzling you close all week to keep you all warm and safe. And, to complete the trifecta, we get the resident shot of the one Shelli/Clay can’t stand anymore, Da’Vonne, letting us know she’s not happy that the person who hates her the most in the house is now in power. It’s fixing to be a great week for Shelli and Clay, and a down week for Da’Vonne.

After last week’s exposure of Audrey as the crazy person in the house, we have to delve deeper into that storyline, so tonight we’re told about how Audrey told some folks how Vanessa (who has been non-existent so far) was the mastermind of an all-girls alliance she was trying to form. There wasn’t much clarity given to whether or not the alliance was formed or if Vanessa was just discussing it, but that doesn’t much matter when what matters most is that crazy is involved and we just want to see the crazy. And crazy is what we get when Audrey then goes to Vanessa to tell her that there are people in the house that are associating her with an all girls alliance. I’m not exactly sure why she felt the need to tell her that, but she did, and then made matters worse when Da’Vonne entered the room to talk to Vanessa, and as she left Vanessa asked her who thinks she’s a mastermind of a girls alliance and Audrey spits out that’s one of them right there, speaking in regards to Da’Vonne. First off, the whole going to Vanessa to “warn her” was beyond stupid, but then choosing someone who so obviously is friendly with her to be a part of the scheme made it even more beyond what stupid can ever be. Like, I’ll never be smart enough to come up with a stupid enough word to explain the move she just made.

And not only did I think it was stupid, the karma gods felt it was stupid, too, because Vanessa immediately (or at least in episode time it was immediate) confronted Audrey about her story. She asked Audrey right in front of Da’Vonne but in true fashion of what crazy means, Audrey never breaks and tells Vanessa that Da’Vonne did say that she heard about the alliance from her. Da’Vonne, literally dumbstruck by the craziness that is Audrey decides she needs to call a house meeting to call out this crazy demon and have the house exercise this poltergeist b!tch. But, just like that little girl on the bed telling the priest at her exorcism that his mom sucks c*ck in Hell, Audrey never broke character and if she was going down, she was going down with the lie. She continues to deny she made up the story about the all girls alliance and that Vanessa was never masterminding one. Kudos to the b!tch for having the balls for that. Sorry…let me correct myself here, kudos to the b!tch for once having balls. My mistake there. If I’m being honest, I actually think that was the right move for her do. At this point, she’s beyond nuts, but at least she’s nuts and not admitting to lies. In the game of Big Brother, people lie about everything. For all the rest of the house knows, she is telling the truth and Vanessa was trying to form an all girls alliance. If she never admits it, it surely could be true. Who knows. But still…everyone in that house knows Audrey is all types of crazy. There’s no denying that. She can deny it all you want, but the last person to know you’re crazy is you, honey, so fight the power for a little while longer but go ahead and seek Big Brother help as soon as you can.

After all that goes down, the show tries to restore some sanity and give us some game talk between Shelli and Becky about what they’d like to see happen this week. They both formally agree to nominate pawns so they can backdoor Audrey on Thursday. And while they’re in power, they want to use it to gain all the information they can from the house. Smart………..

………until Becky decides she needs to tell EVERYONE in the house what the plan for the week is. I’m sure she probably used Kathy Griffin’s phone to call some people outside the house to let them know, too. She just started dialing random numbers, letting them know they’re safe and Audrey’s getting backdoored. I mean, seriously Becky, you couldn’t just tell these people they’re safe and then ask them where their head is at? You just got done saying you want to GAIN information, not GIVE away information. Nobody has to tell you sh!t because the sixth word out your mouth is “Audrey.” Followed by, “She’s going home this week.” Then followed up with, “Don’t tell anyone about the plan.” Really, Becky?!? Nobody has to tell anyone because YOU TOLD THE WHOLE DAMN HOUSE ANYWAY!!!!!

6 thoughts on “Big Brother Recap – 7/6/15

  1. I’m so glad you’re back writing for this site! I LOVE reading your recaps! I am definitely a fan!

  2. Thanks, @auntsam! Let’s also be clear to everyone else that this isn’t MY Aunt Sam. Someone actually does like me! 🙂

    I’m glad I’m back too. It’s been fun writing this blog again. Thanks for reading and for the comment!

  3. Great recap Scott! You are so right about common sense dying as soon as people set foot in the house (or maybe they just don’t put many people with common sense on the show?) The paranoia must be eating at their brains.

    My husband and I are so irritated with this season already, though I think it’s a cumulative effect. It’s just like you’ve said before: let’s stop messing with the formula. All these stupid twists are getting irritating. Just show us the basic game. Let that be the “unexpected.” I like that we aren’t wasting time with those freaking food comps anymore, but having Battle of the Block, Twin Twist, House Takeover stuff all in there together is like throwing way too much sh*t at the wall and hoping it makes for good TV. And this eliminating some votes thing is starting to feel like strategy and good gameplay is out the window and luck is taking over.

    Anyone else wondering how Audrey is not the target all of a sudden after that absolute atom bomb exploded back on her? I swear, this smells like Production interference to me….would not be surprised if they want to keep her in the house longer and are influencing the houseguests in the DR. I smell a rat….like Production suggested to Shelli that Da’Vonne was gunning for her, making her want to take her out first. I know prior houseguests have revealed that this happens and they only realize it once the watch the show back later and realize that the person was never after them.

  4. If you watch the live feeds or read the live updates, you’ll see that the houseguests openly talk about questions production asks them in the DR and can see how they’d lead them to believe certain things were happening. Of course production plays a big role in this game, however I do think they stop short of forcing people to do things. I think they just make suggestions and let it run through their mind after that…

  5. I think it would be great if Jeff had flings with more than one woman in the house as that would amp up the drama in a different way than we have ever seen on the show. Wondering if a showmance is in the cards for Audrey if she survives the week and if that would cause CBS to freak out.

  6. I don’t see Audrey having a showmance in the house. The chick is barely trying to look cute and is NEVER not talking game, so I don’t see it happening.

    In all honesty, it appears that Meg and Jeff have the best shot at having a showmance, even more so than Clay and Shelli. Shelli just doesn’t seem interested in taking it to the next level. She’s holding out better than I thought she would…

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