Big Brother Recap – 8/7/15

August 7th, 2015 | 1 Comment | Posted in Uncategorized

And that brings me to my next issue I have with this season. All these people keep talking about is making it to jury. I want to make it to jury. I just want to make jury. I don’t want to go home this week, at least not until jury. At one point or another, just about everyone in the house has said something along the lines. And I get it, you make jury, you keep getting paid the stipend, you get to continue your vacation, and you get to live in a pimp house with no cameras on you, eat great food and just swim all day. That’s fine, but you’re on Big Brother! A show that thousands of people would KILL to be on and all you’re worried about is making to jury?!? Does Shelli have penis brain, too? For Austin, I get it, he literally thinks his penis is going to enter one ore more of Liz’s orifices, so making the jury house is imperative to his plan. But come on, people, you’re playing a game for $500,000 and all you care about is just getting to jury. I get that last season was boring because Derrick won the game as soon as he stepped foot in the house, and the whole house voted with each other for almost the entire season, but I have to argue that this season is worse just because it doesn’t seem like 10 or 15 of these people are even playing the game. They’re just there to be there and production tells them to say game stuff in the DR so they have stuff to put on the air and show other faces than Vanessa and Clelli. It’s eternally frustrating.

At the Veto competition, anybody else think Becky lost that last round on purpose? It looked like she most definitely short-armed that rope and lazily let go of it, knowing it wasn’t going to make it to the mat. After four rounds, she knew what kind of power to put behind the catapult, but I have a feeling she wanted nothing to do with that Veto and the pressure that came with it. Just another sign of someone who really isn’t there to play. She hasn’t done anything all season long, really, and she plans to stand out how?!? I really feel like some people come into this house to play for 2nd place now. They want to be Victoria and get carried to the end and just hope that whoever wins will take them and not pull a Derrick and take the better competitor. I don’t know, it just seemed that way to me. Anyone else feel like she lost on purpose? In the end, James won the Veto and we all know he’s not going to use it, so this last 20 minutes of the show are pretty pointless.

Oh, and Shelli cries because she lost.

And more Shelli crying about how she’s not going to see Clay’s face for 2 whole months now! Again, she’s talking TO HIM like she knows that he is the one being voted out! This house would be incredibly stupid to not vote her out. Not only is she obviously the better competitor (in terms of Big Brother competitions, at least), but she’s also the better game player, and is the one that has better alliances made with other houseguests. But again, none of these people are paying attention to the game, so they probably will vote Clay out just because they think she’ll mentally break down and lose her damn mind…like she hasn’t already lost it, though!!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What do we have here, Meg?!? Clay?!? What is going on here? They were all over each other. Literally, that is what every couple who is about to have passionate sex looks like right before they rip each other’s clothes off! I mean, it looked like they were on their honeymoon and didn’t care who was watching. They kept at it even as Bobcat was standing right in front of them, picking his teeth in the mirror! And he stood around like it was a normal thing that happens in the house. I’m not sure where this came from, but you know damn well that Meg is voting Shelli out and will be doing so with her hands down her pants, in full “excitement” for what she’s going to do to Clay the second Shelli leaves that house!! If Shelli is voted out, two things are going to happen. One, Clay’s definitely going to inject some hot beef into Meg’s pootie tang! And two, Shelli is going to LOSE HER SH!T watching it happen from home! Oh man, if I thought Meg was a serial killer, we’re going to have two Big Brother female serial killers out in the world after this happens! Clay should probably hope he’s the one voted out, because if he stays in that house and does what his hot beef tells him to do (which he will, because the way he stuffed his chiseled chin into Meg’s chiseled chest, he wants to see those bonkers flop freely), no matter what he does, he’s going to have one nasty death served his way. His hot beef will most definitely be permanently cooled off in one of their freezers…let’s all stay tuned for this to unfold!!

After all that horned up action, Clay gets back together with Shelli to go talk to James to try and offer him any information that may change his mind. It’s a last ditched effort and they have to try something, but they have to understand that one of them is still going to be in the house and whatever information they give him can come back to bite that one in the @ss the following week or down the road, so them telling him that Austin has an alter ego, Judas, which allows Austin to make promises he doesn’t have to keep may not have been the best move after all. For starters, she sounded bat sh!t crazy saying it and even James mentioned that, and to finish it off, she basically just described everyone else in the house. You do realize that James just made a promise to you earlier this week not to nominate you or Clay, right Shelli? And guess what, he doesn’t have a “Judas” personality and he still went back on that word! This “information” may be true, but it truly means nothing in this game. This isn’t real life where they’re committing some major crime and James has to worry about Judas ratting him out to save himself. Your fate has been sealed. Nice try, though.

At the Veto ceremony, Shelli talks about she doesn’t feel they “deserve” to be in this position at this time. Of course, this is more talk about how they’re suspecting it’s the week before jury and they “deserve” to get to spend the whole summer together since they’re in love and all that, but get over yourself Clelli. Nobody “deserves” to be on the block, you just are. And one of you are going home, so suck it up, suck him up, and give him something to remember you by so he doesn’t stray over to Meg…

And we end the episode the way we started it, with James overstating whatever he’s doing right now and Shelli crying…it should be an entertaining eviction night! Let’s see how it all unfolds…

Ooh, we get sophisticated Chen tonight with the classy glasses! Not sure where else to go with this one, so I’ll just leave it at that…

As we’re ushered inside the house, we get the two idiots talking about how they’re choosing “love” over the chance at winning $500,000. What a bunch of morons. You’ve known each other for 47 days now, both of you signed up to win the $500k and both of you understand that you both want to win it, so the least you could do is tell each other that you’re going to try and stay in the house, but while campaigning you just won’t be rude in your talks about the other one. There are ways to campaign to stay without blowing up the other nominees’ game. You two just need to smarten up and realize that. And realize that you don’t even love each other, haven’t even kissed yet, and are going to give up your chance at a life-changing amount of money for that person, who would still be “in love” with you even if you did try and stay in the game…I can’t even right now with Clelli. Can we send them both home? Let’s do personality tests on all of your future contestants and weed out the punks who are willing to throw away their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for someone they’ve known for a month!!

After these two losers are off the screen, we head on over to James telling us that Shelli is his target this week and he hopes that everyone in the house sticks with that plan. Well, that settles that. Clay is definitely gone.

I guess we should get ourselves situated with the first half of this episode being all Clelli, since now we’re getting some weird pillow talk while Vanessa lays at their feet. I get it that there isn’t privacy in that house, but isn’t more weird that Vanessa is just lying there as they’re trying to have some private love time together?!? Who does that? People in Big Brother just like playing third wheel, I guess.

Maybe while she was lying there, she thought out her plan about how she wants to keep Shelli this week and that leads us right into Shelli telling us that she’s going to do everything she can to stay this week as long as it doesn’t hurt Clay. Yeah right, that b!tch is definitely going to campaign against him. Clay’s an idiot. Shelli is probably the biggest target in the house and he’d have an easy case to stay with that as the starting point and end point of his argument. Smooth move, Clay. Enjoy Texas as you watch Shelli still lose the $500k.

And just as I pointed out in my previous recap, James is most definitely going to go to Austin and let him know that both Clay and Shelli were talking to him about his Judas character and how he’s done some shady stuff in the house and so on and such. So…of course, Austin is going to run right back to Vanessa and Liz (?!?) that Clelli ratted him out but most likely didn’t tell about the alliances. Or at least I heard him say that he wasn’t sure if he mentioned that, but I did hear him say that he didn’t know if they mentioned anything about the alliance. Either way, Clelli just comes off more shady now.

Vanessa then goes right to Shelli and asks her about what was said and Shelli said she doesn’t want to campaign but then adds that she’s the better player and makes her case for Vanessa to keep her and campaign for her. See Clay…this is why you never trust a woman! Once again, I hope enjoy watching the rest of the season from your parents couch.

After Shelli semi-apologizes to Shelli, she goes and does damage control with the twins and Austin. She mends fences with them and most definitely “campaigns” to them to stay, hoping that they can continue to work together after the love of her life, the person she doesn’t want to hurt, and the person she won’t campaign against. Clay is too nice to be upset about all of this, but if that were me, I’d be pretty pissed about that. Although I wouldn’t have to be pissed because I would never just give up my game for a woman I met 47 days previously. It could be Jessica Alba promising me all kinds of dirty things when we meet in the “real world” and I’d still do a little campaigning. Maybe not a lot…but definitely still some…on the down down low…

One thought on “Big Brother Recap – 8/7/15

  1. Steve – barely on the show at this point. I don’t remember seeing or hearing from him until the vote. I agree that Becky threw the challenge. I think Clay regretting his decision to ask to be voted out will happen within days. I was surprised that it was their first kiss as I had assumed that they were taking care of business off camera in the bathroom all summer. I was really hoping that Shelli’s farewell message would have been “Sorry Clay. You were just a showmance. I’m here to win, not find a boyfriend.” Prediction – Based on Bobcat’s vote saying it was a crazy day, Sunday’s episode will show different times during the day where Clay went around and convinced everyone to vote him out.

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