In all honesty, I contemplated not even writing a blog for this sh*tty episode, but I figured I might as well throw something on the site, rather than have to answer three emails, a facebook message, and two tweets about where my Monday blog was (I can tell by the lack of communication and comments that most readers are bored with the show, or my writing, at this point so they aren’t even bothering to check). I don’t quite understand why CBS thought anybody would care to watch the drubbery they filled our televisions with this fine Sunday evening, when some of us nice husbands were giving up watching football live so we could watch some stupid reality show, who then shows us how much they consider our viewing pleasure when they throw up some crummy rehash episode, where they coached the three remaining dipsh*ts to ask each other about stupid things that happened 40 days ago, like when Ian dressed up as a dog (uh, hello CBS, you JUST rehashed this on the last … Continue reading
Author Archives: Reality Steve
BIG BROTHER – 9/14/12
I am ready for this season to be over with. That’s not to say that it hasn’t been a good season, because it has been a fairly decent season of Big Brother (a whole hell of a lot better than last season, for sure), but I’m just ready for it to be done with. Let’s just move on to Survivor, give Dan his stupid check for $500,000 so he can go waste his time publishing some stupid book nobody (including his wife) is going to read. And, just so we’re clear, I’m not saying this just because Dan is going to win. I get this way every season, around this time, just waiting for it to end. For some reason, I just like this show a lot more when there are more people in the house. It’s just so boring when they get down to six, or five, or whatever. Of course it makes matters worse that my favorite is never left in the house at this point, but what can you do about that, … Continue reading
BIG BROTHER – 9/10/12
Let me just say how great it is to have football back in my life!! I’m not sure how many of my readers are NFL fans, but I can’t express to you how happy I am to have football back on my Sunday’s! And, I’m also glad that I only have to endure football AND Big Brother for two Sunday’s out of the season. It is difficult for me to pass up watching football live to watch some reality television show, but I do so since it is only for two weeks. Once Big Brother is over, I can return to Sunday being only about football and peace will finally be restored in my life. I think basketball and baseball should take after football (and golf, for that matter) and only have games on the weekend(s), and one other night of the week (like Monday Night Football – although now, this season, each week there will also be Thursday Night Football). I just think there is something to be said when you’re only playing one … Continue reading