Big Brother Recap – 8/14/15

August 14th, 2015 | 1 Comment | Posted in Uncategorized

Let’s start this blog off with a little good news, huh?!? Congratulations to you all, you won’t have to hear me complain for two whole paragraphs about how slow this season is moving today. I’m good. We’re all good. And I’m sure this news hits you where it makes you happiest and we can all go about our Friday’s with an extra pip in our step and start our weekends off with a bang!! So let me go ahead and get this party started…

And the party starts with Steve telling us that he’s uncomfortable with his position in the house. What position is that, Steve?!? I’m not so comfortable with the fact that you think you have a position in the house. I’m pretty certain you’re not even a floater at this point. You’re non-existent in the Big Brother house this season. And, what do you mean by Becky “keeps putting me up?” She won HoH back in week 2 and put you up. And even back then there was a plan in place to let you guys win the Battle of the Block and come down from being nominees. I know that you couldn’t know about that, but I’d imagine that Bobcat told you that at some point this season since you guys chat a bunch. Or that someone told you about it. Or maybe not since you probably don’t talk to anybody outside of the walls and yourself. Keep thinking that you’re some big target that ONLY Becky is going after. Even she isn’t a powerhouse in the game yet, so maybe you SHOULD be comfortable with your position in the house. You’re all set for someone to drag you into the final 2 with them so they’re guaranteed the W. Congratulations, sir.

After the nomination ceremony is over, Becky immediately takes Shelli upstairs to talk to her. Yeah, because that’s not a 100% put-on that you’re not targeting her or anything like that. No HoH would nominate someone and then nicely ask them to talk upstairs to further drive home that they’re going home that week and they’re the main target. With Vanessa being the actual target, Shelli being her closest ally, and her being fairly astute to what’s going on, it probably wasn’t the best move to steal her away right then. I know that Vanessa was in another room when you took her upstairs, but there’s no telling if she would come back into the kitchen and see you guys walking up there, or stroll around later on and notice that Shelli was missing, and that you were as well, and put two and two together. But, she decided she needed to pull her upstairs to reiterate the fact that Vanessa is the target this week, something she’s already told her about. #BasicBecky, ladies and gentleman. Someone blow a train whistle and slow this chick down. I get it that snagging power finally can build the ego and make you want to play the game harder, but if you’ve already gone over the plan with the nominee, and you want the backdoor to be completely surprising, don’t go doing stupid little things that can make it evident that one of the nominees you nominated (and the only one of the two that is any bit a threat in the game) isn’t a target.

I think an issue I’m having with this season is the fact that it’s such an individualistic game. These alliances are soggy pancake soft. There’s absolutely no validity to any of them. Here is Becky telling Shelli, who just lost her main ally (Clay) that the plan this week is to get out her other main ally (Vanessa) and she’s not putting up any fight to save her. She’s just trying to save her own @ss, but doesn’t realize that hey guess what, if my main allies are gone and Becky isn’t truly working with me but is working with Meg, James, and Jackie, maybe I might be the target the very next week!! The least she could do is try and offer up other suggestions to Becky. Play the Vanessa will always be a target in the house, so why not save yourself the famed blood-on-your-hands and get out another threat in the game. Make the argument that the Judas’ Jiz trio needs to be broken up. It makes perfect sense and won’t put too much of a spotlight on the fact that you’re trying to save Vanessa since the fact that those three are going to stick together no matter what, even if Julia’s half of the Jiz stain isn’t appreciating being stuck on Austin. I know that Shelli is aligned with them as well, but in reality Vanessa is her closest ally, so she at least needs to try and save her! At least she could approach Vanessa and SUGGEST (without telling) that she may be a backdoor option this week so they need to come up with strategy to bring to Becky and her floater crew to make them think twice about actually doing so. I just feel that any true alliance would always work with each other to keep each other safe. But last week Vanessa punked on Clay and now she’s doing the same with Shelli. Maybe #BasicBecky has it right by not wanting to hear any more talk about deals and alliances this season. Maybe she knows nobody is worth listening to since the deal ends the second that other person leaves the room.

Oh yeah…Jackie’s DEFINITELY given a lap dance or 6,000 of them in her lifetime!! I’m quite certain if James wasn’t going to masturbate to seeing her in the bathroom stall, he’s easily going to do so to that!! I have read that the Vegas show that she’s involved in DOES contain nudity, so we know she’s comfortable with dancing while naked. And we know that when girls (and guys) are comfortable dancing naked, and they consider themselves dancers, at some point you’d have to imagine they stripped. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, either. I know if I had what it takes, I’d do it. I hear strippers in some clubs make six figures a year, so there’s no room for me to make fun. I’d take half that to strip @ss naked any place, anywhere…so no judgment here.

Shelli actually makes a smart play and asks Bobcat what Becky’s plan is for the week and what she’s mentioned doing, and if it involves backdooring Vanessa. Bobcat confirms this with her, so it makes Shelli feel a bit more comfortable, but again misses an opportunity to try and swing a different story with someone in the house, who could then take it to Becky to try and save her closest ally. Even Shelli feels bad about not trying to save her as she’s making this week all about saving herself, which I’m 100% ok with. I’m not saying Shelli shouldn’t be doing that and thinking that way, just saying that there’s just no substance to any of these alliances.

After those two chat, the Mac Man goes and yaps it up with Steven and tells him what the plan is for the week, which is, of course, news to him since his position in the house is to not know anything that’s going on. Mac even takes it as far as to tell Steve to choose him as Houseguest Choice, if he picks that chip, and that he’ll win the Veto and NOT use it on him. Look at Bobcat turning the tables on these people. Here he was all upset that people were asking him to throw competitions left and right, and now he’s up doing the same thing! Funny how people are always ok with doing things when they don’t have any effect on them, right?!?

After having that conversation, Steve is at a complete loss. His two closest allies in the house hate each other, so he doesn’t know who to trust, who to stay with, what to do, or even where to go, so he stands right by the front door, just in the middle of the hallway and asks for his mommy! Seems about right. I think that joke writes itself. It’s hard to be funny when things are funny on their own. It’s almost less funny to make fun of him wanting his mommy.

Oh and Liz actually likes Austin now. That’s not shocking at all. Well…maybe it is. But in the end, girls that crave attention, and are locked inside of a house will probably eventually start to like a guy if he’s the only one paying them attention. I still say this is a nomance. I don’t think we’ll ever even see them truly kiss. There’s just no way she’s attracted to him physically or in any sexual manner. She just likes the attention he gives her and that he’ll do anything for her. I hear that Miami has a culture that breeds this kind of actions from women. There are a ton of “models” that live in the Miami area and since not all models make a crazy amount of money, they tend to find the older, rich men who will take care of them and basically just give them money if they show a little reaction to the attention the men are throwing at them. I’m not saying this doesn’t happen everywhere, but I’ve read and heard stories about this being a big lifestyle down in Miami. I’ve seen pictures of South Beach, so I understand it. And again, no judgment from me. If I were a girl and was even a little bit attractive, I’d be f*cking every man that could walk who was willing to buy me a car or buy me a house, or take me shopping for a new wardrobe, or wanted to snort cocaine off my t!ts. It’s a free country, live it up girls!!

One thought on “Big Brother Recap – 8/14/15

  1. Poor Steve just wanted his hug from Jackie (probably had a jiz accident in his pants due to her short tight skirt and sky high heels). Even though it has had very little screen time, I guess he was friendly with Shelli and Vanessa. He sure chose his nominees like a 6th Sense member. My thought was that he had a backdoor plan for Becky and then realized that he should have nominated her directly. His buddy John couldn’t take the chance to use the veto because he would nominate John’s girlfriend Becky. On Sunday, they will probably show more of the backstory for the flip on Shelli and Steve begging John to use the veto and John telling him to shove it. I also loved John’s first vote reactions to Julie. Still waiting for someone to nominate the twins and have the simple rationale that they are a pair. I thought Becky handled herself poorly in case Vanessa did get voted out and even if she didn’t as she would be on the jury.

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