Big Brother Recap – 8/28/15

August 28th, 2015 | 4 Comments | Posted in Uncategorized

And when she asked Johnny about the timing of when the alliance was formed after Steve told her that the five person alliance wanted her out this week, he said it was last week, but why couldn’t Steve just turn around and say that the plan to get her out has been brewing for BOTH weeks? It’s the truth. Her winning the Veto put that fire out but the plan was still in talks between the five of them, so why couldn’t Steve just say that to her, rather than apologize and say he must have messed up his timeline of things. No Steve, grow some hair on those nuts of yours and tell her that all five of you wanted her gone but that it was Austin and the twins leading the way. Make Vanessa question the trust she has for them as well. You’re killing your game here. How big of a fan are you? And you still don’t get it? Just go home already, Steve. Thanks for wasting a spot in the house.

At the live vote, Johnny boy gets voted out! And thank goodness for that. I would love to go the rest of my life without having to hear his laugh ever again. Or him talking in the DR. And then tell me I wasn’t the only one who was completely annoyed with him during his interview with Julie?!? I mean, I get that people like him, and that the laugh and his voice are funny in bits and pieces, but if you have to put up with hearing it for longer than one sentence, it’s WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much. Am I right, or am I just an a-hole? I’d probably say I’m more of an a-hole in a general sense, but this time around, I think I’m right…

And then he tells us that he’d go after Meg?!? WHAT? Are you f*cking kidding me right now? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life and I really just feel like this season needs to end because I don’t know if I can stomach these people anymore! Meg? You want to target Meg to break up James and Meg? Why not just get James out then? At least he’s won comps and has played a good social game so far. Why would you get Meg out? I can’t even talk more about this right now. I just hope Johnny boy doesn’t get back in the game then.

What do you know…another cliffhanger episode! Jesus, are these people taking cues from the Bachelor in Paradise folks who leave every episode as a cliffhanger?!? Why can’t they just have had the comp for who comes back into the house be separate so we could watch that and then just find out the HoH on Sunday? Lame.

Well, anyway, I’ve already looked up who won and it’ll be another interestingly boring week in the house, so we’ll have that to look forward to.

Also, in the best news of the night, this Saturday (8/29) is my BIRTHDAY!!! YASSSSSSSSS, B!TCHES!! So if you love me, which I know you all do, wish my pretty @ss a happy birthday on whatever social media you follow me on, or just follow me to do it and then unfollow since for some odd reason it’s too much to ask you to follow me anyway!! 🙂 Or just shoot me an email, I’ll send you my PayPal info and you can send me some money. Or, if you show me a picture of the gift card you bought me, I’ll send you my home address…which will just be my neighbors address and they’ll just give me the mail when they get it since it’s not theirs. Or I’ll just check their box every single day to see when it comes. Either way, buy me something, ok? I’m too old now, so nobody buys me gifts anymore so birthdays are kinda lame, so make it exciting for me.

I do enjoy alcohol, too. Just saying.

Anyway, I’ll have myself a boring birthday weekend and check back in with you folks as a middle-aged man on Monday. Until then…

Twitter: @BigBrotherRecap

4 thoughts on “Big Brother Recap – 8/28/15

  1. Your first paragraph – yes, I feel the exact same way. It’s confusing. I think it’s because I don’t want any of them to win, because this has been by far, the most annoying season. I don’t want to hear any of them talk anymore, in the house, in DR, anywhere. Their voices annoy me, and worse, their gameplay annoys me. Vanessa annoys me, and I want to get behind one of these other players to win, so they’d have to get her out to do that, but if they get her out now, it’s too late bc they should have figured it out already, instead of the stupid ‘don’t want blood on my hands’ gameplay sh*t that I’m so sick of hearing. I’ve starting skipping parts of episodes, and not even watching most, and muting people bc I can’t do it. I have NEVER done that before. There are always times in the season where they all suck and we’re annoyed, but not like this. There is always something to watch, even if it is to snark about. But I’m getting close to being apathetic about this season – which in my mind is so much worse than hating it. So happy your column reflects how I (and probably many others) feel about this season!

  2. Oh, and the peeing on Liz paragraph? Hilarious. Thanks for that. I think people overuse it all the time, but I really did lol.

    And happy birthday! As I am on holidays and will be having several drinks already, I will have at least one of them for you. And the rest to calm my nerves after a bear came to visit (true story. Less than 10 ft away. All is good though.)

  3. I’m totally with you on the Vanessa thing – I want everyone to see that she’s walking away with this game and get her out. But I also don’t think ANY of the others deserves to win so I want her to stay. So stupid.

    WTF was up with Steve being such a p*ssy to Vanessa? Seriously are people that afraid of her? And they are all playing a game so call her on her shit and start playing yours. So stupid.

    I can’t even handle this season any longer. I’ve not not looked at who comes back into the game but I hope it’s Shelli. She seems like the only one that might be able to turn things around and get anything done about Vanessa running the house – and then maybe she’d deserve to win. Ugh…

    Happy Birthday btw! My hubby’s birthday is today too so I guess lots of awesome men were born on August 29th. hahaha! Have a good one! 🙂

  4. For the first time in years, I tuned into After Dark to see who got back in and who won HOH. Awful broadcast with poor audio quality. How they clean it up and get good sound for the cbs show, I have no idea. Vanessa reminds me of Tony from Survivor – emotional and scheming non-stop. Regarding Julie’s looks – look up the old articles with the before and after plastic surgery. I did not know Austin had a girlfriend – thanks for stirring that up Zingbot.

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